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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Will do. See you sometime around then. Also, if I can't get to you over AIM, I will try the OCR clan IRC channel, and then the other OCR ones.
  2. Who's herograw, some noob? (I say that for everyone's birthday) Oh, and happy birthday.
  3. Hey, did the database die or something? The address I have is out of date. EDIT: nevermind, google had it listed.
  4. Uhm... wow. This one fell behind. Bumping so no one comes in and makes a new one. Also... uh... anything new happening in the PSP? I think there's a God Of War game for it now.
  5. ME! I WANT ONE! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Codes in sig, is your's in the OCR clan database?
  6. Not to me. I still have all that stuff when it goes down. I just have to load the bookmarks file I exported from last time. Gestures, cache, settings, everything else is intact. Maybe FireFox doesn't like you?
  7. When Firefox experiences an error, or if it is shut down abnormally (like it freezes up and you have to use Task Manager to shut it down), it will most often loose bookmarks. It's a glitch that has been around for the last three or four versions. Mozilla says they are taking care of it, but I still haven't seen any fix for it, despite upgrading to the newest versions each time they come out. It happens, so just use Firefox to export your bookmarks to a separate file as well as using it's own built-in back-up.
  8. Any one got any idea on length? Ten, twenty hours? More, less? I know that it just came out (in North America, that is), but play length is an important aspect for deciding what games I get.
  9. These guys had people in E4All t-shirts handing out tickets and fliers for their show at PAX this year. Douchebaggery is a requirement to work at E4All, it seems. Effectively picketing another show to draw attention to your own is just... douchebaggy. I can't respect an organization that does stuff like that.
  10. One option is to find someone here that has them all, and is willing to burn them all to DVDs and then mail them to you.
  11. There's nothing substantiating that there is one. And don't get started on that screenshot with Johto in it. That still hasn't been entirely proven. Back on topic... Toys R Us is supposed to have a deal where if you buy Phantom Hourglass, they will also give you the guide book for free. Now, I like free stuff, and I do like guidebooks (more for nostalgia than for help... that's what gamefaqs is for). But I have no idea if this deal is going on in Canada as well. Anyone know one way or the other?
  12. In Winamp, I use an inverse bell curve, with the bottom of the curve at 1K. It may seem a little high, but with the speakers I have, it works great.
  13. Voting for DA and pu_freak's Brand New Day is going on in Final WIPs. Go comment and vote.
  14. Not being too familiar with the series, I don't really know how close it is. But considering that Russia is currently a giant hot-bed of piracy and counterfeiting (both music and other material), they shouldn't be going around poking people and asking about who "borrowed" music from whom. Also, what's with the Metal Gears pissing(?) at the end of the video? Or are they about to launch into orbit by using rockets?
  15. If you're set on starting up a project, I would advise the following: 1. Wait. There are lots of projects going on right now. At least wait until some of them have wrapped up and are set for a release date. For every project that is started, it will push another out of the spotlight that much sooner. Each project is a tremendous effort of time and talent. The people that did it deserve their time in the limelight just as much as everyone else. 2. Be prepared for some rough times and expect having to do a lot of personnel management. You'll be dealing with upwards of thirty people, each one doing their own thing. There are applications, submissions, setting deadlines, periodic updates and finalizing work, setting up artwork and website design... even over several months, it can take a lot of effort to do. The person(s) that run a project will be busy doing lots of things. Don't forget that your remixers are going to be busy too. Some of them will be pulling double duty with other projects and personal remixes. Not to mention work, school, private life... don't forget to factor that in to your plan. 3. Choose something that hasn't been done already. I don't mean as a project, I mean something that hasn't been remixed at all (or much at all). There may be some great source material from certain games, but if there are fifty remixes of each song, it's pretty much been covered. So please, do something that we haven't seen yet. At the very least, choose a different style of the same source material. I'm still waiting for an all big band or slow jazz album of Final Fantasy 6 or an all-country take on Mario. 4. Don't let it sit. Prolonged inactivity nearly killed Pokémon: The Missingno Tracks a few months back. It was only because we pushed ourselves back into operation that we got to the last critical steps. So force everyone to keep going, even if it pisses them off a bit. (And no, we're not dead, we're moving along pretty well now, thank you very much) Every project brings with it new takes on music, and a lot of the time it's welcome takes. The enjoyment a listener gets out of it is important, and when a project fails, it's a loss. Most of us may never get a chance to hear any of that music. Finally, there's more to it than just saying "Hey, let's do a remix project!" and then walking away. Put the time and effort into it from the beginning, and all the way to the end. If you can't do that, then either hand it over to someone else that can, or don't bother starting it at all. This site is the only place I can think of where a bunch of members get together and actually complete group efforts. Ever go to a site (like GameFAQS ?) and read about people saying they are making their own game? They ask for people to volunteer for it, some do, and then it goes nowhere. OCR, on the other hand, has done it more than a dozen times, and each one shows a level of quality that I haven't seen anywhere else. I guess that's it. I predict a few tl;drs, but whatever. It's advice; take it or not.
  16. You beat him later, right? Or at least, told his parents that he might have accidentally packed it up with his stuff when he left, right? And then beat him. Right?
  17. I don't download many. I'd estimate about... ten movies this year? Maybe a dozen? And of those, only about three came out in theaters here. The rest where from overseas and never saw any kind of release here, even DVD. Of those three, only one I liked (28 Weeks Later, of which I bought the DVD). The other two weren't worth shit. I haven't bothered with any more Hollywood stuff since summer. I'm pretty much done with getting Hollywood movies now. I might go see something in theaters, but only if it's cheap seats or someone else is paying (like when we went to go see Resident Evil 3. The tickets were given to us). As for music, they don't sell the stuff I want in local stores. I've gone online and looked up sites to order it. It's either "I've never heard of that,", or "we don't ship to Canada" The US, sure. But for some reason, Canada isn't a place they can ship to. How fucked up is that? That leaves games. I can get games here. There's a wide variety and they are decently priced. I know what kinds of stuff I like, and I know that I can expect more or less what I want from them. Why shouldn't I buy the stuff that is easily obtainable and download the stuff that is fucking impossible to get at all? How is that hypocrisy?
  18. Nah. I'll download movies because most of them aren't worth paying to see. I'll download music because most of the stuff I like isn't sold in stores. I'll download a comic book if I hear it's good (like that Metropolitan one). But games? No. Nintendo gets my money because they make stuff I like.
  19. AWESOME! Four quotes from one comment. Not bad.
  20. So it's our fault for someone else's terrible attempt at "remixing"? Wow, that's some logic you got there.
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