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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Yeah, but is it the full version, with all 81 tracks? Or just 40? I'd rather wait for the actual CD set than a game-rip. Until then, I'm going to wait. Besides, I still have to play it first.
  2. I remember when TO started doing pokémon remixes years ago, but never got any of them past the WIP stage. I still have his Ice Cavern remix, in fact. I also remember when he asked if he could do this song for The MissingNo Tracks. It was already taken by someone else, though, and he seemed a little disappointed at that. I wish we could have worked something out, but, alas, it was not to be, I suppose. But I am glad to see not only another pokemix on OCR, but also a pretty good one. I sort of wish I had said yes back then, but that's my loss, I suppose. Congrats, TO. You've been trying to get a pokémon remix here for a few years now. I'm glad you got it.
  3. Game rip or the fancy-ass 2-disc? I'd rather wait for better quality, non-clipped-off-at-the-end-because-someone-doesn't-know-how-to-record-things-properly version. Besides, the one I found only had half of the total track list.
  4. But, thanksgiving was over a month ago! Oh, wait... that's right. It's the American one. Just like in everything else, you guys are behind the Canadians once more. Hell, ours goes back about fifty years earlier than yours does. When are you going to finally switch over to metric and join the rest of the world, anyway?
  5. SMG OST torrent to hit in January. Countdown has begun.
  6. Legally, and courtesy-wise, it would be a good idea to ask them first.
  7. To each their own. I don't like a lot of games that are "OMGF MUST PLAY!!@", and I'm not any better or worse for it. For myself, at least, it was both a great game, and a great game experience, in that the game gave me some truly enjoyable times.
  8. Bastards, I still can't believe they removed all the OCR albums... Well, maybe this will change their mind this time. I doubt it, but there's the chance.
  9. Ah, fuckers... I just saw it and was going to mention it. So, it's actually a fake?
  10. Wait, from what I got from the original japanese announcement, it wasn't out until later this year. Either I read it wrong, or you're from the future!
  11. What, ripped from the game, or from some magical CD/DVD/other format thing? And I think I pmed you, but never got a reply.
  12. I know... I'm in the middle of studying for an exam all the time, and whenever I watch a clip of Galaxy... I have to stop. It's like being a kid, and it's another week until christmas morning. The wait is brutal and sadistic. Which makes me somewhat masochistic, I suppose. Why else would I watch the clips?
  13. Someone on Kotaku commented that the deal in Japan is for premium members only, making it even more exclusive. If you don't have enough points, you aren't getting it. So, even some of the Japanese are getting screwed a bit.
  14. Your troll-fu is weak. Come back once you master the basic techniques. Then... then we will face you.
  15. Oh my god, it works so perfectly.
  16. That soundtrack will be up on a torrent or ten the instant someone in Japan gets it. I'm going to just wait.
  17. Must... wait... two more weeks... Then buy... Mario... Galaxy. Fucking exams and shit.
  18. A common, and accurate, response to the whole thing. Since then, they downplayed the whole comment and I think at one point someone pretty much apologized for the remark.
  19. According to the Ratchet and Clank guys, Galaxy is based upon their game and Miyamoto has been copying them for a while. Seriously, look it up. Here's a rather biased interview, for example. And a Joystiq article to boot.
  20. Who's Shael Riley? Some noob? Or noobette? /obligatory birthday comment
  21. So... I finally got Dementium: The Ward. If you don't know, Dementium is a FPS zombie survival game. Think Silent Hill/Resident Evil in form, but Half-Life in function. And despite getting some pretty damn good reviews from various sites, it still seems to slip under people's radar. In fact, most of the places I went to looking for it said they never heard of it. Top screen shows the action, bottom screen is your aim, health display, menu, map, weapon select and notepad. You can write down stuff you come across (when I got the notepad, it said "why did you do it?!?!", to which I automatically wrote "for the lulz"). Handy feature, as clues are not saved for you in anyway. Music and sound are subtle. Most of the time, you aren't really noticing it. Even the heartbeat from your health meter isn't really there. But monster screams are solid. You know there's something in the room with you from the start. I'm only into the third chapter (which judging from the meager map I have, which is only two of seven floors, and only of one half of the total building, is nowhere near the end), but I have found that it is actually pretty decent. The developers recommend playing with headphones, and I can see why. It's more... enclosing. Play it in the dark, with the door locked. That way the cat can't jump up on you when you're trying to explore a blood-smeared maternity ward. Fucking cat... The difficulty level seems to jump a bit at times. Until you get the first firearm, you're going to take damage a lot. Luckily, there are lots of pill bottles to restore your health. Big gripe: you can't take them with you. If you need to restore your health, you have to go back to wherever you saw one last, and zombies repopulate the rooms you just left sometimes. But then once you have the gun, the zombies seem to die to good old fashioned smashing a lot easier. And those fucking screaming flying head things... expect to die the first time you bump into them. Several times, actually. Just avoid them if you can. All in all, it seems to be pretty much what one can expect. It's a zombie shooter in a freaky hospital at night, loaded with dark hallways and little puzzles to advance your way scattered about. The fact that it's on the DS makes it stand out a lot more.
  22. This is what really separates the three console makers. Not specs, not games, but how they treat their customers. The very people that let these companies exist in the first place. Nintendo offers the most consumer-friendly customer service. If you get a ba system, they will repair it or replace it, and that's if you actually have a problem in the first place. Honestly, how many times have you had a Nintendo system (From NES to Wii, Gameboy to DS) die on you? And if you do, they will do it for free. Hell, you can get replacement games from them in most instances. My Wii Sports disc was scratched up a bit from the cheap packaging, and they sent me a new one when I told them about it. Microsoft, thankfully, has acknowledged the issues with their console. They don't try to bullshit anyone about it anymore. If there's a problem, you have options. Most of them are reasonable and effective. You can get it fixed under warranty. The unusually high failure rate is being addressed and fixed. Sony... Sony blames you for their known hardware trouble and charges you extra to get them fixed, even though it's under their warranty. If this sort of thing carries on, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a class-action lawsuit over it.
  23. Wait... Irate Gamer? Angry Video Game Nerd? That English guy with the pithy comments? How many of these guys are there?
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