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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I have come to the realization that there are too many DS games coming out in the next few months to afford. Is anyone interested in buying everything I own but my DS?
  2. The fuck you can't. Just because it's free doesn't mean it can get away with being shit.
  3. DA, perhaps a small megaphone? Protect your voice first and foremost. Go to a doctor to see if there's anything affecting your voice, and if there's anything you can do about it. You're one off two female vocalists here, so losing you would be a bad thing.
  4. That is actually a very catchy version of Ravel's Bolero. I'm going to have to find the full version now.
  5. The only other option is to get a flash card and a ROM of Chrono Trigger. The carts are roughly the same price as a game, sometimes up to a hundred bucks.
  6. Nah. I want it on DS. Just put the menus on the touch screen (with basic touch control) and leave the rest of the game alone.
  7. Did you also want the projects (Kong in Concert, Voices of the Lifestream, etc) as well, because that would make it two DVDs. Oh noes, an extra ounce of weight!
  8. Bah. Wake me up when they have Chrono Trigger (near-direct port or new 3D remake).
  9. So, is "Viridian Vibe" the final title, Prophet? Because I have it as "Another Day" right now.
  10. So... Dementium: The Ward. Anyone else interested in it?
  11. Wow, KWarp, it's been a while since you last showed this. I thought you were done with it already.
  12. Really? Since when? They don't use the standard img tags. Weird. I guess I'll have to remove one. Thanks.
  13. Something odd... I'm trying to post three images in an existing post (first one with all the info and updates), but when I go to preview them, I get a message that I have six images in total. If I remove one, I still get one that says I have five images. But then if I delete them all and put the images back in, I can put two in without any problem, but three causes it to go back to saying there are five images. The post used to have the same three images before, but they were removed more than a month ago and are no longer anywhere in the message, not even in code. I'm thinking that for some reason, the boards still think that the post has the original three images, and when I try to add the new ones, it's flagging it as having too many. I've had problems in there before, like not being able to edit the exact same post before, even though I could edit any other post in the same thread and in other threads in Site Projects.
  14. Then you need to switch schools.
  15. Do you know how late that was when I put that up? Give me a break.
  16. And you have the finalized version, right? As a WAV?
  17. Oh fine, you big baby. Wait, did you ever decide on a title for that one? It was still up between Another Day and Viridian Vibe.
  18. Seeing how Tha Sauce is down because suzumebachi's bandwidth was sucked up all at once, you guys may want to contact Generic Asian Guy on the site here. He's hosting the Pokémon project, and says he has a pretty high monthly limit. If you ask, he may be able to help out. Just a heads up.
  19. Microsoft could just bribe the fuck out of SE and pay them to make it so. It's not like Bill Gates couldn't buy them outright if he had the chance. Good thing that SE isn't up for sale, then, huh?
  20. What, the Japanese are ravenous Final Fantasy 7 fanboys? Unheard of, I say! Unheard of! What did you expect? It's a popular game, and the project was well-done. Hell, it could have been utter crap and it still would have brought you down. The initial wave alone would have been enough. EDIT: That would be me, I think. I'm one of the few Canadians with a computer, seeing how I'm far south enough to avoid the constant glaciers.
  21. From Nintendo to Sony to Nintendo to... Microsoft? I don't know. The X-Box hasn't done too well in Japan, and even with certain exclusive titles over the last few years, it's still a very distant third in the market there. The only way I could see a 360-only Square game is if they marketed it solely for the non-Japanese markets, where 360s have seen really good sales and therefore have a solid consumer base. Didn't they have a couple Square titles for the 360 this year? Something about dragons or something?
  22. Obligatory "who's Hemophiliac? Some noob?" comment. Happy birthday.
  23. Didn't this thread already appear last week?
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