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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Yeah, I'd say those are Toad, Mario and Luigi. Without a doubt in any way whatsoever. This is a clear violation of Nintendo's rights to the characters they created. PETA is breaking the law. If they were making fun of Nintendo themselves, they could claim that it's satire,a nd thus protected under Fair Use. But they are using another company's property in their game. Nintendo, you are completely within your rights to sue the fuck out of PETA now. Go for it.
  2. Well, they do use actual images of Mario and Luigi, and the game is obviously based upon the Mario games, so unless they're going to pull some bullshit about it being satire, I don't think that PETA would have much of a chance. If PETA didn't get permission from Nintendo to use the likenesses of their characters, then it's trademark infringement (or copyright... I can never remember which is which). And then by using their characters in a manner which Nintendo may not agree with, Nintendo could sue for losses or something. And if Nintendo cn prove that PETA was making any sort of income from this game... well, that would be really bad for PETA. But, as I said before, if PETA claims that it was used as satire or something else covered by Fair Use, then it becomes a lot harder to fight. Of course, any judge would see that this is not satire at all, and then find in favor of Nintendo. Come on, Nintendo, you know they're using your stuff, and you know they're doing it to make money off of it. Sue them. Sue them now!
  3. PETA can fuck off and die somewhere horribly in a fire. They preach on and on about how we shouldn't kill animals for food because it's "unethical", but then they go around "rescuing" animals from the SPCA and other places that hold onto homeless pets, then euthanise them because they're "suffering". How is that ethical, you fucktards? And their stance on owning pets already earned them a spot on my enemies list. They believe that owning pets is slavery, and all pets should be released, even if by force, from their owners. That also included seeing eye dogs, by the way. If they ever even looked at my cat for any reason, I'd beat the shit out of them on site. And there isn't a court in the country that would convict me, either. Nintendo, please sue the fuck out of these guys. They obviously don't play your games (plumbers stepping on turtles, super-powered animal pit fighting, shooting alien critters in space...), so don't worry about losing any customers or money over this. Just do it, and bankrupt the fuckers. Please.
  4. OK, another ten bucks worth of points. That's a interesting way of handling the matter. If Nintendo is willing to use VC downloads as a means to determine fan interest in obscure games, then this may open up all kinds of other games to the markets outside of Japan.
  5. There goes another ten bucks worth of points...
  6. Trade complete. Thanks for the trade, and enjoy your new poke.
  7. I know that, but I'd really like to see that sort of level of screwing this guy over. I guess I'll just have to settle for what the local OCR guys do.
  8. Actually, in this case, his complaint has one single merit. Take Two owns 2K Games, when they bought them back when it was known as Irrational Games. But Take Two doesn't seem too connected with them, and is more of a hands-off owner. JT is still an asshole, though. I think we can all agree on that.
  9. Damn right. I want to see this guy in epic fail for stealing. I know it's wrong to call upon Anonymous to do stuff for you, but is tempting...
  10. What do you want for one? Like I said, I have almost everything else.
  11. Oh my fucking god, Jack Thompson is at it again. http://www.joystiq.com/2007/08/19/jack-thompson-files-bioshock-ad-complaint-with-ftc/ He's complained to the FCC about Take Two advertising Bioshock during WWE. He says it's about peddling violence to teens using television ads. He compares it to using cartton characters to sell cigs to kids. The funny part is that he has no problem with the violence portrayed in wrestling.
  12. Giant bump, as well as a request. I never caught a Tauros on my Leaf Green game, and I'm having a hard time catching one in Pearl. Does anyone have a Tauros they want to trade? I have all the starters and most of the pokédex filled out, so I can trade for pretty much anything you want.
  13. Anyone got a FUCKING Tauros for D/P? I've been trying to get one for a few weeks now, and I just can not find them at all. I've got all the starters and most of everything else. If yo need something, I probably have it.
  14. So I got to watch my friend play the demo on his 360. It looks very pretty, but just watching someone else play... it didn't seem that exciting. I'm going to assume that playing it is, however. One thing I do find a little on the "meh" side, is that they use the old story-pushing method of having someone talk to you over a radio. I know it's 1960 and all, but come on. That's the same thing that has been used in FPSs for the last ten years. I thought this games was supposed to be the biggest thing since the genre was created. I'm going to have to try the demo out a few times before I put down cash for this. Take no offense, fans of the game. I'm just sick and tired of being interested in a new game and then getting burned by it.
  15. Oops, you're right. August 21st for Bioshock, August 27th for Metroid. I misread the 7 as a 1.
  16. No, that's the problem. You can't follow the same soundset and style. That's what makes it sound like it's a midirip or a soundchip. It's too similar to actual game music. That alone will ensure that it never gets past being a WIP here. The site has guidelines for what is considered an acceptable remix, and this doesn't meet them. Check here for the specifics. While it doesn't explicitly mention chiptunes, I'm pretty sure that just recreating the melody also fails to meet the standards of a remix. What you have, simply put, is a recreation. It's exactly like what you would hear in a a game; you have added nothing to it to make it different from the original version.
  17. Uh oh... The PC version is out on the same day as Metroid Prime 3. This could be either really expensive, or really "I can't make up my mind".
  18. More accurately, you made a chiptune of the some of the themes (namely, chocobo and battle victory) from Final Fantasy. While it's a decent chiptune, I don't think it counts as a remix. First, you have little to no actual remixing happening here. These are pretty much note for note (in fact, a few of them sound like straight game music). There's no interpreting of the melody, there's nothing to show that you took it in a different direction. Second, you've just put some different songs together into medley. And a medley a remix does not make. IF you had stuck to just one of the original songs, then you could have fleshed it out more. Lastly, those little pauses between each theme are distracting. It really doesn't sound like a song, so much as a demo of songs. This entire thing sounds like the audio from a gameplay video, showing various scene from a game. It has nothing that qualifies it as a remix, even under rather loose definitions. Sorry to be harsh, but this sounds like a midi-rip or maybe a soundchip from a ROM.
  19. You guys are terrible, cruel people. Post some logs when he starts crying.
  20. Considering that not everyone has a 360 to play it on, the PC demo is the only thing to tide us over.
  21. PC demo has been "unconfirmed". Next, the PC version will be "disregarded" or some other crap like that. Fuck.
  22. Minor but important update on the first page.
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