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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Wow, I guess just looking at his site fixed the problem. Awesome.
  2. I actually like the BestSkinsEver.com ones. You have to apply them using a slightly soapy water mix, but once it sets, it's fucking good. And if you want to redo it, it will peel off without leaving lots of smudges or anything.
  3. Spamming a remix thread? Get out. Go away. This project is for everyone to listen to, not for some site to use for their own purposes. We had another site try this, and even when I very politely turned them down, the owner flipped out and gave us shit for being all elitist and snobs. I'm not going to let these remixers and all their effort be sucked up by some random people because a) they can't do any music themselves, are too lazy to do it themselves, c) they think that just because someone else is doing it right now, they can get them to just supply it for free. I'm actually getting a little sick and tired of random people PMing me and asking on this site if they can use it. No, you can't. It's not yours, it's for every fan out there. Sounds like a big slice of hypocrisy? Well, it's not. I'm saying it as simple as possible: The music from this project is for EVERYBODY, not just you and your site/project. If we came to your site, be it a forum, or a fan-made game, or a fansite, and we said, "hey, can we use all of your artwork, page layouts and text for our project?", how would you like it? All that effort you put into it, and now someone wants all of it for free? I can damn well bet you'd be a little pissed. So, no. You can not. Stop asking. From now on, anyone that spams their site or game or whatever gets a big fat fucking "NO." and we carry on.
  4. That would be because there are only six actual voice actors in all of Japan. Two men, four women. They use multiple names to help cover lots of roles, and thus be paid more. In fact, all of Naruto is done by three people (one guy, two chicks).
  5. When Video Games Live hit Edmonton back in January this year, I saw one person wearing an OCR shirt. I asked him if he was on the boards, who he was, yadda yadda... he snubbed me and walked off without even speaking to me. Asshole.
  6. None of them are. Injin's just doing the usual "why pay so much for an old game" crap.
  7. But that new one, something Ward, looks a lot better. Early reviews place it pretty high.
  8. When is the next expected/announced price drop? I think I might pick one up for Dead Rising and a few other titles coming out this year. /haven't followed the news on prices lately
  9. Hey! I have a definite article in my name, god damn it, would you please use it?
  10. It's PPR. No quarter asked or given. They do not pull their punches. But I do have to point this out. Why? Because when you say things on the internet, there will always be someone who will find it and use it. From the Penny Arcade Forums, in the Terra Drive thread:
  11. Yeah, that's the sort of thing I was talking about. You just have to get even the smallest little remark about how you're the smart one and we're the dumb ones in. Hey, how about this. If you can make even one post here without using any quotes, in part or in whole, or any latin, or philosophical ideas on the subject of intelligence being trampled upon, or even a little curt retort like the quote above, then I'll be impressed. Hell, I may even be moved impressed enough to say I'm sorry. Oooookay... go.
  12. Hey, Jack. You're slowing turning from "guy we had some fun with and it's all cool now, let's just forget about it and get back to other stuff" to "guy that seems to be taking this really personally, and is throwing jabs at everyone that still talks to him, because he's being petty and vindictive". Why do I say this? Because you are on that whole "I'm a better person than you are because I can quote a book and use fancy words" thing. All it does is make you look like you're trying too hard to gain some sort of self-imagined higher ground thing, and it's not working. Every time you try to act like you're on some sort of holy mission from God about this whole matter, you're making yourself look worse. And given that as a species, internet forum members tend to seek out and attack the weakest of the herd and eat them alive in a sick, sadistic, cannibalistic feeding frenzy... that's probably not the best thing to do. Most of us were just having a little fun at your expense. None of it was serious. Hell, you even had someone outright tell you this in a direct, no-terms-uncertain, precise way. He said it with no malice or trickery or anything. And you reacted in the worst way. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you're a huge role-playing guy. So much, in fact, that over on the Penny Arcade forums, you talked in character in the Terrawhatever thread. That's fine, I don't have a problem with that. That's your thing. I'm also going to say that by not agreeing with you on a pointless matter about whether or not it's a LARP, shows that you're taking the whole thing as a personal attack for some reason. Which it's not, but you seem to think it is any way. Grow up. This is the internet. Take nothing seriously. If someone wants to make fun of you or argue against your opinions, acting all high and mighty will just make them target you even more. No one likes a guy that acts like he's better then them, and with your attempts to make yourself some sort of intellectual victory, you're doing one hell of a job at it. If you don't like what I just said, then maybe you don't belong here. We're not the worst place on the internet, but god damn it, we're going to say what we think. And right now, I'm thinking and saying that you might not belong here if you can't take a little ribbing. If you can deal with that, then fine, you're going to make it here. A round of celebratory drinks and cupcakes for everyone. If not, then maybe you should just leave and go find somewhere where the members won't say things that hurt your feelings.
  13. The band? Maybe. It could just be a family member or a friend taking it upon themselves to do it. Their record company? Totally can see them doing it.
  14. FTFY. I'll take one, with a "First to Point Out the Obvious" ribbon on the side, thank you very much.
  15. I know, kids. I'm scared too.
  16. [ obligatory internet humor-based rebuttal ]
  17. If he wanted to talk about it, then why hasn't he said anything? This thread is his one and only post. He's had almost a week to say something else. He's done his shitty little job, and now he's gone. If he does post anything, it'll be either more spam, or because he's trying to make himself look like he's not spamming.
  18. They damn well better. I'm not driving eight hours to the nearest US Toys R Us store again. Although, I did score all those Mews, so it wasn't too bad. And that one guy who didn't believe I was from Canada kept asking me what it's like there. "Is it really that cold?" "Is it true that weed is legal there?" "Do you actually have the government pay for hospital bills?" Fucking good times, man...
  19. The band may or may not be any good. The whole point is that some little spammer came here and dumped his shitty attempt at viral marketing on us.
  20. No! This is becoming my favorite thread of the year! You can't end it now! Seriously, if we have a "best thread of the year" contest, this is the one I'm voting for.
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