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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. Not to mention that in Japanese culture, tattoos are associated with organized crime and anti-social behavior. Hardly the sort of thing we would expect from an older, prime-and-proper Japanese businessman.


    Don't forget: he was chosen by the previous president, Yamauchi, who by all rights and tradition should have chosen his own son. That was a sign of respect and trust, not something that a super-traditionalist like Yamauchi would have done to a man with tattoos.


    Tattoos = nope.


    Idea. Iwata in his signature suit, sitting in front of an TV with the controller in his hands, and the various game characters crowd behind him. They're smiling and encouraging him. The glow of the TV is shining on his glasses and he's having a good time playing a good game. Slight modification of the original idea, but more towards the "president, designer, gamer" aspect. You really nailed it with that quote. I think we should work it for all it's worth.

  2. The title is great. Nice work. :nicework:


    I like the quote, and would like to see how you could include it. Along that line...


    I think we should have him wearing his signature grey business suit. That's how he always appeared on the Nintendo Direct videos, and it conveys the "corporate president" part. The other items tie the "a gamer" part as well. He was a professional, but he still loved his games.


    The line from the controller to the title is kind of distracting, but the rest is a good start.

  3. "White n***** jew fag" was one such message.


    They didn't seem to like that there was electric guitar remix and that I was responsible for that, so therefore I was a white n***** jew fag.


    I have to assume they weren't entirely serious, or that they don't understand the inherent difficulties of being both white and black. Which then leaves the matter of if they think that jewish and gay are somehow related or opposite of each other.


    I still wonder how that logic works out from time to time.


    Shortly after the album was released, and the early reviews and comments started coming in, I was told by someone on OCR that I was now part of the the "you ruined EVERYTHING I LOVED ABOUT (game title here)!" group.


    Good times.

  4. Usually the OCR staff handle that part.


    We'll have about six weeks for that, and I don't really think we'll need too much? Most of the time, an OCR album gets a fair amount of coverage on the right sites, and things like Twitter and whatnot quickly convey all that really fast. It'll spread pretty fast in the first few days.


    I'm more concerned that people will like it, and no one will send me hate mail for (insert arbitrary reason(s) +/- racist comment(s) here) like with The Missingno Tracks.


    I'll rough up a few sketches and see what you think

    Cool. Cool cool cool.

  5. Having thought it over more, I do know what I don't want for the cover:

    • No bananas. It's a meme, and memes are not appropriate for a tribute album.
    • Nothing with gravestones or funerals. The album is celebrating his work, not mourning his death.
    • No video game characters crying. It's cliched as hell, and again, celebrating > mourning.
    • Avoid any specific religious imagery. I don't know what, if any, religion he was involved with, and arbitrarily assigning one without knowing could be really disrespectful. Better to play it safe.

    Other than that, I'd not too picky. Remember, the album is meant to celebrate his work, and his life.


    I'd like you guys here to submit a few ideas. I'm creatively depleted right now, so feel free to throw some ideas at the walls.

  6. Hi, I'm an artist. Well actually I'm a freelance illustrator , game artist and artistic designer. I'm still getting my profile validated at the moment and my website is under construction (neither look good on a resumé, I know!) but as a Nintendo fanboy I'd be delighted to be considered for the cover art. If you're interested, please feel free to respond and maybe I can send you some of my artwork via email?

    Thanks for the consideration


    Portfolio or get out. :<


    No, seriously, let's see your work. Link, post here, whatever.

  7. I can't seem to find anything that I like or fits with what I want for a cover. I think that might be because I don't really know what I want for the cover.


    I'm really bad with this sort of thing. So instead, I'm going to blame Themysteriousassassin and then take all the credit for when the album goes quadruple platinum.

  8. Hey TheDamned, I think I pointed out a a couple pages back that A-Ron has dropped out, but I still see our names on the list of remixers.


    Still down to collab if someone wants - I can also mix/master if you want.

    Yeah, just looked back and saw it. Missed it entirely. Sorry.


    Are you still in or should I remove you as well?

  9. That is true.


    On a related note... any one know any good artists? We got remixers a plenty, but I haven't been able to wrangle up anyone for the cover art. I've been asking ones I know for a few weeks, but they're either not interested or not available.


    We really should have cover art for this, you know? Like, it would be a nice touch. Like having icing on a cake with some sort of artwork on the cake.


    So if you happen to know any artists, feel free to drop some names here. I'd like to bribe kidnap clone? see their work.

  10. I don't really even care about this.


    So far, it's announced, with no real footage shown. What little footage that is shown isn't any kind of augmented reality, like looking through your phone's camera and seeing  Pikachu running down your street. It's more like you're given a direction on a map and when you get to those coordinates, you get a regular game screen with a button to push to throw a ball.


    Hardly the same thing, and hardly worth being interesting in.

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