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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. Features voice work by Dante Basco and Ashly Burch

    Well, say what you will about games on kickstarter, this is a good sign right there. They may not be Liam Neeson or Patrick Stewart, but they known voice actors with some serious credit behind them.


    You may remember Dante Basco as Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra. Not to mention about a hundred or so other roles over the years.


    Ashly Burch as Tiny Tina, one of the most popular and memorable characters from the Borderlands series, Sasha in the english dub of Attack on Titan, and about three dozen other roles over the last few years. You know her voice, even if you aren't aware of it.


    So this kickstarter at least has something going for it...

  2. OBVIOUSLY, what needs to be done is to label all remixes by genre(s), and also institute a favorites system. That way, people can pick and choose what they want to hear, and avoid anything nasty like new styles, or games they don't know about, or even anything outside of their personal comfort zone. They can then rank their favorites, and all rankings will be public for remixers to see.


    This will create an atmosphere of popularism, one that will drive all remixers to strive for even better work.


    The weak remixers that can't handle this will die out (or go to another site, same thing), resulting in a purer race of remixers. The strongest will survive, and then repopulate the decimated members list with their uber-spawn. Nay, their ubermixers.


    Truly, this is the only way.

  3. So, I get a call that a package showed up at home. I didn't recall ordering anything, and I even checked my eBay and Amazon orders just to be sure. Nothing.


    When I asked who it was from, all she said was "some video game place".


    I had no idea what it could be. It would be about all day before I could even get back to see what it was, but I put that thought aside and went back to work. (well, not work, per se, but close enough).


    But all day, my thoughts kept returning to that package. Game place? I should have asked more questions, but I couldn't call now, she wouldn't be home and I was supposed to be busy. But a "game place"? What could it be?


    I racked my brain over and over, trying to think of what it could be. Did I order something, forget about it, and somehow miss the order during my search earlier? Did I accidentally order two of the same item, and one just now happened to be shipping (not the first time that has happened...)? Was it a glitter bomb? Did I piss off someone enough to warrant a glitter bomb? Probably, but then it was a question of who would bother sending it? None of the usual cheapskate bastards, that's for sure.


    But then, for some reason, another, much better thought struck me: what if it was a gift? And not just any gift, a gift from a game company! Of course! The box wasn't from a "game place", it was from a game place, a place where they make games. Oh god, what could it be? Who could it be?


    The list quickly narrowed as I went through it. Not Sega, as I don't own any of their stuff. Can't be Sony, they have a restraining order against me. Can't be Microsoft. Nor Gearbox. Not EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda, Valve... None of them make sense, as I don't really have any connection to them. Everyone, from A to Z, big to small, all of them didn't make sense.


    Then it hits me. There is one company that might have noticed me. I bought some games and systems from them over the years. I've been involved in several fan community things over the years. Maybe... maybe they noticed me and sent me some sort of gift because... because... because REASONS! Yeah, some random exec saw my name and said "this guy... this guy right here, give him a free (insert product name here)! He deserves it!"


    And I knew it could only be Nintendo that did it. Sweet, wonderful Nintendo. Their benevolent gaze swept upon me, and they saw I was just and deserving or some kind of crap, and they saw fit to gift me... something!


    Lunch came and went quickly. I don't even remember eating. I was just trying to think of what they could possibly send me. A new Poképmon game? There isn't one any time soon, and even then, how would I get a copy so early? A New 3DS? Nah, too expensive, and why would they send a system? Some sort of non-game merchandise? I can't think of what, though. A poster? Boring. A soundtrack CD? Got it already, most likely. An Amiibo? Why would they send an Amiibo?


    By the end of the day, I had deduced it could be only one thing. Only one thing that was new enough and big enough that they would (for some reason) decide to let me have it, for free, as a token of their appreciation for whatever it is I have done for them. I knew it had to be... a copy of Tri Force Heroes! I got home the fastest I have ever made that drive (without getting pulled over).


    The box was just the right size for a game, with some room for padding to protect the sweet, sweet content. Maybe there was a Link Amiibo or something wit it! GET THAT BOX OPEN, my brain screamed. IGNORE THE PAIN, OPEN IT, it shouted. The tape on the box gave way to my desire to see what incredible treasure this cardboard box held.




    It was just some Mighty Number 9 stuff. Some shirts and a plush cube thing. I guess the first part of my Kickstarter swag shipped, and it didn't show up in my email. Not as awesome as a new Zelda game, free from Nintendo itself, just for being a customer and fan.


    TL;DR: My interest in Tri Force Heroes drove me to think I was getting a free advance copy of it from Nintendo, because my brain is stupid like that.

  4. Well, considering this album is smaller and is being done faster to meet the whole sudden death of Iwata thing, I'm not surprised that it's not on that document.


    I guess we'll have to either edit a version to put our little album on or somehow figure out a way to show it's for this album.


    Or get someone in OCR to alter it for us. EITHER WAY!!

  5. We got the link baby! Yeah! (Unfortunately, it doesn't have the album in the selection, but hey,that can be fixed... I hope...)


    Link? What link?


    I'm not sure; I would be ready to do it, but The Damned, is it still a yes?

    Brandon, you don't have to take off your mastering. I promise, if it takes minimal adjustments to get things consistent, it will be minimal, and I'm sure yours is like 99.999999999999999999% there. :razz:

    I say yes, so everyone that sent me your WAV files, I'm sending the links to tim for mastering.

    I assume that's how that works. WAV files, hit a button, things magically work out fine. Everyone gets a slice of their favorite cake.

  6. Not a game itself, but the Halloween themed DLC campaign for Borderlands 2, Bloody Harvest, is something I plan to hit up at the end of the month.


    For those not familiar with the game, it's an FPS with some RPG elements. You're a mercenary with a heart of... something. It's hard to say, as you take jobs like starting a clan war between space-hicks and Irish stereotypes because it's fun. You fight a giant evil corporation that is going to kill everyone on the planet, but you also take jobs from them because they offer nice things as payment. Lots of high-tech guns and half-naked psychopaths and robots. Fun times.


    The game then throws a curve-ball by, while still in the future-on-another-planet-with-robots-and-spaceships setting, sending you to a small town where a zombie needs help with some locals, a giant pumpkin monster and a horde of skeletons with assault rifles is trying to take over, and you get to fight a half-spider, half monster, half human blacksmith. Yes, that's the right number of "halfs".


    And it's all completely within canon. :V


    There's a bunch of stuff to do in this small campaign, like a series of hidden objectives to unlock a secret area and a hidden boss battle. Plus a guaranteed loot drop of a Legendary Rocket Launcher that fires exploding fireball missiles.

  7. Unfortunately, most of RBY's locations aren't really themed towards types. You could make the argument that the various city's respective Gyms could be used like that, but that idea doesn't work for GSC and later games, where there aren't always Gyms that cover Fire, Grass and Water types.


    You could use Cinnabar Island for Charmander, and then either the Surfing theme or Cerulean for Squirtle, and then either Viridian Forest or Celadon City for Bulbasaur.


    Gen 2 (Gold, Silver and Crystal) are going to be hard, as there are no Gyms for Fire, Water and Grass. And there aren't really any areas that could fit Fire and Grass themes. There's lots of Water ones, though, like the surfing theme,.


    Gen 3 is easier, as you have Lavaridge City for Torchic, Sootopolis for Mudkip and a few other areas that can easily be connected to Grass for Treecko. But not Fortree City. It may be a city of treehouses, but it's also home to the Flying type Gym. :<


    Gen 4 gives you lots of options. Turtwig, like Eterna Forest and Eterna City (day or night versions), Pastoria for Piplup and a few locations for Chimchar.


    Gen 5 gives you Striaton City, which has the first Gym with variable types. Depending upon your starter, the Gym Leader changes to have an advantage. Could be goof for any of the three. Plus, there is a Water-type Gym in Humaliu City (from Black 2 and White 2).


    Gen 6, is kind of restrictive. There's only a Grass Gym as well as Santalune Forest, but not many areas that would really apply towards Fire and Water themes. The only really Water-themed place is Azure Bay.


    Just some ideas in case any one was wondering where to start.

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