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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. That's pretty damn close to what I was imagining. Nice work. But the random hand in the air is odd. OH MY GOD! It's the ghost hand of Stalin, here to choke the capitalist life out of us all!
  2. Just about any kind of propaganda poster would be a good example, but here are some old Soviet Union ones. http://www.google.ca/search?q=soviet%20propaganda%20poster&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi&biw=1204&bih=720
  3. Could you make one that looks like an old propaganda poster? Like, the logo in the middle, filling up the poster, and then some vaguely East Block style text beneath it? That would be pretty fucking cool.
  4. Some dude on some DS homebrew site is trying to port Minecraft over to the DS. And so far it seems to be working. http://www.ds-scene.net/?s=viewtopic&nid=11053&p=1 Now I don't think the site linked above is doing ROM distribution, so that link should be within OCR rules. There is also a demo file for use with a DS flashcart in the first post. I think it would benefit far more from being done for the 3DS, but I guess Nintendo isn't giving away dev kits for homebrewers to tinker with just yet.
  5. The link I used gives me this. Your link gives me this. They all have "ca" prefixes, so it has to be bullshit Canadian server fuckery. I suspect that the Canadian Netflix system isn't running the 3DS service yet. Good job, Netflix Canada. PS: I'm so sick of getting shit all over by having to use Canadian pages and searches and all that bullshit. Let my look for things OUTSIDE of my area and stop telling me where I am "supposed" to look!
  6. So... Netflix finally came out for the 3DS. Go to the eShop and download it for free. If you don't have a Netflix account, it pops up with a little screen saying "Go to netflix.com/Nintendo3DS to start your free trial" and a code to enter for a free trial under your 3DS. Except that doesn't work, because there is no "netflix.com/Nintendo3DS" nor a place to enter said code for your free trial. That's not a good way to set up your webpage or your app. So unless I am really missing something here, I don't know how this is supposed to make me want to try their streaming service.
  7. Genders tend to identify an individual that the don't know the true gender of as their own. Women will think of other faceless people as women, and men will think them as men. Given that the vast majority of OCR is male, it makes sense that the most likely default gender to base another forum member as would be male. Also, you type like a man.
  8. As are all good Irish folk. The males are eaten by the women upon the completion of mating.
  9. Soloed in Left 4 Dead 1, Dead Air campaign. Expert difficulty (instant death from Witches, incapped by Tank punch and rock, 20 damage per Common Infected hit) with only pistols and no bombs. Didn't even get to use gas cans to set things on fire. Most of the time, it was running like shit to the safe room, hoping that I didn't get pounced/smokered/puked on and that the tank chasing me was too stupid to use a direct route. The finale consisted of baiting tanks into the naturally occurring fire in the pit near the plane and running around until it died. It took a few tries, but I did it. NEVER DOING IT AGAIN.
  10. FF6 was the gateway drug of my early RPG years. Terra Theme be tripping, yo.
  11. It's been a while since Thalzon said he would find his FC... Is he still looking for it? (Hint: in the main 3DS menu, click on the smiley face in the top middle of the touch screen. Then scroll right until you see your own Mii. Your FC is displayed on the top screen, under your name.) Also, after thinking about it, even if there is a significant drought of good games until later this year, I can still play some of them as they come out, and I still have my DS Lite for the majority of the games I play. FC added to the front page. OoT is mostly decent, but I find using the L-button to target is kind of awkward. I think it's a matter of how you're sitting and resting on your lap or something. Putting the 3DS against my leg makes it easier. EDIT: Added everyone on the front page list to my friend list. If you get a "Gerry" with the number 2019-9771-2777, that would be me. Might want to change the name to something more recognizable.
  12. Willrock does wonderful remixes, and some of them I actually like. Oh, birthday wishes and all that.
  13. Whaaaaa? I thought this one already got posted when the album came out. It just seemed kind of obvious. You know, awesome source, awesome remix, awesome title...
  14. So, it's practically law that parents have to stop being lazy or stupid? That would be nice, but I doubt it.
  15. And we can all rest assured that this will stop similar laws from being made in the future, right? Right? Guys? Anyone?
  16. Once something is popular, it is no longer any good.
  17. http://www.destructoid.com/lulzsec-quits-but-not-before-hacking-battlefield-heroes-204622.phtml LulzSec calls it quits, but only because they feel like it. It totally has nothing to do with the fact that members were getting arrested or anything like that. Shut up! It is not!
  18. So, knowing I forget his birthday, he changed into a dinosaur and attacked me. This is why birthday threads are important, people!
  19. Uhm... there was a dinosaur attack in my city, so I couldn't get to the computer until just now. Really. I was going to do it first thing this morning, until a Triceratops came in through the window. Happy (almost too late) 25th birthday?
  20. Screwattack.com has a nice rating system. It goes like this: Buy it! - It's good, or great, or even awe-fucking-some. You should buy it because it is worth buying. Rent it! - It's not really worth owning, but you can still get some enjoyment out of it. Find it, rent it, play it, return it. F*** it! - It isn't worth playing. It may just be a terrible game overall, or suffer from one or more distinct flaws. (Now, they recently reviewed LoZ: OoT 3D for the 3DS, and gave it a "F*** it!" score, because the reviewer felt it was pointless to get, as he felt the N64 and GameCube versions were good enough. He did like the updates and thought some of the new stuff was cool, but his personal preference was for the older versions. It's a site that likes its nostalgia and retro games, so take it as you will.) Any way, the three-point scale is kind of vague, but it's also quite direct and to the point: If it's worth getting, get it. If it's not worth getting, don't bother with it. I like that. The worst part is that I had almost the exact same idea years ago, but I thought no one would ever take it seriously.
  21. How the fuck would you wear a soapbox? If it's one of the old fashioned ones, it's big and heavy, and full of splinters. If it's a modern one, then it's just cardboard. Not even the good stuff, like corrugated cardboard, but that thin flimsy stuff. It's like I'm taking crazy pills! None of this makes sense!
  22. It wasn't a debate. It was more like "Jack gets his points shot down repeatedly by people that actually know what they're talking about while ignoring anything that counters his arguments". And I don't think it would be a badge. More like... some sort of a piece of sticky-note paper. Because badges would imply a certain amount of importance regarding the event itself.
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