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Everything posted by Dectilon

  1. Because Castlevania is a rock-metal game-series Like... Metallica S&M or something This remix was kinda plain. It's been done before and will be done again. Its only problem is that it isn't particularly heavy. More "live" castlevania metal! More lyrics! Considering what metal lyrics is usually about I don't think the challege is that great
  2. Man, you just made my day with that translation! Did you run it thru an online translator?
  3. Abstract?? This? You have not seen the world yet Anyway, this tune is very old. It's not my favorite of the NK-tunes (oh, and isn't it fun we all have different acronyms for them ), but it's bloody good music still!
  4. Oh yes, this one I wouldn't mind having in Doom 4 (if there'd be one). I can only hope that the game holds the same quality as this song : )
  5. Most excellent. Only negative thing I can say about this one is that it's too short! More! Give us more!
  6. Except for the acctual static noices, which I found only irritating, this remix was badass, and I'm going to listen to it again right now ^^
  7. I thought it was a little too sporadic, not really something you can listen to as a piece of music. I can see it being in a movie or something though ^^
  8. I really liked this one. Only let down was that I was just waiting for the lyrics to start
  9. I think it's boring because it feels like the song never really starts. It's like it's in one of those little artistic slowdowns that you get in a lot of the songs on this page, but here it never gets back to the real song. Did that make any sense or was it just confusing?
  10. I'm thinking Unreal Tournament here. They should hire you to make 2005
  11. For some reason it reminds me of "I'm going slightly mad". Don't ask me why. This goes right into my iPod
  12. This one's got a place right next to Godspeed... Which means: Pretty damn good!
  13. If there will ever be an ultimate FF6 ReMix album, this one track can easily cover both the boss song and the atma song. Never heard a ff6-remix this good. And still no one's done Terra's theme good enough...
  14. Brilliant, I need not say more. But I will. You all know the instruments that are in there, you all know the drums, but there are still few pieces of this genre that really feels like there's been thought and work put into it. With 34 seconds, this great song was made. And if that's all it takes, I'll be pushing reload until your next one is up ^^
  15. If you look at it musicaly, this is easily the best piece on the site. Looking at it in any other way doesn't change that fact very much. This is great jazz, and it would be great jazz anywhere, not only for a game remix (cover)
  16. After hearing it a few times, I've changed my mind. It's not just the solo that's great, the whole thing is. The start is a little slow, but what ReMix serves the whole sound package at the start?
  17. I think I said above that I think this song is great. Combining the level and boss theme, staying close to the original, but amplifying the song in a great way. My only question is: What will it take to make you do the rest of the levels in the same way?
  18. I don't see what was so great about the original, and thus I don't see what's so great here. But, the piano solo was absolutely great! More of that stuff!
  19. I'm stunned. I never thought it would be possible to do so much with so little. This is a wave of sound that neither deviates far from, or copies the tune. Nothing short of excellent. Bring us Ground Man next time!
  20. Few things strike me as out of place in this song. It's not as soft on the ear as you might hope, at least not through the first half of the song, but it's still not bad. The Chrono Trigger lair tune slides in and covers the song in a great way, and for that this tune recieves high marks on my part.
  21. This is what I'm talking about! This is a ReMiX! Instead of being a ruined piece or something other than the piece in question this manages to make a new song out of the old, without the trademark dissonance that remixes often suffers, and still retain the feeling of the old tune. Simply the best!
  22. I acctually liked this song. It must have taken some serious work to bring out those "lyrics" or whatever. But, I get the feeling this is Sephiroth lite. Just doesn't push down on you like the real song. Of course, the quality is much better than da MIDI, so I'd rather listen to this, but if there was a remix more like the original "god o death" song, I think I'd rather listen to that. Still, great tune.
  23. I think all the axelay songs rock, especially this one. I think this track was great, but I say we need a faster version too. More similar to the original. And more Axelay lvl music in general! Yeah!
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