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Neo Samus

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Everything posted by Neo Samus

  1. Frr anyone that has listen to the Great Temple/Temple song, did anyone notice the slight change in (I think) Melody?
  2. No I don't. I think because the images are small that we won't notice anything different untill we see it first hand. Edit: I keep playing that track over and over again....it's almost hypnotizing.
  3. Well looks like there will be past stages again. Nice music update too. It was really weird listening to the track at first. After the third time, it really started to grow on me.
  4. I got my fiancee addicted to the Check Mii Out Channel. She loves doing the contests. Has anyone else done the contests here?
  5. I would like to say even though I didn't know Reu personally, his mucis touched my heart. His music was one of the many reasons that brought me to this site and to apperchiate this genre of music. You have my deepest condolences. Drew "Neo Samus" Wiener
  6. That's almost like old school hip-hop/90's Techno sounds. Very Groovy! OH and hooray Widescreen.......I still need one.....
  7. Wow, I'm late posting. I can't believe that Reu died. At first I wasn't sure who he was, then I listened to the songs that he submitted to OCR and my eyes started tearing up. His music was one of the first that I listened to when I heard abouth this site. Such talent. R.I.P. Reu. What ever we deside to do for Kee's family, I will try to help as much as possible.
  8. Ninja Vanish!!! *Poof!*
  9. Same here. I got an email from Gamestop that they were taking pre-orders on Oct. 13 and I was 11 of 13 pre-orders. I was so excited!!!
  10. I second that. I need more space for my VC games.
  11. Soccer ball could be from Nintendogs or just any soccer game, and the other object appears to be a Volleyball. Could be from the NES game.
  12. That was very brave of you JJT to call 911. The situation could have been much MUCH worse. Glad to see you are ok so I can continue to listen to your awesome F-Zero piano mixes.
  13. I was just able to watch the vid. HOLY SHIT that's some insane driving!
  14. Don't you have a Wii? Download the VC version?
  15. I was actually going to comment on that. I still have a CRT SDTV at home and there are almost no jaggies visible.
  16. Maybe it's just me, but the jaggies don't seem to be that bad when I played it on the HD-TV at gamestop.
  17. Have you guys tried the Konami Code yet to see if it works in this game?
  18. Most online games that I know have some sort of Spectator mode. I think it will be a welcome addition personally.
  19. Good arangement. But I'm also not very picky when it comes to game arangements. Calling people whining about too much Midi......
  20. So true, so true.
  21. I like what you did with the pic and my post very nice. Well I checked the Japanese site and it has been updated.....to what I'm not sure.... Edit...again....UK site has it. talks about Handicap. Interesting.
  22. This usually happens with a character update, yes? I wanna wait but if the update is not up in about 15 mins I'll have to call it a night. I have work early in the morning.
  23. Ahem.....*takes deep breath*.....ITS OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update is a little late......could this mean another character????
  24. You'll get use to it. I found myslef tilting my head when I first played Galxay.
  25. I'm thinking they won't release it until closer to the Feb. 10. Maybe the week before.
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