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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. Wagon Christ - "Lazer Dick"
  2. I hope you guys didn't interject with " "
  3. I love the amount of diversification of gameplay in Super Mario Galaxy 2. Also it has an arrangement of Super Mario 64 in it, so it automatically wins.
  4. I think that definitely would help streamline things. For example, my own compo has a thread that I bump shortly before each round starts. I would say this is more effective than separate threads for each round because people wouldn't have to hunt down a new thread each time to subscribe to them. The potential entrant subscribes once, and they'll be alerted each time the singular thread is bumped if they so wish.
  5. Monkeymarc - As the Market Crashed
  6. I finally got around to listening to this, and it's fantastic. The sheer number of tracks led me to put off listening to it as a whole, but I'm glad I eventually did. I love the conceptual flow of the tracks, and the tunes are very well made and put together. Great stuff, recommended.
  7. It sucks! j/k It has a nice driving beat that I can get into. This doesn't sound like any DnB I ever heard, but I guess I don't listen to much RnB, heh. I'm interested to see how this remix progresses.
  8. Daft Punk - "The Grid" (The Crystal Method remix)
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. This makes me regret not putting up the dough to get a request of mine covered. Great stuff.
  11. I'm surprised this wasn't posted in Community, but yeah this is sweet.
  12. I share Erykah Badu's sentiment: "Nate Dogg... Rest in beats".
  13. I see what you did there. In other news, JHCompo has an event page on Facebook.
  14. I go with "butt-stomp" cuz butt is funny
  15. In my case it can become a huge timesuck, cuz I put out a lot of material.
  16. Due to inclement weather, I haven't gotten any shooting done. I at least I've settled which remix to do, and the basic layout of what I want to shoot.
  17. It's like a pal of mine once said: "Labels are for shirts."
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