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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. Happy birthday!
  2. It's an elusive bonus track from their Tron: Legacy soundtrack.
  3. Excellent! Everyone, the compo is on tonight.
  4. I'm thinking that video needs an actual description and some tags maybe. Sounds cool, though.
  5. I can get by with synth1. It's my go-to whenever I need specific, nostalgic sounds, and the interface is pretty intuitive for me.
  6. I'll remind you to complete the aforementioned initiative.
  7. Daft Punk - "Sunrise Prelude"
  8. I believe Ty mentioned Trent Reznor back when "A Team by Myself" was a compo entry.
  9. Nice birthday!
  10. Mine was an arrangment of Walrus Cove from Diddy Kong Racing.
  11. I won't be going to MAG, but I intend to finish up my video before the deadline. I've already done some tests using the iMovie iOS app, and I'm pleased with the results. EDIT: ...and I can barely see my name in the participants list cuz of the teh yellow.
  12. What good is a penis without any grammatical qualifiers?
  13. Happy holidays!
  14. I'm listening to the soundtrack again after watching the film a second time, and I really appreciate the subtle nuances Daft Punk put into the writing relative to the scenes. For example, the music when Sam meets Gem in he street contains elements from the earlier armory scene (the place he met her the first time). Cool stuff.
  15. I like how they acknowledge the Billy Joel original by putting in actual footage of the "We Didn't Start the Fire" music video.
  16. Happy birthday!
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. I see what you did thar
  19. All of the trailer music is included in the film in some form. The more "Daft Punk-style" music occurs in the nightclub scenes, and the more "Inception-style" music occurs in battle scenes. There's also softer music in expository scenes, and so on.
  20. Happy birthday!
  21. Yeah, I was confused because it said "Final wavs will be due..." in the first post, heheh.
  22. I was under the impression that Tron was reprogrammed or "re-purposed" by Clu, and that Tron remembered his original purpose after Kevin confronted him in the aerial battle.
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