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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. Stop 'N' Swop LIVES! OMG! *fangasms*
  2. Ah, it looks as though someone likes my side-sig...
  3. Me neither, but I submitted something anyway.
  4. The title theme is one of those tunes that have to be surgically removed from the brain to be forgotten. Luckily I've had enough blows to the skull to be cured of its catchiness.
  5. Actually I'm going to avoid doing that Kazooie fic for now. There's a slight possibility that I may play through the game when it's released, so that I may get a better understanding of the plot and character arcs. I'm not sure what I plan to submit, if anything...
  6. I already brought this up earlier, but what the hey... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSQ3ZRmkmy4
  7. It looks like there are complaints of pieces being too "smooth". Personally I think the flow of a bustling city leads to an overall smoothness. Chaos would imply a riot or something.
  8. I just saw a massive fireworks display at eye level, not more than 30 or 40 feet way. Living in the city rules...
  9. Is that the same guy that did "Live and Learn"? Wow...
  10. Madness?
  11. But Jaybell already beat both of you to it.
  12. Agreed, though it sounds like Celine Dion teamed up with Kenny G. I can totally understand the reaction...
  13. Well done. Seriously though, it was really awkward when journalists were subtly arguing their games-are-art views like that. EGM and GI were definitely doing that in their articles, and I'd been reading both for years.
  14. Mine is a bit low too, which makes Blue.Nocturne's sound even louder.
  15. I can't decide whether to rewrite my Banjo-Threeie fiction to fit the Nuts & Bolts premise, or to write a continuation that bridges the gap between my fic and the new game. In any case, I might put up a chapter or two as an entry.
  16. That's 'cuz its a rip of Tchaikovsky.
  17. I could do magic with the Rygar tune...
  18. I always thought that was just some sort of glitch in my copy...
  19. I think the "be care...ful..." motif makes up for that, though.
  20. This thread reminds me of when Roger Ebert voiced his opinion about games, and suddenly the word "art" started to appear everywhere in gaming magazines. Sentences like "the developer hopes to incorporate elements that may revive the art form" just didn't happen before.
  21. Gah! I was hoping to listen to this "album" today...
  22. Wait.... "legible"? Do you mean eligible, or am I missing something awesome?
  23. I think I'll just salvage what I have and make a minimal piano piece.
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