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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. Oh lordy, trouble so hard...
  2. *does a check* ...
  3. I thought the point of that scene was that Batman felt the future of Gotham was more important than his feelings for Rachel.
  4. Well, I distinctly remember his hand not being burnt on the "bad" side...
  5. ...and this makes four. Happy now?
  6. :-o:-o:-o
  7. I like the idea of the Joker being the unreliable narrator of his own origin. Sorta brings to mind that comic The Killing Joke. I gotta figure out how to get a copy of that again...
  8. Yep. BTW, I just noticed the source tune sorta sounds like the Full House theme. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhPLGBleVm4
  9. I heard the "Bridge Zone" tune from Sonic the Hedgehog (Game Gear) and instantly set off to make a remix of it. However, I was distracted by something and by the time I got back to what I was doing, I'd already lost the creative juices. Anyways, here's what I got: "Bridge Racer"
  10. I actually started a remix a few hours back, but someone invited me to watch The Dark Knight and I had drop what I was doing to go. The creative strands have already dissipated, but I'll make a separate thread for what's left of my mix since you're interested.
  11. Fuckin' kickass song! Now I'll make an electronic remix of it...
  12. A while back someone asked for the name of a track at another site. The user posted a link to the basic riff recorded from a sequencer, I think. I heard the riff and made a quickie remix as a gag, but I don't remember if anyone actually solved the mystery of the song. So here's my remix: http://www.zshare.net/audio/15562815f57d58ce/ What's that track name?
  13. *watches Wii Music remix of Super Mario Bros. by Shiggy and the Jets* I love how they all jump at the end.
  14. I thought this thread was about improving youtube.com, the site.
  15. For those who were curious, here's my original electronic demo for "Monsters Don't Hurt Mario" with some random drumwork thrown on top: "Monsters Don't Hurt Mario" (demo with beat)
  16. I coulda sworn I posted a message in this thread. My mind must be going... ...and why are helping this YouTube guy to get more views?
  17. Nice save.
  18. Is the uppercase "O" intentional?
  19. WTF?!?! I loved that version -- it had a catchy new bridge and infinite loopability...
  20. Did you really have to quote Lewis Black for that?
  21. This makes me wish I hadn't voted -- I could've gotten a straight zero!
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