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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. LoL, I didn't even read Washington Maverick's entry. I guess I will now...
  2. Ooh, I love working with short riffs...
  3. Yeah, you weren't determined enough.
  4. lol, two entries called "Against All Odds"...
  5. My, there certainly seem to be a lot of project requests going around...
  6. Whoops, forgot to add the source tunes:
  7. Shiggy does not approve.
  8. In that case, I added some more WIPs.
  9. Bundeslang, you might wanna try my side-sig:
  10. The plane would probably veer away from him at the last second due to divine intervention.
  11. OMG you discovered my strategy!!! Actually the sig thing is a good idea, but I don't have a name for my album or anything... Promoting ORC is a also of higher importance at the moment. EDIT: or not.
  12. What, now I gotta bust out some Mario Party fan fiction, too?
  13. I'm not really feelin' it either. It's just as well, since my participating would've taken time away from my Mario Party remix project.
  14. I downloaded CD1 and CD2 and I'm hearing tiny gaps of silence between the segued tracks. Is it just me?
  15. Tracks added! See first post.
  16. Updates! I tweaked "Reversed Engineering" a bit and added "The Loner". Source tune for Mini-Game Island:
  17. Oh, and the source tune for Luigi's Engine Room:
  18. I've been conceptualizing this for a while, so I figured I'd make a thread. Anyways, I'm working on a remix album for the first Mario Party game. Since Yasunori Mitsuda did such an great job creating tunes with realistic arrangements, I decided to go electronic. I had been begging for remixes of the apparently unrecognized Mario Party soundtrack for years, so I'm taking it upon myself to get it done. Here's what's semi-complete at this point: "Starter" (Adventure Begins) ~ v2 "808 Stadium" (Mini-Game Stadium) ~ v2.1 "Instruction Manual" (Playing the Game) ~ v2.3 "Oldskool Jungles" (DK's Jungle Adventure) ~ v1.1 "Connected Rainbows" (Mario's Rainbow Castle) ~ v1.7 "Day of Mirth" (Peach's Birthday Cake) ~ v2.2 "Fog of Wario" (Wario's Battle Canyon) ~ v1 "Reversed Engineering" (Luigi's Engine Room) ~ v2.5 "Molten Havoc" (Bowser's Magma Mountain) ~ v1.1 "Mushroom Interlude" (Mushroom Shop, Mushroom Bank) ~ v1.1 "The Loner" (Mini-Game Island) ~ v2 Source tune playlist at YouTube Album art: More tracks will be added when I develop them more. In the meantime, any feedback would be appreciated.
  19. Four. Four.
  20. I wonder how the title became lowercase in the filename.
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