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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. I was just about to smack you upside the head until I re-read the artist name.
  2. BTW, I now have a bunch of your stuff on my iPod. I even made a li'l album cover to go with the playlist:
  3. No prob. Actually this reminded me that mastering my own album is going to be a massive pain in the ass. Projectivitis?
  4. Those are some pretty intriguing chord changes, man.
  5. I didn't understand the use of this until about ¼ of the way into the track.
  6. This made me want to find out who George Sanger is. So, um, yeah.
  7. Well, I figured Antonio just used the option to hide the year from non-mods.
  8. So... do birthdays only show up at the bottom of the main forums page when a user's birthyear is in place? 'Cuz I don't recall ever seeing mine there. How does that work?
  9. I wonder if Pablo Francisco will retire that part of his act out of respect.
  10. I managed to do a little something: "Code Us"
  11. Nothing specific, really. Just a bunch of native FL stuff with minor tweaks. I used Morphine once or twice, too. ...and thanks for the review. I wasn't really expecting that.
  12. I don't think they make those any more.
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