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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. it's an upgrade. upgrades imply that you can trash your old computer and upgrade to a new one, in turn using an upgrade disc. or that you can upgrade your motherboard, which would break most OEM installations of windows (that were legally purchased by you), and then install w7 on the system. as long as you're not simultaneously using both the old and the new installations on separate computers, you are legally fine. irregardless of what M$ is saying, it works fine. there are occasional hitches, in which case you just install something else and then format and install windows clean on top of it. not too complicated.
  2. i don't know what might cause that. like i said, i've done this on clean installations multiple times. go figure. i would be tempted to blame the MBR for allowing or dis-allowing it to be installed, but i've put it on new hard drives in old hardware, and it worked fine also.
  3. i got a vibe, and i ran with it. that's usually how i work - i'll sit on it for two weeks, and then pound it out in half an hour.
  4. my wife was dumbfounded by that comment. i'm hoping to get larry some content ASAP, so he can start tagging and all that.
  5. last post of the day: i cleaned up the first post's information so that it's more accurate, and added an update at the bottom. i also sent a pm to larry today =) =) =)
  6. hey, i finally got Facies Templum to render right with VSL (exported each individual instrument track two or three times, combined them into instrument groups, then rendered with sax and piano parts, total of about a hundred and thirty renders), so that's done, after five years. and, miku jumped in with his old mostly-finished piano rendition of Eagle Tower, so there's another bonus track! that gives us six now, total.
  7. as of right now, the eighteen tracks that will comprise the album's release (not counting bonus tracks) put us over 80 minutes (by a minimal amount, which i'm working on fixing at the moment). adding in the final track, The Ballad of the Wind Fish, would require us to move to a two-CD format. because of this issue, i'll be dropping this track. it's still covered in the other tracks, so it's not like it just doesn't exist or something. i'm hoping theophany can condense some content from his 7+ minute arrangement of Tail Cave. if he can drop that length back to around five minutes, we'll be good for a one-disc release. also, mustin sent me a track that doesn't fit our stylistic requirements but is pretty darn awesome a while back. he's agreed to try and finish the mastering he wants to do on it before we release, so we can include it as a bonus track.
  8. yes, nabeel. that's what i did. if you go to a big state school, you can get it through their tech exchange program for 8$, and it'll work, too. stevo, i guess the big bolded font up top wasn't clear enough. it's not a work-around. it really just works out-of-the-box, a clean install on a blank hard drive on a new computer with the upgrade disc. it's worth noting that an OEM copy can't be reinstalled - the key only validates one computer. the upgrade version can be revalidated as much as possible, since you bought a full version of the OS.
  9. because they can't do an in-windows update from xp to w7 due to the complete difference in the architecture of them, and they can't do an upgrade from one version of windows to another (say, home to pro) without including all extra content initially and just locking it (making it easy to pirate).
  10. so, i wrote an arrangement of catfish's maw today. turned out pretty good, for two hours of work, particularly considering how gawd-awful the original is. so we're down to one track still left.
  11. did you actually read anything in this thread? seriously, dude, i answered your question in the post immediately prior to your question. maybe if you stopped making stupid threads and read something for once...? neblix, same to you. as i stated before, you can do a full, original install on any system with windows-compatible hardware with a windows 7 upgrade disc. if you've already got stuff on the system, the installer will give you the option of formatting your drive with the old OS on it. if you've got the SAME version of vista as you do w7, you can do the windows-based installer (like, vista pro to w7 pro). in ANY other circumstance, you MUST install w7 with the boot installer by booting to the disc. you MUST have backed up all of your files before doing this.
  12. it started before pokemon. you never know, it might. we're really close.
  13. neither can i =) we're really trucking along. got an update on the last two WiPs today, and i'll be finishing off those last two tracks soon. yay!
  14. let me know how that motherboard is. i've heard a lot of mixed reviews about it, but i'm thinking that the people who didn't like it were on crack or something.

  15. holy crap, i can't believe you actually still had this =) and you got my visitor message, too (your pm box was mega-full). yay! this means that, as of right now, the only track we don't have in lossless is chth's older track (computer got run over, apparently) from the second Age of Aetherius. this is awesome!
  16. i edited the first post, as well. keep me updated, so i can take it down once you've sold it. consoles sell faster than games and merch, i've found.
  17. blue dragon for 15? re5 for 20? dead rising for 15? i got all three for five dollars each at a Game Crazy sale long before they out of business, around Christmas.
  18. hey rexy - we're nearing release of LAproject, and i need a .wav of your track (if you have it) and a name for your track, please! =) thanks so much.

  19. this is where i point out that you can get a new 360 arcade and a hard drive for less than 200$, right? now that the retail price for jaspers is $150, and you can get a used 20gb hard drive for like twenty bucks on ebay...
  20. =) thanks, man! yeah, it was only a touch over three hours. when i get an idea, i pound it out right there and then. can't let it sit, or i'll just lose it. i should point out that all four editions of this track took a total of 3 hours - the first three were about twenty minutes each, and then this was around two hours. since i sequenced most of the bass in one pass, and most of the drums in two passes, that's most of the song right there. i read through the listening party discussion on my track, so i'll answer a few questions here. 1. bass is mad loud, i know - my mixing setup doesn't have any bass presence at all, right now, until i get a sub for to match up with my monitors (both are only tweets and mids, nothing bigger than maybe four inches for speakers), and both my headphones are light (imo) on bass. i'm hoping to go back and fix some of the mastering issues and sub this. 2. superjoe: you should have heard the other three times...they were TERRIBLE. absolute trash =( 3. the snare is part of a pack put out by ueberschall for their elastik player. the pack is mostly drumloops, but there are some great one-shot samples in there. expensive, though. 4. there actually isn't any verb on the erhu or the dizi. forgot byproduct of working quickly, i guess. 5. when i work it through again, i'm planning on doing more with the backgrounds, since they're too repetitive for repeated listening. a breakdown section would be kind of fun, if i could figure out where to go from what it is already =) 6. gario, i just couldn't figure out how to end it, and i didn't want to do the cop-out fade thing. thanks again for all the nice comments!
  21. because, you know, i never am online here. or check my pm box.

    what'd you get?

  22. fuuuuuuuu- i can't believe i missed this thread. happy birthday, buddy 4 lyfe!
  23. what's up, josiah =) stevo, this is excellent. i wouldn't mind different solo lead at 2:15, something less fuzzy but still with the same intensity. i know that's 'your' sound, but i think something that's a little less metal fuzz would work until you ramp it up before 3:00.
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