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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. saw your post in newbies, but i didn't realize you were actually asking a question. the point of workshop (and the subforums below it, workshop: remixes and workshop: others) is to post stuff you're working on. just throw it in one of those subforums. if it's music from a videogame, put it in remixes. if it's an original work, post it in other.
  2. chill out, small fry. you didn't get what i was suggesting. make a thread in general - as in, a forum people look at - and ask for artwork. detail what you're looking for (don't say what to draw, say you need album art and you want it to look mechanical or something like that), and ask people to reply in PMs. you'll get artwork - it might not be the next day, but it'll come around eventually.
  3. that mix came out right around the time i started looking on this site, and since extreme g was one of my favorites on the system as well, i had approximately the same reaction. haroon's work and that mix are the two things that got me here and kept me here =)
  4. you could do what i did - just have your project exist, and then people come to offer art. oa popped up for radical dreamers, and i had three artists approach me about LA.
  5. might be more complex, but it allows you to have 64 channels of midi (or 128, don't remember) using the MIDI Out things easily, with no effort. incidentally, you can also use the box next to that one to send midi data out of a vst, too.
  6. are you setting the midi in for the EWQL driver to 1, as well? there's a gear near the top left that allows you to see plugin settings. set the 'in' port to the same as the midi out port and you'll have it work fine. same as pretty much every plugin ever. i'm surprised that you've never had an install like this before. most of my big libraries - colossus and omnisphere included - installed like this, if i remember correctly.
  7. i'm curious when the user blog thing is going to get started here. i know i'm really looking forward to them. also, is there going to be RSS functionality built into them? way easier to track updates, if it'll work like that. google reader's got a way of pulling updates out of pages that don't have a feed set up, but it doesn't play well with most websites. thanks for the info.
  8. is it possible to get my name changed to just 'the prophet', both here and on my remixes? lowercase, please. thanks!
  9. liontamer can combine your old account's posts (or lack thereof) with this one, if you want. just send him a PM.
  10. updated sig link: http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/4115/sig1q.jpg
  11. i'll keep that in mind. first post updated.
  12. of course not. but it was established pages ago that there isn't enough seasoned remixer help to pull off an album at this point. these hoards of random people don't need to tell us what we already know. we know golden sun has decent music! it's not cool enough to overshadow other major games, though. it's trash when compared to other games that have never had a legitimate project - games like FFX or chrono cross...those are projects that really, really need to happen before a second-rate [iMO] game. it's just annoying when it keeps on coming up again and again. that's all. didn't mean to ruffle feathers.
  13. the first one is worth playing first. it's relatively short, only maybe 8 hours, so you're not losing a lot of time playing through it first.
  14. that's on a pc, though. you're talking consoles, a closed DRM-based system. look how long it takes to download a few updates for, say, LBP right now. 100 megs or so of updates...over a half an hour to download and install them. how long would it take for a full ps2 game?
  15. this is a relatively major issue, particularly with ISPs throttling bandwidth. downloading files from PSN would interfere with most ISPs efforts to prevent illegal downloading on their networks. the bigger issue is that the PS2 is still being sold in stores. we won't see PS3 compatibility until sony has stopped sucking that teat for at least two years.
  16. [/sarcasm] lol! never thought i'd need this tag with you! everyone knows shovelware is for XBLA!
  17. i'm sure they'd only put games that wouldn't get touched on psn.
  18. people can overlook enormous amounts of grammar mistakes as long as there's capitalization. that blows my mind. i need to go back and add some stuff. i finished this immediately before the i# series came out, and being able to add info regarding the GTX series as well would be nice.
  19. i do, but the cables are with the gamecube =) i'll try the local game store.
  20. hdcp is illegal and gross. you just don't know it yet until you get into the specifics of how it's passed between components. half the damn hdmi switches out there won't actually function with it.
  21. is the part where it lists all the tracks in order of completion too long?
  22. blargh, forgot about hdcp, which is on bloody everything. hdcp is crackable, though. you can't burn a bar code, yet.
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