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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. try finding a working psx2psp of chrono cross, for example. there's a LOT of games that don't run properly on the psp.
  2. i struggled with gagazet seymour because i rushed there every time, and so i'd be vastly underleveled when i got there. yunalesca's battle was easy if you had a lot of al bhed potions and some reflect. i still think i like this one the best of them all. i got chills during the first time yuna did a sending - probably one of my favorite cutscenes in any game, ever. edit: better graphics than any laptop at that time, and the battery that you could get would take care of any cords and all that. it's not supposed to be an iphone, for christs sake. it's a console made portable.
  3. i enjoy achievements. it felt good getting my Hoarding the Horde achievement on GoW2, and the Pacifist achievement in Mirror's Edge. stuff like that, i enjoy. i'm not a fan of stupid achievements, though. if well thought-out, they can be a big part of any game. i admit that i spend a lot more time in a game than i normally would because of them, though.
  4. the PSone systems were small enough to fit into a cargo pocket, and the add-on screens for them weren't much larger.
  5. i was going to mention this, too. SotC is such a unique game, but i can't get past how...squared off everything looks. and yes, coop, i'm saying that XII looked bad. did you even look at Vaan's face during a non-rendered cutscene? he looks like his face fell off and was glued back on or something.
  6. ever tried beating halo 3 with all skulls on on legendary? it's called a mythic run. google it. ninja gaiden doesn't have squat on a mythic run.
  7. think we found ourselves a graphics designer. keep your head up for some new artwork soon.
  8. see, my first console was an n64 - and i had very few games for it, and sold it for pc games pretty quickly. i had an xbox for KOTOR, fable, madden, and halo, but my first console i bought for myself was my 360. i just don't want to go back, now. i've played games like chrono trigger, and i really enjoyed the visuals for that game too - they didn't do more than what the system was capable of, i thought, which made it more fun.
  9. i've found that a lot of the people on this website tend to prefer the 'old-school' games - games that had their roots in the 8-bit genre, featuring simple and enjoyable melodies in the music, basic graphics, and generally solid gameplay. i tend to find these games boring, with annoying soundtracks. they're repetitive, grind-y, and just flat out unenjoyable to me. i really prefer newer games. i should specify what i mean, because it's not always true. my favorite game of all time is chrono cross, which i've beaten so many times i've lost count. what i like about it isn't the interesting and unique battle system, the (relatively one-dimensional) characters, or the really excellent parallel-universes concept - it's the visuals. i find the graphics in that game absolutely captivating. there's so many colors, so much detail crammed into a really small screen. i play a lot of gears of war, oblivion/fallout, ff:dissidia, madden 10, halo 3, rock band...newer games that tend to feature relatively excellent graphics and relatively unique gameplay while not necessarily having the best story. there are things i like about each game - i love the horde mode in gears 2, i love the campaign in h3, i love the franchise mode in 10, i'm a fan of exploration in the bethesda softworks games, i enjoy maxing my characters in dissidia, i like trying to do better in rock band (and i generally like the music). i don't know why - regardless of how much i try to enjoy the older 'classics' - mainly anything on systems before ps2 or xbox original - i just don't get into them. is there anyone else out there like me? please, let's not make this a flamefest or anything. i'm not interested in why these games i listed aren't fun, or why you think i'm a heretic or something. i'm more interested in hearing from others why this generation's games are entertaining. ps: hey mods, before you change my thread name, can you at least let me know why you're doing so? i think it's really annoying to see a thread name changed, even if it's just capitals or something.
  10. did you restart after installing flash? that's probably what it needed.
  11. i wasn't clear on my first post. i meant to say that i'd be willing to compose even if it wasn't for profit. that really didn't come across very well =)
  12. i'd be willing to compose if you decide to charge for it. i do a lot of for-profit work already.
  13. just reinstall flash, and possibly your web browser if it's not windows explorer. then you should be fine.
  14. this is a really cool and unique idea. i think i'll jump in on it at some point. don't know what yet.
  15. 3000's are hackable, but you've gotta fool with them, and i'm not certain you can continue to use the psn after that.
  16. you know we're serious, right?
  17. it's one of the first AMD dual-core cpus, codenamed windsor. it's not great, but it can handle itself. roughly equivalent to a c2d e4500 (2.2ghz, 800mhz fsb) after comparing architecture, design, and fsb equivalencies. doesn't have a comparison in the newer lines of stuff, as the newer wolfdale architectures blow it out of the water.
  18. i'd be willing to donate towards getting anso there this year. anyone else with me?
  19. i love it when people talk about the online play on PS3. does anyone actually realize just how damn broken it is? seriously. three years into it, forty zillion hardware revisions later, and we only just got text chat outside of games. blargh. that said, live isn't perfect either. too much crap for what you get.
  20. peace out. i hope you come back at one point so we can call you wishy-washy or some other stupid shit and secretly just be happy you're around again, but you probably won't. unfortunately. workshop just got a lot dumber.
  21. it's got more than that, man. seriously, check it out. there's bloody anything you need there, including high-quality splitters that actually work.
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