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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. ah, awesome as usual. only thing i wanted to point out - i believe it's later in 7 that i discuss gigabytes vs. gigabits. i don't mention the difference in shorthand, though, i need to stick that in there.
  2. uh, seriously? you do realize that you asked me to do that right around when my system started to freeze every time i opened any program more intensive than thunderbird, right?
  3. well, considering that the p4 is technically two (or three, depending on how you look at celeron and DC cpu technology) generations old, YEAH, YOU'RE BEHIND. besides, that was from the age where you could get a 3.2ghz cpu with a 533mhz fsb. aka, severe throttling. i bought a 3.2ghz p4 a while back for sixty bucks, and it was unused.
  4. hey, aren't i supposed to record something for that? probably should get on that...i'll do it friday if i don't forget.
  5. bigger ones hurt my wrists after a while.
  6. that's what you get with a pentium 3 computer
  7. oh, yeah. when i reinstalled windows a little while ago i lost the ftp info, so i've gotta dig through my pm box and re-enter the info into coreftp.
  8. that should be fine. get to work! i'm looking forward to what you'll do.
  9. first gen is damn fat. second has all the capabilities of a phatty but has a better screen and weighs like 2/3rds as much. and it's likely to have a better battery, used.
  10. whoops, i meant speakers. monitor speakers. sorry, guys. i tend to shy away from headphones.
  11. sounds good, mokram. send any wips you've got to me. what track are you looking at? and don't worry if you only do one genre, it'll fit - it doesn't have to be this uber blend thing. goop, looking forward to it. thanks for getting some work done on it this weekend.
  12. again, CUDA would help a LOT with something this big. does anyone know if nvidia's current tech allows for encoding automation? if so, anyone with a decent video card could do all 1500+ remixes about a hundred times quicker than someone working with a normal system (or even a quad...hell, even a 4x4 doesn't have squat on a 200-series card, let alone my 9800gtx+)
  13. i'll do the menu music. i can do it relatively soon, too, if you can get in touch with me.
  14. so, under 200$ (unless there's a huge performance gain for going a little over)...what should i get? what's the best, most flat sound you can get?
  15. if it comes down to rendering video, there's awesome CUDA and GPGPU tech out there that'd cut that time by around 80-90%. and i'm sure that there are people who've got the latest and greatest around here who could help out with making them, too, particularly if they use either a graphics-accelerated program or a quad-enabled program.
  16. what's the response like on them? i'm considering getting a real set of monitors instead of the cheapo gamer speakers i've got.
  17. i thought it all fit in really well with the theme, i just wasn't down with it as much. i guess i'm just a happy person or something =)
  18. hey, i hope this is good. systematic chaos was pretty damn dark, i wasn't into it as much. how hard is it to work in some major chords or not sing angrily on every song the whole time?
  19. buy it from gamestop. you get a used psp-2000 (make sure it's 2nd gen, not first or third) and a charger for 140 bucks. the usb cable is another 10 or so, and a case is another 10. about as good as it gets. you're guarenteed a good battery that way too.
  20. since when have they allowed embedded links? when i was a member (i still am but i rarely visit the site anymore) you had to actually get on-site to listen to songs and they didn't allow you to listen unless you signed in or something equally stupid.
  21. whoops, i read pandora above and used the wrong word as a result because it was on my mind. i meant to say thesixtyone, like what linkjing originally suggested.
  22. yeah, and then we'd go through our bandwidth for the month in about three days. soundclick isn't a good option, you have to sign up to access their bloatware-ish flash music player. if sites like [thesixtyone] won't work, and last.fm is out, there really isn't much else out there that'd offer what you need. i know that spotify doesn't work in certain countries, but would it be possible for pandora for the NA countries and spotify for things east of GMT? can aussies and asians get it? maybe a dual-provider solution is what you'd have to do, get someone to coordinate for different sites based on where they live. edit: darkesword pointed out that i said pandora when i meant something else. that something else is thesixtyone.com.
  23. phail. i built his damn computer for him. sorry to hear that, meteo, but how'd you get an illegal copy AND a sample disc? some cut-rate marketer, or ebay, or something?
  24. guys i don't get it it sounded awesome jass piano turns me on
  25. i think that a writer would be interesting, but i think that D has to be my choice. simply because that's what i really want to do.
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