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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. it's not edited fully yet. i'm more wondering if anyone other than sengin is submitting critical evals of what i wrote.
  2. hosnap, the pr0n king returns to ocr! i know you've been at unmod.org, but i didn't know where you were besides that. i'm kinda getting excited to buy all these games when i have cash, now.
  3. no, there shouldn't be a difference there. the difference between internal and external cards is that the external ones don't require installation, and they generally aren't as nice-sounding as internal ones. if you're getting a lot of noise in your line, you probably just aren't grounded properly. that'll cause the hz sound. if it's just static, you're probably using the wrong line level or something.
  4. xenosaga's too damn long, and i never heard anything good about it, honestly. not anything making me want to actually sit down and play the whole thing, at least. radiata stories looks interesting, at least.
  5. i still have no idea what you're doing that causes it to ask for older versions of systems. i've reinstalled systems repeatedly on my computer, and i've never seen that. it does that when you boot from a cd only, without loading windows? if that doesn't work, unplug your hard drive, boot to the disc, and when it loads up properly plug in your hard drive again. i should point out that you need a sata drive for this to work.
  6. eh, how many games can you REALLY be playing at once? i play one and move on, with some madden 09 in between. one or two game installs is all i need.
  7. this could wind up being pretty awesome.
  8. sounds like when you could buy milk with super saver shipping at amazon.
  9. your question confused me at first, because you could always boot to your install disc (assuming you've got a true install disc) and then delete the partition that contains your xp 64 drive. that's the route i'd have done originally. screw m$'s crappy install program, just go in the back door (which is actually the front door, when you think about it). if it doesn't let you boot to the disc, go into your bios and change the boot order to have the optical drive first, and it'll boot.
  10. my console can't =( oh well. thanks for the info. battlefront II was an awesome game, but i doubt anyone online still plays it. it's a buttload of fun, though. my roomie and i used to have a lot of fun going through and seeing what we could pull off. if you've got a buddy, it's a lot more fun, but even if you don't it's still enjoyable.
  11. love the sig, man. one of my favorite shows, and that's a great episode. edit: aww, ninja edited. his sig had a quote from the tv show House. for whoever comes after.
  12. halo 3 caches the next level during the course of the level that you're in, so it loads faster with a disc than if you're on the hd. the disc was 'written' with loading early in mind, and the hard drive has to go back and pace through all the stuff from the previous level to find where the heck the next level's files are. you know you can buy a jasper online (like i did), just the console, for around 120-140$ through ebay, right? then use the license transfer tool to transfer licenses to your new console.
  13. so, is kingdom hearts re the new game? i honestly haven't kept up on them. also, what's 'final mix'? the greatest hits version, or something?
  14. i'm not into anime and japanese culture. that's why i'm not into the persona games. not to mention it disturbs me when someone holds a gun to their head and fires. i own a 360, so if i was going to get rock band i'd get it for that. i've already played every ff game in existence, but it's been a while. xii or x will likely be among the first games i play on the ps2, since i really enjoyed both. i despise survival horror games. i hate feeling jumpy. i don't like movies like that either, really. and my wife hates the loud noises. i probably won't get any of the SH or RE games. what's god hand?
  15. i recently bought a jasper, and it's pretty awesome. i wanted hi-def, and my old system was so bloody loud, even with a benq drive. the new jaspers all have the lite-on drive (which is bloody impossible to hack without special tools, hence why my drive's in brooklyn right now), which is increibly quiet, and the fans run like 50% less because of the significant power reduction. really, really nice. too bad MS hasn't publicized this yet.
  16. i'll take whatever 1337 can't get in terms of prizes =) i submitted a small donation. i'm hoping to do more as of next pay period, but right now my car repairs are sappin' mah bank account. it should be pretty obvious who i am, although i didn't include my handle.
  17. i wasn't a fan of 9, all told. even though i stole my modernized mage from vivi. i don't know why...i just never got into it like i did the others.
  18. nexi is a better word that i want to use more often.
  19. yeah, i got it. i'm in the process of figuring out how much money i've got and where it's gonna go.

  20. there's so much shit in here that i remember, and yet so much i managed to miss for some reason or another. pity.
  21. unless you're writing orchestrated arrangements for ocr, where they tell you to just buy vienna or find someone with it. i mean no offense, but like the others before me, i have no idea how you scored this gig. it pisses me off when i hear about game devs just handing the audio reins to someone who has no experience. they wouldn't do that for a programming job. it particularly pisses me off when they hand it to someone who doesn't know how to do their own research, even. if they handed a big job to an artist who only knew how to hand-draw stuff and didn't know something like photoshop, they'd be expected to learn that as part of the job. that all said, feel free to contact me via pm or aim if you have questions about something specific. i've got a lot of experience mixing on a budget, so i can help you out if you're looking for something.
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