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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. no gaming with a netbook, though, which is something he mentioned he'd want.
  2. what, no caps? blah. i'm assuming you were talking about tricklozen, who i just ignored after he trashed games that i enjoyed. rogue galaxy looks pretty cool. i tried star ocean 4 on 360, but the voice acting was so damn bad, and j-rpgs are tough on me when they're all anime all the time (not a big fan). gorgeous game, but i just couldn't stand any of the characters. i might go back and mute the voices and turn on captions. is SO:TTEOT the same way?
  3. i'm more scared about the to be posted queue. there's still tracks there from 07, which is a long time ago.
  4. shining tears...what kind of a game was that? action rpg can mean a lot of things.
  5. i know, but i like the visuals SO much... ok, so MSG is a good call, and okami is one i want to play but i forgot. the enders games look interesting, i'd have to try them out. i'm not into the persona games. kingdom hearts and the GoW series are two IPs that i don't want to miss out on. i forgot about x2 also (i know it's short, but i liked the initial game so much. and it's cheap). ico's one of those mixed-review games. i'd have to read some more about it as well. it's artsy, which is something i like. maybe disgaea. i don't like shmups, i'm horrid at them.
  6. you're overlooking the pretty pictures using dx10 would bring, particularly for gaming. although, phill's right, all told. it's a huge hassle. i talked about the difference between the two systems in my computer how-to thing, linked in my sig. you might want to read it.
  7. edit: so before i was ninja edited, this was supposed to be a thread about what ps2 games i'd get. ps2 games only (i'll play eboots on my psp for ps1 games). i own a great pc and a 360, so i don't want games that have appeared on anything microsoft. i like: -certain japanese rpgs and most american rpgs -action/adventure games with interesting gameplay -uniqueness of all kinds -awesome stories -excellent graphics -likeable characters i'm already getting chrono cross, ff10 and 12, and probably shadow of the colossus. i might get some of the GTA series. what else should i get? i should point out that i'm getting these because i'm starting to collect different systems and the defining games for each console. i've got an original xbox, a psp, a 360, an n64, and now a ps2. i might get a gamecube at some point, but you get the picture. i would prefer games that are experiences, not just something to pass the time (aka, madden games). edit: so, lists. will probably purchase from someone (sale/want thread ftw): mgs 2 or 3 might purchase: ico disgaea purchased: kingdom hearts 1 and 2 (ebay, 18$) ffx/ffxii (ebay, 30$) ffx2 (ebay, 8$) okami (gamespot, 16$) shadow of the colossus (gamespot, $13.50 - black case!) god of war 1 and 2 (gamespot, part of the buy 2 get 1 free deal...around 15$ considering that)
  8. directx 10 gaming is awesome, but you'd need to find out what works and what doesn't. if you can, run 64-bit vista. if you can't, stick with xp. contact the game manufacturers through their tech support and find out what works and what doesn't - that'd be how i'd do it.
  9. any sound card will help correct an issue with lag. the better the card, the better the performance, generally. the noise issue (SNR, i'm assuming) will be corrected by not using built-in mobo audio.
  10. i particularly like revo uninstaller. it's slow to boot but includes a system scan and registry scan for related items. as long as you know what you're deleting, it's awesome.
  11. so, is anyone here using it? i've seen it in some people's signatures, but we might as well get a combined thread of everyone who's into it. post here, and i'll add it. i'll also add ones as i find them. me: http://twitter.com/thesaxprophet mustin is the shit: http://twitter.com/Mustin anso: http://twitter.com/anosou zircon: http://twitter.com/zirconst jmr: http://twitter.com/_jmr
  12. what a meanie. gets a song posted, and then...
  13. norton is excellent. it's probably the best on the market. and, honestly, ram is so cheap nowadays that 'i run out of system resources' is the shittiest excuse ever. spend 20$ and buy another gig (or three). edit: kaspersky has a habit of permanently deleting important files, in my experience. it's a little tougher to use, too.
  14. i didn't even know that this was here. cool!
  15. rarely are bsods not a big deal. it's probably a mobo. i'd suggest resetting your bios to default just in case, but beyond that it's almost definitely a hardware issue. try booting cold into safe mode and see what drivers it hangs at.
  16. stereoscopic pictures require a certain bit of distance from the image to work properly, since they have to be 'tweaked' for the viewing distance. projectors are better than monitors since their display is farther away from the viewer, allowing a better picture. until this came around, they were (comparitively) cheaper, too.
  17. you can torrent demos, you know.
  18. N-Jekted has one mix on the site, and it's pretty rockin.
  19. didn't they stop sending boxes a few months back?
  20. jesus has spoken. actually, i'm not into the beatles, and i'd only want to play the guitar parts anyways so i'm probably going to pick up only one game and a guitar at some point. what's the best game of the series so far?
  21. i heard that it was absolutely horrible, but i haven't played it so i don't know. in other news, i recently picked up afro samurai and wheelman, but i'm not going to play them until i can get my work for the semester done =) i don't need even more problems getting my papers written for the end of the semester.
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