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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i've got magic pen reds, MR/5 and flat armor yellows, MR and cdr blues, and flat hp and cdr quints.
  2. i can't wait for him. i've been learning akali as an alternate AP champ to my primary (fiddles), but his playstyle sounds exactly like what i want - a dude that can sit back, solo top, and nuke the snot out of everything at range. also, of those guys you mentioned, nasus and malphite are the best and most flexible options, and of them nasus is the best. he is such a strong solo top (in ranked games you see junglers every time, so you need someone who is comfortable with that), and i probably see him in most of my games. he's just a fantastic snowball that can handle most team builds. edit: next runes i'm planning on buying are dodge yellows, armor penetration reds, and movespeed and flat AP quints. flat AP is for fiddles in lane, dodge is for akali, singed, and udyr, ap is for udyr, and movespeed is for singed. any other suggestions?
  3. some really awesome stuff in there that i'm looking forward to checking out. such creativity =)
  4. i have two M-00 monitors available for sale. these are 8-inch powered monitors with stellar mid and high representation of audio. they're roughly 20lbs a piece, solid metal with a variety of inputs. i have the original boxes and paperwork. they've still got a year of warranty on them of the original three years. they are audiophile speakers at their best - the clarity of sound on this is simply stunning. they don't get a ton of low-end representation, but can put out a reasonable amount of sound even down to 80-90hz, which for an 8" speaker is way farther than i expected. they're rated at 75w RMS, 150w peak. you can read about them here. i don't use them anymore because i got an incredible pair of open-ear headphones that blows everything else i've ever used out of the water. they retail for 300$ a piece, and you won't find them cheaper than that anywhere because NHT is a small company. i'm willing to sell the pair for 425$ or the best reasonable offer i get. i'll trade for computer components, a 2.1 set of proper monitors, or games if you have something i need or want. i'm not interested in vintage components or games.
  5. i've never seen that issue outside of Gears 2.
  6. during your first ten games of ranked, your ELO fluctuates all over the place. you'll have a wide variety of skill levels to deal with. also, google "ELO hell"
  7. biggest issue with the first two games were the incredible amounts of glitches and game-breaking misfires that would happen. a good example is in the fight against Skorge (end of act four, GoW2). occasionally you'd glitch about fifteen feet above the floor, but Skorge could still saw you or grenade you as if you were on the ground. happened three times when i was trying to beat him on insane.
  8. =) no comments is no comment, so it's nice to hear some feedback =)
  9. jtag much? i know it showed up on trackers way early, but was only jtag-compatible because of the new XDG3 anti-piracy file format, or whatever it's called. i agree that it's clearly the best 3D game out there. just stellar support, really adds to the gameplay. i finished the game almost in one sitting though - on normal difficulty, i spent roughly 8 or 9 hours total on it with a coop partner. dunno how long it'd take on higher difficulties without a buddy.
  10. exactly what i thought. my giant hole underground is utterly useless now. it's not about light, it's simply an artificial view-distance adjustment. i am not a fan. change the lighting, don't just add fog a la Shadows of the Empire on the n64. also, hoser =D make sure you type in "/warp prophetikdong" as soon as you log in! there is a large library and two tall towers shaped kind of like heimerdongers.
  11. didn't see a thread in here, and i made the gears 2 thread, so whatever. what do you all think? i love the campaign to pieces. the storyline is somewhat reasonable, the new locations look incredible and not just like the same big cave, and the unique enemies to the game add a lot of interest to the play-through itself. also, beast mode and horde 2.0 are pretty awesome. the new difficulty scaling in Horde 2.0 is awesome, as it means you actually have to be good to do anything. beast is hilarious because you can play as a ticker or a boomer (my two favorites). i wrote a review on hawtwired (i'm a contributing editor there) and i talk a lot about the different aspects of the game, breaking down the good and the bad. you should take a look. anyone else get it?
  12. rammus is spectacular in dominion. i get so many kills by taunting ignorant vlads and jaxes and xins, fortifying the tower, and popping my ult and shield. they can't get out, they take ridiculous damage from the tower, and then i slow them so it takes even longer. not to mention that rammus can easily get 250AD with no attack damage items. i'm only taking garrison, ghost, and exhaust, depending on what i am playing. someone complained that ghost is only used four or five times a game, but with rammus it means that no one can possibly keep up with him, and i can kite teams around the map while our team captures points.
  13. is it at 1.8.whatever or is it still what it was?
  14. sona's useless, i've found, unless you build her straight ap glass cannon.
  15. i agree with this, which is why i said that i played a bunch of AD champs that i suck balls with. i've also tried other AP champs, and while i felt like i was OK at them, i just don't enjoy them much. that experience was good as a jungler, though, to know that i can't (for example) cacaw from the bush, silence her, and burst her down before she just drops tibbers on my ass and i'm dead in a second. even though i agree with it, though, i still play my four or five champs most of the time. morde post-patch is kind of useless since they've nerfed him to hell. basically, it boils down to the fact that you can gank him hard early and he dies. if you don't, then he doesn't die. much.
  16. there's a lot of reasons to only play a few champs. i play rammus, amumu, udyr, and fiddles, and have experience with cho, singed, trundle, warwick, yi, nunu, and a bunch of ranged AD carries that i suck with. i LIKE only playing four heroes as i feel that i can really learn them well and be very strong with them. i can't learn fifty champs and feel i know their skill ranges and little tricks, like amumu tossing to creeps, or knowing the range i can get with R+flash with fiddles. like derrit said, you're kind of trolling those who aren't as 'good' as you because you can pick up and learn a champ quickly, and we (at least i) can't. as i usually wind up saying when we play together, man, sorry i suck call it experience, skill, whatever, but i'm not a bad tank, and i feel i am getting a lot better with the characters i play. if i was spreading that stuff out to other characters, i know i wouldn't do as well on the ones i really like. that said, there are tiers of characters in LoL, and there are specific characters which aren't very functional in many situations, but excel in others. shen is a damned good tank if you have great map awareness and don't mind popping in and out of lanes all the time. i've had shen carry me to victory (not in kills, but in out-tanking and out-playing the other team). he sucks on teams that don't have good burst damage. he is excellent in-lane to babysit a ranged AD or AP carry as he doesn't farm that well and will let the other player get all the last hits. on a team with a ranged AP mid, a ranged AD carry that doesn't have much CC (like tristana or MF), an assassin like xin or akali, and a tanky dps like nunu, morde, sion, or garen, he shines as a character that can taunt a team and blow away their teamfight strategy.
  17. i laughed so hard at this. let's face it, tensai, while you might not be trying to troll, you are incredibly opinionated in a very passive way. this comes from your extensive experience in 'better' games like HoN and DotA, whereas most of us just play LoL and call it a day. i don't play fiddles because he's the best AP champ - i play him because R-Q-zhonya's is absolutely hilarious, whether you're fed or not. sometimes people just enjoy playing a few characters. i know i can play tryndamere, but i'm terrible at him because my skillset and mindset has me diving in and slapping everyone, and insta-dying. i find amumu to be among the most entertaining of characters i play simply because his skills allow for a wide variety of playstyles. i can initiate, i can chase, i can come in late and win a teamfight, i can save players, i can jungle, i can tank, i can do DPS...he's one of the most varied champs out there. i like that. i also like my 3-3-30 games with him.
  18. cho isn't banned as much because he has no close-the-gap, although that AoE knockup is just as deadly and almost as effective as alistar's. i see characters with hard close-the-gap being banned a lot more, and characters with crazy late-games like tryndamere. my 'hard' ad carry is udyr, and my ap carry is fiddles. i'm debating buying and learning olaf or yorick at some point. and i can jungle characters like nunu as well, who is an excellent example of the AP side of tanky dps.
  19. i rarely was picking last in ranked. but i always - always - pick last in normal draft. don't get it.
  20. most of them. i haven't had a complete game without a leaver or a blatant feeder yet, and i've done ten or fifteen draft mode games in the last few days. it's almost worse than just normal, because amumu is always banned. who determines who picks last? because i always do. by then, every tank i own is taken or banned (did a game where amumu, cho, rammus, and singed was banned, and the other team took galio and alistar), my teammates are idiots about swapping, and i get stuck tanking warwick or something ridiculous.
  21. tried that. it didn't work, either. that's why i was trying to remember what shortcut extension i used...but i don't have any idea what the extension was.
  22. i am torn. part of me wants to just start over with a new thing in the new 1.8 terrain, and part of me wants to continue what i'm doing. it's just that i'll never see any of the new stuff if i don't either start a new world or walk for hours. will the server be creating a new world as well for 1.8 terrain?
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