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prophetik music

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  1. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Meteo Xavier in I want to build you a computer   
    just bumping this up. i am still doing computers, and recently did builds for two different active remixers =) let me know if you're interested.
  2. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from avaris in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    i neglected to post that @Tuberz McGee and i are doing a powermetal arrangement of Scars of Time. no one'd picked it up and there's no chance i'm ignoring that one. basically, i rewrote it while thinking "what would dragonforce do?" the entire time, and the result was exactly what you'd expect. the arrangement's done and tuberz has the stems, so hopefully we'll have an update soon.
    also, with posting that, we are officially at 20 tracks claimed with a wip! i haven't heard from one or two people in some time so they may not make it, but we do currently have eight tracks done and four more that are either nearly done or just waiting on a collaborator to finish up, so we're in a great place for being not quite seven months in. i've updated the project title accordingly. i have also updated the first post with new guidelines for how to reserve a track, since now we're looking at track lengths and not going over for each disc's overall time.
  3. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from avaris in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    @Theophany has claimed Life ~ A Distant Promise! @avaris has also claimed Jellyfish Sea! i've also marked two big tracks as tentatively claimed (Scars of Time and Chronopolis). we're filling in the tracklist quickly =)
    also, per reinhold's update, i've contacted members of Game-Art-HQ (of FFIX project fame!) to assist with artwork. so now we've got some people interested in doing art, and we now need a web designer at some point.
  4. Like
    prophetik music reacted to Reinhold Hoffmann in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    Game-Art-HQ is on board,
    Lets see if we can build up a nice Music & Visual Art Tribute to Chrono Cross here!
  5. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Neemux in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    some great news on potential remixers who hope to join the project - i'll update as soon as i have wips from them. a few names that people will recognize =)
  6. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Neemux in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    @Neemux - you are indeed! shoot me a private message and we can go from there.
  7. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from avaris in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    collabs are so annoying sometimes though. i always think they'll be awesome but then it's eight months later and some schmoe still hasn't recorded the t-pain vocals for the scuba divers track on FF4.
  8. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Matoya in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    edit: we're done! =D

    PROGRESS: 28/28 tracks finished! 
    i've always wanted to get back to the game that got me into remixing, and for the past six months or so, i've found myself listening to this soundtrack again more heavily as i have gotten back into writing music again. mitsuda's work on this album is timeless - the unique sound he created for CC is so consistently represented in these tracks that it's always apparent when you hear a song from the soundtracks. notably, his use of the arpeggiated minor 9th chord comes back again and again and never fails to inspire and move me.
    similar to the Link's Awakening project i directed, i'm interested in using a defined genre element for this project. ideally i'm thinking 20-25 tracks on a total of two discs - half fast/intense and half slow/languid. genre ideas for the first one would be faster rock, edm, or even intense film-style classical. genre ideas for the second would be chillstep, solo piano, groove, etc. the CC soundtrack combines some really fun and funky upbeat tracks with elements of mixed meter and ethnic instrumentation with some incredibly beautiful, more relaxed tunes that thrive on realistic articulation and great performances of solo instrumentation. i want to reflect both aspects of the game as clearly as possible. 
    note that i have no problem with the same tune being on both discs - i would love two versions of the same tune as long as they're heavily different and unique takes on the theme, one faster and one slower. also please note that i'm interested in sticking with an even number of tracks per disc - i'd like to not have 15 fast and 5 slow, for example, so when you note that you're interested in a track, please say which disc it might be on. since there's enough interest, i'll expand past 10 tracks/disc, but i still want to keep them roughly even.
    here's a tracklist. note that i've marked some songs as being repeats, arranged versions of the original, or just noise tracks - i've taken them out. 67 original tracks minus 12 repeats/arranges leaves us with 55 possible tracks. i'm leaving weirder or non-melodic ones like Grief and Fortress of Ancient Dragons on here because, honestly, i'd love to hear a remix of grief done well =) and now that Ophanin took it, you will! i'd encourage you to pick tracks that aren't super popular like Scars of Time and Frozen Flame, but of course would accept WiPs for those too. there's a lot of gems on this soundtrack that have never been remixed and i'd prefer to focus on them if possible.
    UPDATED: we're done, so there's no more room for music =D to reserve a track, contact me first! let me know what style you want to do and what track, and i'll let you know if it's something that should fit within my vision for the project. if i give you the go-ahead, a WiP or demo of what you want to do reserves it. all tracks are fair game until i've heard your vision realized. if i get a few of the same one, i'll determine which one we'll stick with.
    black is available, red is taken, green is done, gray is cut due to similarities with other tracks.
    [Disc 1]
    1.    "Chrono Cross ~ Scars of Time ~" (CHRONO CROSS ~時の傷痕~)    2:29 - claimed by @Tuberz McGee and @prophetik music
    2.    "Between Life and Death" (死線)    2:38
    3.    "Arni Village - Home World" (アルニ村 ホーム)    3:23 - taken by @VGPianoMan, finished
    4.    "Fields of Time - Home World" (時の草原 ホーム・ワールド)    3:26 - taken by @Earth Kid, finished
    5.    "Lizard Dance" (トカゲと踊れ)    2:41 - taken by @evktalo, finished
    6.    "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory ~" (回想 〜消せない想い〜)    3:25 - taken by @Jorito, finished x2!
    7.    "On the Beach of Dreams - Another World" (夢の岸辺に アナザー・ワールド)    2:22 - taken by @The Coop, finished
    8.    "Arni Village - Another World" (アルニ村 アナザー)    3:32 <- Mostly same as D1S03 "Arni Village - Home World"
    9.    "Ephemeral Memory" (うたかたの想い)    2:51 - taken by @OA, @Scaredsim, and @prophetik music, finished
    10.    "Lost Fragment" (失われた欠片)    3:12 <- Mostly same as D1S01 "Chrono Cross ~ Scars of Time"
    11.    "Drowned Valley" (溺れ谷)    2:00 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    12.    "Termina - Another World" (テルミナ アナザー)    2:43 - taken by @Jorito and @Earth Kid, finished
    13.    "Departed Souls" (去りにし者ども)    3:43 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    14.    "Forest of Illusion" (影切りの森)    3:25 - taken by @noTuX, finished
    15.    "Viper Manor" (蛇骨館)    2:54
    16.    "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring ~" (勝利 ~春の贈り物~)    0:56 - taken by @Hylian Lemon, finished
    17.    "A Child Lost in Time" (時の迷い子)    3:24
    18.    "Guldove - Another World" (ガルドーブ アナザー)    3:26
    19.    "Hydra's Swamp" (ヒドラの沼)    3:10
    20.    "Fragment of a Dream" (夢のかけら)    1:35 <- Music box version of D3S15 "Radical Dreamers ~ Unstolen Jewel"
    21.    "Voyage - Another World" (航海 アナザー・ワールド)    2:32
    22.    "Ghost Ship" (幽霊船)    2:00
    23.    "Death Volcano" (死炎山)    3:39 - taken by @prophetik music and Tacorina of Time, finished
    24.    "Fortress of Ancient Dragons" (古龍の砦)    3:54
    25.    "Grief" (悲愴)    0:20 - taken by @Ophanin, finished
    [Disc 2]
    1.    "Beginning of a Dream" (夢のはじまり)    0:42
    2.    "A Narrow Space Between Dimensions" (次元の狭間)    2:47 - taken by @Steven Melin, finished
    3.    "Termina - Home World" (テルミナ ホーム)    3:38
    4.    "Dragon Knight" (龍の騎士)    3:01
    5.    "Voyage - Home World" (航海 ホーム・ワールド)    3:22
    6.    "Guldove - Home World" (ガルドーブ ホーム)    3:58 - taken by @OA, finished
    7.    "Marbule - Home World" (マブーレ ホーム)    2:55 - taken by @Jorito and @Earth Kid
    8.    "Zelbess" (ゼルベス)    2:42
    9.    "The Splendidly Grand Magic Troupe" (天晴驚愕大奇術団)    1:31
    10.    "Nap" (まどろみ)    0:13
    11.    "Chronomantique" (クロノマンティーク)    3:18 <- Mostly same as D1S04 "Fields of Time - Home World"
    12.    "Dilemma" (窮地)    2:47
    13.    "Optimism" (楽天)    2:19
    14.    "Isle of the Dead" (亡者の島)    3:11
    15.    "Dead Sea/Tower of Destruction" (死海・滅びの塔)    3:10
    16.    "Prisoners of Fate" (運命に囚われし者たち)    3:26 - taken by @Ophanin, finished
    17.    "A Light for Lost Hopes" (あらかじめ失われし、ともしび)    0:32
    18.    "Island of the Earth Dragon" (土龍の島)    3:16
    19.    "Navel of the World" (世界のへそ)    2:59 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    20.    "Gale" (疾風)    2:00
    21.    "Victory ~ A Cry in Summer ~" (勝利 ~夏の呼び声~)    0:53 <- Mostly same as D1S16 "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring"
    22.    "Marbule - Another World" (マブーレ アナザー)    3:00 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    23.    "Magic from the Fairies" (妖精のくれた魔法)    0:13 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    24.    "Etude 1" (エチュード1)    0:12 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    25.    "Etude 2" (エチュード2)    0:14 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    26.    "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves ~" (MAGICAL DREAMERS ~風と星と波と~)    2:02
    [Disc 3]
    1.    "Garden of God" (神の庭)    2:45 - taken by @prophetik music, janna mckinley, and @Cyril the Wolf, finished
    2.    "Chronopolis" (クロノポリス)    4:12 - taken by @bLiNd, finished
    3.    "Fate ~ The God of Destiny ~" (FATES ~運命の神~)    3:10
    4.    "Jellyfish Sea" (海月海)    2:55 - taken by @avaris, finished
    5.    "Burning Orphanage" (炎の孤児院)    2:44
    6.    "The Girl Who Stole the Stars" (星を盗んだ少女)    3:48 - taken by @Wiesty, finished
    7.    "The Dream that Time Dreams" (時のみる夢)    4:01
    8.    "Dragon's Prayer" (龍の祈り)    5:37 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    9.    "Terra Tower" (星の塔)    2:26
    10.    "Frozen Flame" (凍てついた炎)    2:54 - taken by @Ophanin, finished
    11.    "Dragon God" (龍神)    3:21
    12.    "Dark Realms of Time" (時の闇にて)    0:42 <- Just noise
    13.    "Life ~ A Distant Promise ~" (生命 ~遠い約束~)    6:32 - taken by @prophetik music, janna mckinley, and @Cyril the Wolf, finished
    14.    "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory ~" (回想 ~消せない想い~)    1:39 <- Mostly same as D1S06 "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory"
    15.    "Radical Dreamers ~ Unstolen Jewel ~" (RADICAL DREAMERS ~盗めない宝石~)    4:25 - taken by @DragonAvenger and @prophetik music, finished
    16.    "Fragment of a Dream" (夢のかけら)    2:00 <- Music box version of D3S13 "Life ~ A Distant Promise"

    things i'll still need:
    release mirrors, when the time comes website design and hosting - @Jorito! some artwork would be nice! CC has some incredible visuals that would be great to capture. alternatively, some screenshots from the game would be cool too - DeviantArt and Reddit came through for this! i will look into a forum area we can work out of in order to be more organized, but ideally we'll use a private ocr forum section - nah, everyone was too quick in terms of expectations, please note that while i don't expect you to burn out a track in two weeks, i will not accept extended absences without you at least telling me what's going on. my goal for every project i work on is to discharge my obligations as quickly as possible, and i will expect that you're actively working on your track to get it completed within a reasonable amount of time. i personally have no issue filling in gaps where they appear so i can always pick up the slack where it appears. i've got two small children and limited time to work on music, but i'll make sure to do my best to be just as prompt and active in managing this as i am expecting you as a remixer to be in your writing. let's work together and create something really special.
    remix list (subject to change):
    disc 1: FROZEN (slow)
    1. "Departed Souls" [prophetik]
    2. "On the Beach of Dreams" [the coop]
    3. "The Girl Who Stole the Stars" [wiesty]
    4. "Ephemeral Memory" [OA, Scaredsim, and prophetik]
    5. "Forest of Illusion" [noTux]
    6. "Jellyfish Sea" [avaris]
    7. "Grief" [Ophanin]
    8. "Prisoners of Fate" [Ophanin]
    9. "Chronopolis" [bLiNd]
    10. "Radical Dreamers" [DragonAvenger, Chris ~ Amaterasu, and prophetik]
    11. "A Narrow Space Between Dimensions" [Steven Melin]
    12. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory" [Jorito]
    13. "Fields of Time - Home World" [Earth Kid]
    14. "Radical Dreamers" (alt) [Chris ~ Amaterasu and prophetik]
    disc 2: FLAME (fast)
    1. "Lizard Dance" [evktalo]
    2. "Navel of the World" [prophetik music]
    3. "Dragon's Prayer" [prophetik music]
    4. "Drowned Valley" [prophetik music]
    5. "Arni Village - Home World" [Steven Melin]
    6. "Guldove - Home World" [OCU]
    7. "Life ~ A Distant Promise" and "Garden of Gods" (alt) [prophetik, cyril the wolf, and JohnStacy]
    8. "Frozen Flame [Ophanin]
    9. "Scars of Time" [Tuberz McGee and prophetik]
    10. "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring" [Hylian Lemon]
    11. "Life ~ A Distant Promise" and "Garden of Gods" [prophetik, cyril the wolf, and janna mckinley]
    12. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory" (alt) [Jorito, JoyDreamer]
    13. "Death Volcano" [prophetik and Tacorina of Time]
    14. "Another Termina" [Jorito and Earth Kid]
  9. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from noTuX in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    heard a final for Forest of Illusion today, so as soon as @noTuX gets me a lossless, that one's done! also heard a badass jazz arrangement from @Wiesty that is gonna be a real standout collaborative performance on the slow album.
    i also have WIPs promised from several people by the end of the month...looking forward to hearing it! my music pc is back in business after some issues with hard drives so i'm excited to get working again as well.
  10. Like
    prophetik music reacted to Eino Keskitalo in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    Sent an update I actually did in February.. guess I'd better just start wrapping up!
  11. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    heard a final for Forest of Illusion today, so as soon as @noTuX gets me a lossless, that one's done! also heard a badass jazz arrangement from @Wiesty that is gonna be a real standout collaborative performance on the slow album.
    i also have WIPs promised from several people by the end of the month...looking forward to hearing it! my music pc is back in business after some issues with hard drives so i'm excited to get working again as well.
  12. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Thirdkoopa in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    i'll be sending out update requests again fairly soon. still trucking along =)
  13. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from djpretzel in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    i'll be sending out update requests again fairly soon. still trucking along =)
  14. Like
    prophetik music reacted to Ridiculously Garrett in Parts in games so difficult they made you stop playing   
    For me it had to be the AT-ST fight on the second level of Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire for the N64. I've since beaten it, but as a kid, I could never do it. It was the hardest thing on the planet, coupled with the poor camera and looser controls.
  15. Like
    prophetik music reacted to CarlosR in Chipamp Updated to v1.1!   
    I like Winamp for listen chiptune, and Chipamp is a good bundle making easy to use Winamp, but there is a lot of time Chipamp do not receive a update, I had make a preliminary work about some plugins update and some new plugins for Chipamp .
    updated plugins
    vio2sf 0.23.13       http://foobar2000.xrea.jp/up/index.php?page=all
    asap 3.2.0        http://asap.sourceforge.net/
    in_sidplay2       http://www.lemon64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=61429 https://github.com/zbych-r/in_sidplay2/
    MDX Input Plugin 1.14.5   http://www.vesta.dti.ne.jp/~tsato/soft_sound.html
    VGM input plugin 0.40.7   http://vgmrips.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=112
    VGMStream r1050-test   http://hcs64.com/vgmstream.html
    NotSo Fatso       http://www.slickproductions.org/notsofatso.php (officil By Disch)   http://drag.wootest.net/notso/ (fork By Drag) (new links for update)
    new plugins
    aoqsf 0.07       http://foobar2000.xrea.jp/up/index.php?page=all
    FMP/PMD input plugin   http://www.vesta.dti.ne.jp/~tsato/soft_sound.html
    AdPlug 1.8.2       http://www.shikadi.net/adplug/
    WinAHX           http://www.abyss-online.de/static/download/
    NEZplug++       http://offgao.net/program/nezplug++.html
    in_ncsf           http://www.cyberbotx.com/NCSF/
    in_org           https://github.com/Yukitty/in_org
    in_hively       http://www.hivelytracker.co.uk/downl.php
    in_openmpt       https://lib.openmpt.org/libopenmpt/  (I use it to replace in_mod, this is the best module playback)
    in_xsf           https://github.com/CyberBotX/in_xsf  
    AUD Player       http://www.vgmpf.com/Wiki/index.php/AUD_Player
    Highly Competitive   http://www.vgmpf.com/Wiki/index.php/Highly_Competitive http://snsf.caitsith2.net/
    IMF Music Player    http://www.vgmpf.com/Wiki/index.php/IMF_Music_Player_Winamp_Plugin https://sourceforge.net/projects/newwolf/files/Editing tools/in_imf WinAMP plugin/
    MSXplug           https://github.com/digital-sound-antiques/in_msx
    Ken's plugin       http://www.advsys.net/ken/download.htm#in_ken
  16. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in OCR Secret Santa 2016   
    i'm in!
    a reminder - make your 'list' of stuff unique and fun! it's cool to just get whatever you say you want, but it's more cool to say a bunch of weird stuff and then get something really interesting or fun or unique or creative. i gave flexstyle a vinyl album, some artisan hot chocolate, and cans of a hard-to-find soda last year. not much gaming but still a fun thing to do. i'd never have done that if he hadn't had crazy stuff on his wishlist =)
  17. Like
    prophetik music reacted to Thirdkoopa in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    hope you don't forget me for dragon god cause i'll have a WIP that doesn't sound badly sampled/short sometime this week
  18. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Yami in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    i have no wips for that track yet. i'd love to hear it! send it my way if you get some ideas written down. it by no means needs to be full length or anything - just a promising concept.
  19. Like
    prophetik music reacted to Yami in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    Hmm, Chrono Cross literally changed my life, so I'm thinking about doing something as well. I'm torn between "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves ~" and "Voyage - Home World"
    Hmm, let's see first. what I come up with, and if I have time to come up with something durning the Robots vs Knights compo
  20. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Has Anybody here ever Run The Play engine for EastWest Quantum Leap Symphonic Choirs - Gold Edition + Kontakt at the Same time on Windows 10?   
    it was almost definitely an issue with the system bus drivers not being installed correctly, or having multiple sets of drivers overlapping, so the VSTs couldn't requisition IRQ channels without getting overlaps or interrupts. reinstalling windows and reinstalling the system bus drivers likely would have taken care of it. reinstalling w8 had the same effect.
    also, bricking is a term that denotes damaging the firmware of a ROM chip meaning it can't be used. that doesn't sound like your issue...not trying to be a pedant but bricking vs. screwing up the os is a big difference =)
  21. Like
    prophetik music reacted to MicahB in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    I'm a little busy these days to do a full remix, but I'd love to contribute a guitar solo if someone needs one! 
    Some examples of my shreds are here: 
    Lead at 1:48
    All of it
    Lead at 3:20
    Lead at 2:53
    Lead at 2:02
    If you're interested, message me through here or email me at micahblakeslee@gmail.com (I'll be more likely to see the email).
  22. Like
    prophetik music reacted to Gario in Fire Emblem: Heroes, iOS/Android freemium original FE game   
    Huh, I'll have to check it out / tell my GF about it. She's a big FE fan, and the latest game got quite a few hours out of me recently.
  23. Like
    prophetik music reacted to DarkeSword in Fire Emblem: Heroes, iOS/Android freemium original FE game   
    A decent if standard gacha game. Art and interface are nice, good gameplay but some battles can be tough; becomes grindy early on.
  24. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Peíorele in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    @Peíorele bringing the pain with the third wip in two weeks! garden of god is taken.
  25. Like
    prophetik music reacted to Skrypnyk in chopping/shifting samples   
    @Nabeel Ansari would you know if the creative bundle ever goes on sale?
    Hystersis isn't too bad for a delay/stutter effect, and it's free.  Gross Beat can do tape stop sounds well though the stuttering is somewhat limiting.  There was a plugin that was like dBlue's Glitch that had more potential imo but I can't remember the name of it.
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