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Everything posted by orlouge82

  1. I charge $200 an hour in tenth of an hour intervals for doing things like reading emails or taking phone calls. I really can't justify using my time to help OCR's Facebook page get a few more Likes.
  2. Ugh, I'm really sick of waiting for this album. I'll just check back in 1-2 months when the Facebook page reaches 27k. c'ya
  3. Nice to see that you signed up for the Street Fighter compo! Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff. Good luck!

  4. I never even suggested that it had anything to do with you or OCRemix, only with Capcom's request. And it was speculation, not "conspiracy theories." No need to get so defensive. EDIT: Oh, I see, they didn't ask you guys directly to put off any Mega Man compos. Yeah, then Inafune's departure wouldn't really have anything to do with it. All I was saying about the Inafune issue was that Capcom seems much less enthused about the Mega Man franchise since he left.
  5. That's right, save up your time for the Mega Man compos. No excuses then. Definitely looking forward to this compo, though! Probably has something to do with the release of Street Fighter X Tekken and the departure of Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune from Capcom.
  6. Sums it up P-E-R-F-E-C-T-L-Y. This goes hand-in-hand with the rumors that the new XboX system is going to prevent anyone from playing used games. The market isn't growing at the exponential rate that it used to, so game companies are finding any new way they can to squeeze every last penny out of their current market base. I'm curious to see how well it works out for them.
  7. Can't blame me for being excited about it and asking anyhow, though!
  8. Yeah, I only spend around $125 a month on comics. You got me beat. That was sarcasm before by the way, but I guess that's sometimes lost in translation to the Internetz. Sorry, this is the last offtopic post from me
  9. Check in! Where is this album in the release queue? I know Maverick Rising is next, but how far after that is this one? The next album? Two albums later? Three?
  10. C'mon, Darke, don't just read the comics at the store. BUY them and read them at home. Or get them on your iPad. The New 52 is pretty great, by the way.
  11. Well, gee, it's been sitting in the TO BE POSTED pile for quite awhile now. I didn't mind because I thought I already had it...but now, I reeeeally wish they would post it!
  12. Oh, I totally already got it. It is pretty sweet. I wasn't necessarily thinking that it was going to be one of the flood tracks, but I was just thinking that it probably should be linked to the album whenever the track is posted.
  13. Hoping that this is a minor fix so as not to delay the album any further, but I noticed in the Currently in the Judging Process thread that WillRock's "Countdown to Infinity" mix is under the "TO BE POSTED" list instead of the "TO BE POSTED - Project Mixes" list. Is it going to be posted when the album is released? I would assume that it wouldn't be posted separately unattached to "Maverick Rising" at a later date.
  14. Too bad you won't be joining in. I do hope that SOMEONE picks Magma Dragoon, though. It's a pretty sweet theme.
  15. Since when did the number 2 result from a Google search for "Mega Man X Maverick Rising" become "behind the curtain?" You should probably close the curtain if you don't want people looking behind it.
  16. Damn, the website looks cool. Now if only the download links were included...
  17. That was a nice story. Seriously, though, good stats to have. Did you count Tengu Man's three different themes (PSX, Saturn, and MM&? You should publish the list of robot masters who haven't been chosen yet to entice people to take on fresh robot masters in future compos. EDIT: I wasn't actually saying that no new robot masters were ever picked, I was just saying that some people pick some robot masters that other different people had chosen in previous competitions. I LOL'ed though.
  18. I've been married to my wife for almost 8 years, so if it takes me being a child to keep the marriage cookin', so be it.
  19. Your definition of proper adult fun with the wife varies greatly from mine.
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