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Kureejii Lea

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Everything posted by Kureejii Lea

  1. Nice preview! Rattle Battle's style caught me by surprise, it's delightful.
  2. What changed? It didn't die and FotS is fucking good. And there are two of them!
  3. I'm already married. As for drama, I'd do the "pulling mah songs" bit, except no one would care. But puppies are indeed awesome.
  4. Is that supposed to be incentive or a threat?
  5. You mean aside from having an unimpressive presentation, not to mention a severe lack of content (given that most of the content has only been finalized in the past few weeks)?
  6. I was under the impression that the DS version expanded a lot on Golbez's backstory and the like... I haven't actually played it myself though.
  7. Oh yeah, if you just flat out ignore all the stuff that makes no sense whatsoever and focus entirely on weak links, it's perfectly understandable.
  8. You know, when I first heard it myself I honestly thought Sparks Scattering would be your kinda track...
  9. PSP has Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology, which is more of an escort title (think it's kinda dungeon-crawling?). I've heard it wasn't too hot but its upcoming sequel (Radiant Mythology 2) is apparently showing a lot more promise with fifty playable characters from across the series (I think all of Phantasia's cast is in, but Sheena and Regal aren't present when it comes to Symphonia characters). Dunno if that'll make it out of Japan, but seeing as the first one did... Like MarkShark said, Eternia on PSP didn't come out in North America.
  10. Yeah, there's a lot to fear from a guy who can have his ass handed to him by kids, teens, and a dog.
  11. So... you've played the Sonic 1 GBA port, right?
  12. Our Tracks Taste Like Tea!™ *note: tracks do not taste like tea and any perception of such should be mentioned to a registered health physician
  13. This is essentially what I've been hearing a lot of... with the downside that for ever daytime level, there are SEVERAL nighttime levels.
  14. Okay, then how about another special preview that does show more of Sixto's part... and clips from about eight other tracks? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiGEZX_1Ods]
  15. Ooh it's so nice to hear someone give Area F some love. The heavy bass intro is fun. The change at 2:13 seems a tad abrupt but it's not a big deal. The piano following sounds a bit muted to me, though. I keep thinking it should sound a little more rich/clear... I dunno, I guess as an icy-water area it brings to mind more crystalline sounds. That aside though, it's a fun, enjoyable take on the original.
  16. Sure, but then you have the issue of people not updating their profiles with progress reports, and others would still have to check every individual profile to see what was being worked on. At that rate you may as well just put it as part of your signature if you want others to know what you've got in the works.
  17. These ones are actually related to each other. Nothing's stopping anyone else from doing other Tales tracks themselves.
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