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Kureejii Lea

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Everything posted by Kureejii Lea

  1. I was starting to wonder when this was coming out. Congrats, guys! I'm not all that familiar with Doom but I'll certainly take a listen.
  2. I was just wondering about that today (well, yesterday now)... Okay, let's make sure we've got everything covered, guys.
  3. Well, there is the one here... http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00623/
  4. Geedarn, now I won't have to waste so much time deleting porn.
  5. I -think- we've got it mostly locked down now, thanks. Like most government crap it seems needlessly complicated, but whatcha gonna do...
  6. Congrats! That's a nice pic, the white bouquet really stands out. Was it incredibly nerve-wracking? I'm getting married in a few days myself. =P
  7. Looks like you're bad enough dudes to save the queue. Congrats.
  8. Oh, I'd do it, too. Seriously, guys... Yeah, a lot of work was completed a while ago, and it's no fun sitting on it for so long. Working in any art form, you'll always be refining technique, learning new methods, and exploring new directions. Art gets stagnant otherwise. But even if you feel your ability has progressed, that by no means takes away the value of older works. I can say with complete honesty that I've enjoyed every single track you guys have contributed. I believe they all bring something unique to the project and make it a fuller experience overall, and I'd really hate to see any of them removed. Since it looks like we'll be looking at an extension due to "outside" factors, people who really feel the need to touch up their existing tracks would have time to do so, I suppose... I just don't want that to turn into procrastination. I'd say that unless the update is timely, the current versions will be used regardless so there's no further wait. However, I seriously don't see that as necessary in the first place - I'm more than happy with the versions we have. You guys have done some excellent work here.
  9. Aww, I like that one a lot. It's fun and sweet. That and it's kinda sorta incorporated in some promo material right now...
  10. Wow. Something about the colours here is damn striking. Cute puppy, too (yes, as far as I'm concerned it's a puppy). Anyway, I can't say I really know what I'm doing in terms of photography, but that doesn't stop me from pretending I do. I have a wonky Pentax. That's about all I know.
  11. Shh, don't spoil the surprise. You all like that Rena/forest theme, right? Fifty times over?
  12. Ha. I'd forgotten about the existence of that thing altogether. Anyway, we've got till the end of today but things seem to be lookin good...
  13. While it's mostly found in the Classic games, music-based names/puns are fairly common throughout the series. In addition to those mentioned, there's also Beat, Reggae, Tango, Techno, Middy, Serenade, Ballade, and so on... not to mention the various Guns n' Roses references (not just the X5 Maverick names; go listen to X3's Neon Tiger's stage, and then the band's My Michelle).
  14. Did no one mention Elite Beat Agents? I weep. Even nongamers try to rip the DS from my hands when the agents are go.
  15. Sorry, guys. It's my job primarily to yell at Kyle to keep him on track, but it's been a rough week.
  16. My brother and I rented it a few times but I don't think we got too far. I can still remember the first stage's music though.
  17. It's probably to the degree of Shahra. As in, you know, unimportant and non-reoccuring. The RPG will probably be far better than this, but as usual, will most likely be overlooked because it's on a handheld.
  18. It's just attributed to more than one character.
  19. I once killed a man over a game of Tetris. He shouldn't have been dumping all of his block debris onto my screen.
  20. Old Life Space is pretty cool. So're Cold Smile and Trail on Powdery Snow. The remastered versions really fill the tracks out nicely, so those may make a good basis for remixing.
  21. I don't even know why I look at this thread anymore. It's torment.
  22. Ooh, I haven't thought about that game in a long time. I seem to remember it being a pretty damn tough platformer, though. Some of the circus-y music was cute.
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