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Kureejii Lea

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Everything posted by Kureejii Lea

  1. Hm. I think this kind of story would work best played very subtly - which is hard to do properly. Of course, they'll probably find it "easier" to toss in a wacky cast and dragon-launched boulders within a hail of arrows from some bad guy empire. Finding and fighting each colossus makes for a segmented story - chapters in the whole rather than a single arc, and that would most likely break up the flow of a film... unless we get a cheesy 80s montage of taking down all but the first and last.
  2. Thank you, but your link doesn't seem to work. (And sorry for the lack of 1280x800, but if you want me to try to remake one of the existing designs for that size, PM me)
  3. Nice to hear someone willing to take on this track. I really like the idea of the instrumentation, especially the horns, but the samples here sound pretty weak. Despite the addition partway through, it also doesn't sound like there's much actual arrangement compared to the original (but then, I'm going from memory). I almost wonder if this would work out better as a purely orchestral piece with less emphasis on drums; the intro has a really nice build. Good luck.
  4. Yeah, pretty much echoing what Kyle said... you don't have to like it, but I really can't see where you get "homogeneous" from, or how "that style" puts you to sleep when there is no singular "album style" here. Listen to just about any handful of songs - say, Go the Distance to This Fate to City of Vigor to Continental Divide to Frozen Heart to Café Mantra to Desert Nights to Altar Perception to Strike to Gentry and so on - and there's no stylistic similarity. Even the tracks that do fall under similar instrumentation or genre still sound distinct - compare Airborne to Dream Traveler to My Secret Forest, or Chaotic Heart to Antegenesis to On the Edge. Sorry, but I really don't understand where you're coming from.
  5. I remember people having trouble spelling your name. Honestly, what's so difficult about Archeon?
  6. This thread's like a trip through memory lane. You know, an acid trip and the memories are out to get you. He used to pop up randomly on AIM and tell me about how things were going for him, but I don't think I've heard from him in at least a year now...
  7. The intro is soft and sweet, and it builds a great sense of grandeur without sounding pretentious or exaggerated. The progression comes off as quite natural. It's really in-theme, too; I think you can easily imagine this being used as a score for some kind of 1600s ship captain story.
  8. I think you're all smelly. Especially that Kyle person.
  9. It does, but it's not too hot. While they cover all the details for you (formats, shipping, etc.) you earn 50% of the amount set above the base price (the minimum required to print it). For instance, if you set up a print of a certain size and the base price for it is $5, and you set the sale price at $10, you make a grand total of $2.50 per sale... and that's only if you have a prints account. Otherwise you only get 20% above the base price. Furthermore, you need to amass at least $20 before you see any of it, and they only send it out quarterly. If they've changed it recently, I don't know, but that's how it was last I checked. You're most likely better off doing it yourself, either finding a store that does it for cheap (prices vary hugely depending on where you go), or getting yourself a high-quality printer and doing shipping yourself.
  10. Wow, I never knew that you could adjust the timing of a track just by counting over the bar, especially by breathing. I LEARNED SOMETHING. =D
  11. Oh, thanks! Obviously it's gonna take a backseat to the music, but I'm glad it was noticed.
  12. Absolutely fantastic, of course! It seems a lot of people find this an intimidating track to take on, but you guys rocked it in more ways than one!
  13. Ah, the height of maturity. It's nice of you to belittled the works of over thirty people before hearing them, especially when a lot of them are on this project as well. I'm sure we'll do our best to fully interfere with your ability to listen to another project. =D
  14. Damn you, Kyle. Now I have to learn to draw cars. I mean, cars that actually look like cars.
  15. After working on this project for the last half-century or so, it'd be pretty lame if I hadn't. It was a nice touch. There's also some equipment loosely referencing ToP (then again, there's a lot of cross-referencing throughout the series itself).
  16. And that makes such a huge difference when it's rearranged anyway, I'm sure. Here we have twenty-five tracks remixed from a game that's barely been touched anywhere and you're complaining that one version of a track has been covered over another. Quit sounding like a spoiled child, thanks.
  17. Most of Symphonia's "A Snow Light" comes straight from Phantasia's "Freeze," which is on the project.
  18. When this project's awesomeness shakes the very foundations of the earth, yeah.
  19. Such polite encouragement! Maybe I should actually get started on that cover art...
  20. Not what I was expecting, but very dramatic! The sources blend together seamlessly. Felt like it went by too quickly, oddly enough. ...really? I found the original melodies pretty obvious...
  21. Happy Birthday. You're already complaining about "you kids," no less.
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