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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. Mega Man 2 - Crashman's Theme An ad for YTV's for those of us 'wave jammers' who grew up with this Canadian station. The music in the ad was the intro song for the show.
  2. Still got a deal on a supporter badge at attendee cost. Anyone have friends that could potentially still be convinced? It's a good deal.
  3. Neat. Production value is excellent. Neat song great funny moments... really inventive. You've really got a style all your own here, it's pretty refreshing. *cough-youshouldalsoentermychallenge-cough*
  4. I wish... I just have an idea or two as to how I could attempt to achieve the same effect.
  5. So I still haven't started yet. I'm hoping my amount of effort this time around will be somewhere between my first and second vid. I've got a few ideas in the back of my head which are all nearly equally feasible. Which one of these vague concepts sounds the most attractive to you guys? 1) -Heartfelt slow song with slow-mo/high-speed contrast & little-to-no message. - Skrypnyk 2) -Creepy-crawly attempt at a horror effects showcase. - Earthworm Jim 3) -Something sad with a robot. - Wizards & Warriors 4) -A non-fictional characters piece of multiple people's daily routines. - Chrono Trigger 5) -A flash or photo-based fast and/or complex object = sound = object experiment which will take a disgusting amount of time. - Shnabubula With such minimal information, does anyone have any votes on these options?
  6. Next time OCAD... NEXT TIIIIIIME! Also... I didn't realize my in-laptop-mic was THAT bad. I'll have to either fix my old one or run out and pick up a quick budget mic if you're ever foolish enough to ask me on again.
  7. Impressive. I'm really glad this one came up in shuffle, I had forgotten about it. Really pretty stuff. Very sentimental, I love it.
  8. Good episode this week. Very important suggestions for game developers. For anyone interested in additional commentary on the psychology behind gaming reward systems, I recommend checking out Tom Chatfield's TED talk on the 7 ways that games reward the brain.
  9. Sounds cool. Pretty sure it wouldn't be something we WOULDN'T watch unless it had inappropiate content or was, like, 20 minutes long or more.
  10. Still looking for anyone who wants to buy a badge off me. At this point, since it's looking doubtful I'll get any takers, I'll drop the Supporter badge price down to the Attendee price of $40. You can still keep the perks and the shirt. Anyone interested or if you know someone who would want to buy a badge please direct pms my way or shoot me an e-mail; cheflwilliams@gmail.com Sorry I'm going to miss you guys, EDIT: Or perhaps any advice for how/where to sell it?
  11. I have a sig contribution to get the ball rolling. Very quick cut/paster but my sig needed a picture or two for a change.
  12. I'll be attending this: http://www.canadianbusiness.com/markets/cnw/article.jsp?content=20101116_104502_3_cnw_cnw
  13. My brother specifically tells me to read all of mspaint adventures every time he sees me. Every time. For the last 2 or 3 years.
  14. I've been wrestling with the right idea to attempt this time around. My budget is, like, in the negative so I may enter a non-filmed entry this time. I'm definitely interested in doing something flash or after effects based though. We shall see.
  15. All of these are eligible for the OCR Music Video Challenge. Just sayin'. Nice find Drakesword.
  16. I did loophole it a bit eh? I'll admit, I did about 30 seconds of checking for similar threads.
  17. Hmm. Interesting. I'm surprised all of that was shot on an ipod touch. Cool song too. My one critique would be, that if you are planning on shooting your video with your ipod that, since one or two of the shots came out a little choppy, that you might want to shoot things many times just in case. Think 5 takes per shot and 1 will surface as the best. Promising work though, glad to have you excited to be on board.
  18. ...or y'know, songs that you really like for various reasons. I figure Youtube links would be the best way here, and this would obviously be non ocr-related material since we all know where to find that. I'm not even specifically talking about VG music either, just songs that we like for reasons we can or cannot explain. Maybe we can help each other discover new artists we like. I'll start with two songs that I like for very different reasons. This is a ridiculously fun track. It reminds me of a lot of the Jet Grind Radio soundtrack. I'm a sucker for competitive mood, fast change-ups, bad ass drums and/or bass, building climaxes, and plenty of effects. This song does it all. I could do without some of the vocal samples, some are a little over the top, but a lot of them do a great job of setting the mood. I've actually never played the game, and from what I saw of the game footage I don't think I'm going to like it too much. There's no way I'm gonna get into DJ Hero the same as I have with DDR or other more established rhythm games, I'm not keen on buying a lot of plastic instruments for my house. Regardless, it's one of the best songs on the soundtrack in my opinion. A really somber electronic track with some awesome female vocals. Similar to Massive Attack or Bjork in character. Very textural and interesting to listen to. The highlight of the song for me is 2:40 - 3:19 where the vocals sing one note, rising each bar, until it gets high enough that the strings give it ridiculous depth and then the woman's voice morphs seamlessly into digital tonal obscurity. The compression for the youtube upload doesn't do it justice. Just a really neat piece, I can't think of much like it. Ok. There's mine for the moment. I could post a hundred of these without overlap. Next!
  19. How did this song pass that quality filter several years back. This isn't the least bit substantial.
  20. Really well placed lyrics djp. Quite romantic. I'm a big fan of vgremixes where the lyrics are of their own character and story. It's a bit of 'a gimme' to write vocals to a megaman mix about shooting robots with your cannon arm. It takes specific and poetic skill to craft, as you have here, imagery that might apply to the characters of Chrono Trigger but really doesn't have to. It's something special all on it's own. It helps us gamers to keep us from embarrassing ourselves a little.
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