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Iggy Koopa

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Everything posted by Iggy Koopa

  1. Yeah, it could use Kirby. And Rayman. And Pit. And Starfy. And Scrooge McDuck.
  2. Oh, you're still alive! And well I looked at your Facebook and you like David Lynch and Kannazuki no Miko, so like you're 20× more awesome than I remembered.

  3. Some of these are totally vi IV I V. I think this is still my favorite chord compilation video though.
  4. Hé! Are you still loaded with music equipment you don't use or have you started making stuff since I was last around?

  5. Okay, so I originally started this a few months back when I was in a Yoshi's Island arranging frenzy and I had the idea of taking the structure of Franz Liszt's Consolation №1 in E major and mixing it with the Yoshi's Island intro, which came out pretty nicely but the piece ended up being ridiculously short. Jump to today when I find this piece again and I decide to expand it, the result being what you're about to hear. This is sort of rough because I haven't had the chance to humanize it or master it or anything so at the time of this writing some of it is going to sound like a robot slamming keys. But I think it's listenable enough to post. In regards to the composition, I'm more or less finished depending on whether I feel like trimming the opening—I just don't know yet. But for now, you can hear what I have here. Give me feedback or ask questions, if you'd like. And yes, that's 7/8.
  6. Am I? I'm a December baby though, so in my experience I'm usually almost not!

  7. Like I said on YC, make the Yoshi singing at the end longer, like maybe another bar or two. It's totally something you should repeat a bit. Also, this is a bit short; I don't know how they'd feel about that.
  8. Hey, The Orichalcon.

  9. Once again, thank you all for the kind words. I'm pleased to see that you guys are receiving my arrangement so warmly and I'm considering simply submitting it as-is. In fact, that's what I'm doing right now. Wish me luck!
  10. I appreciate the offer very much, Nubioso, but the piece uses steel guitars. It's a really good sample though. Also, I love your sig.
  11. Hi, Skrypnyk. I heard about your collaboration with GSlicer. Good luck with that. Thanks. How do you guys feel about the guitars?
  12. I've been working on this Yoshi's Island ending arrangement recently called Mr. Stork! May I Go Home… which you can listen to here. It's this thing I've made after a month of listening to pretty much nothing but Sigur Rós. Anyway, unless you guys feel otherwise, I really don't think there are any glaring production errors. The real problem is, well, I don't have a guitarist and the whole piece pretty much hinges on the guitar performance. I don't think my synthetic guitars will cut it. So, I don't know—give feedback. Be my guitarist, if you'd like. Edit: Here's a tindeck link for all of you who don't like 2shared. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/gycr
  13. Hey, Vig. Do you still go to Berklee?

  14. I just came back after my long absence and I was wondering....where did unmod go? I miss it! :'(
  15. Yes, that sounds reasonable to me!
  16. I loved this, and thanks to those people at Vgmix, I find this remix funny too, especially at the part with the Timipinis because whenever I hear it, I say "ha, James Bond."
  17. Does anybody know where I can get a good electric violin or fiddle?
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