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Everything posted by I-n-j-i-n

  1. Looking at video comparisons, the color is again slightly duller for the PS3 version. As in very, very slightly, but that was the case for PS3/360 ports all the time. Also, looking at PS3 online videos, the loading seems to be a bit longer too. As for Mitsurugi and Kilik, they're the insufferable scrub/newbie/spam/broken characters of the game. You just need to learn maybe two or three types of moves and you're going to defeat everyone no matter how skilled they are.
  2. It's that accursed swing that covers horizontal/vertical areas and sweeps high and low. I actually beat some Kilik players who did that, but it's really annoying to parry low.
  3. I won't mind a Batman vs Batman movie. Some people thought that was going to happen because the early reviews talked about the imposter Batmans. Maybe a nihilistic, kill-all-criminals Batman vs the actual Bale Batman. They had a lot of similar angles in the comic book too. Also, I'm not sure what to think about the rumor of having Angelina Jolie become Catwoman or having another Penguin in there. Maybe Nolan fashioned some aspects of the old 89 Batman movies (Joker, then Catwoman/Penguin + the come-apart Batmobile. Maybe a Batplane next, just like in 89 one?). That said, I thought the depiction of Penguin (despite the ridiculous Penguins and the circus freaks) was as good as it probably could get and I don't think Jolie can touch the Michelle Pfeiffer Catwoman. I wish Nolan tries Mr Freeze again and make him creepy or something.
  4. I block low all the time, but it's annoying when you try a low attack and someone whacks you over the head with a vertical attack. I played around 40 matches just recently and I'm surprised I'm holding pretty good to almost all the matches, even with higher leveled, high win ratio opponents. If I'm going to die, I make sure I become the biggest pest possible by spamming them with all sorts of moves. I hate how some high level players relegate to using a cheap up/down attack combo and spamming the same moves. I sometimes beat the hell out of them by parrying them though. Spammers deserve it.
  5. Yeah, I think the optimal mileage of Geometry Wars is for those who can make it past 5 minutes without getting slaughtered.
  6. I think they made a really good case for the art since in the original two games, the enemies tended to blend in and it was just a wash of dull colors. I'd rather have the flashy colors where I can differentiate enemies than just the entire screen squirming with grays and browns of enemies.
  7. Wow. Seriously hurt enough to have constant IV fluids? I think it's a bit more serious than a hurt hand. The kid is already having troubles with driving with possible alcohol, tobacco, drug problems? Karma-lol.
  8. I think the rate is just about the same for Nightmare. But still, out of the 100 matches I've played so far, ring outs are extremely rare. I mean, out of all the 100 or so, I've only remembered 10 ringouts. And they tend to be pretty hilarious because they NEVER happen. I actually did a few finishing moves, so the rate is incredibly rare I'd say. Also, too much people dramatizing the online play. Even when it's laggy, the compensation is there so it's definitely playable. And after all the matches where I was able to accurately counter and parry opponents online, even against pretty good players, I honestly never had more fun with a fighting game online.
  9. I simply think we were talking about two different things altogether and maybe I didn't try to make the distinction. Either way, I don't really find what to even argue about here.
  10. The total soundtrack pricing comes to around $15. Sounds pretty ridiculous to me, when the costume DLC is only 100 points ($2 or so?). Also, this game is so much fun even when losing badly to opponents online. Just playing a foil that is.
  11. Except in the last 6 months, when the game sales were supposed to come to a trickle, there has been tons of 360 and PS3 games to fill the gap. Like Metal Gear Solid 4, Soul Calibur 4, all the torrent of download titles, Grand Theft Auto 4 (wow, lots of 4's). I honestly wonder what Nintendo's waiting for. Instead of worrying about new releases, maybe they should just release all the Japan-only VC games. Voila, new games (for Americans).
  12. Missing the whole point why I point out the irony. In that specific case, you're right. But in terms of Joker as an antithesis to Batman, to his very jokes which basically aren't funny to every one of his victims via his dark, ironic sense of humor, those are totally different ideas. Seriously, how is this hard to comprehend? And really, this is an argument? Who said this was an argument? So I'm saying one thing and if someone disagrees, then that's that. Don't spin it off into something that wasn't even implied originally. Apparently some people can't help but put everything I say into some sort of a subversive rant while I'm only putting face value into it all. Let me say "Joker is a bad guy". And we'll see a dozen raving posts about why that is false. "Batman is a good guy". Have fun.
  13. I think it's plenty different enough thanks to all the modes the first game should've had. The first game was spartan. It was just the core game. Now it has multiplayer mode (still needs to be live) and a ton of modes. Also, the 1080p definition is insane. I can barely even make out the tiny pixels the game uses. Rarely you see that in videogames.
  14. Yeah, I don't disagree that some of the 'serious' moments were a bit top-heavy and self important at times. But the combination of the mood, the gameplay, the music, etc, it felt like what a traditional Final Fantasy sequel would've been (and it's made by a lot of the people who made older FF games). Other than that, I can only name some Tales games, Suikoden 5 and Persona 3 as some of the more noteworthy JRPGs of the last 5 years or so. I just don't have as big an expectation so maybe that helps.
  15. So what part of that definition didn't fit it anyway? Joker always says one thing or intends it as a joke but it always has a macabre side to it. If you can't be convinced of it, then don't be. Not my business to get tangled on a word.
  16. So I played around 30 online matches, and I wonder where all the gripe is coming from. Maybe I just have a good connection or something because I even got around to guard-parrying 10 times in one match without a problem. Also, only 5 of the 30 matches had any disturbing/noticeable lag. I had a lot of fun playing online and coming across freakish create a soul characters. My only gripes with the whole game: - Everything is slower. Soul Calibur 2 had it perfect and now it's a crawl. Talim feels just as slow as Nightmare... - Not as many extras. No real biography/story feature, no quest mode, barely the fraction of the great artwork you could find in Soul Calibur 1 (seriously, why are there lesser and lesser artwork in the games? SC1 had the most, SC2 had fewer, SC3 fewer, SC4 fewer still). - Music is pretty much atrocious. I can't hum a single tune basically. Again, Soul Calibur 2 basically was the epitome as far as the music goes. - Everything is pretty garish in design. Too many bold colors, overly designed outfits and the boss has none of the refined style you get from most boss characters. Actually, Namco fighting game bosses are almost always garish and silly looking. Other than that, I haven't really played anything this polished in a while. At least since DOA4 and Virtua Fighter 5. But it's the only discernible numerical note you can have for directions other than the airplane clock directions which would just make things more complicated. I think thy were using the numerical directions since the earlier SNK fighting games since they relied on such complex moves. And it stuck for all fighting game move notations.
  17. The irony is how he basically makes a mockery of all human life and law and order he comes across. We don't really get a reasoning for why he does it and he most definitely is insane (did I ever disagree?), but I think that's basically the lore of the Joker throughout. The way he taunts Batman and becomes a counter to all the order and justice Batman tries to dish out, I think that was one of the central themes of the whole movie. Everything he says or acts upon as a form of joke is basically a no laughing matter for everyone else.
  18. Oblivion actually dragged on near the end for me. Also, Lost Odyssey is probably one of the best traditional JRPGs I've played in the last 5 years.
  19. I heard the online play still works pretty satisfactorily for the most part. Obviously not as good a netcode as Dead or Alive 4's but still. I think the consensus is split on how good the online play is.
  20. Thank you for saying that. Yes, as great as the movie was, the numbers does not lie. People are watching it for a lot of reasons and it IS a Batman movie. People are going to watch it on the hype and the name alone. I think it's fair to say that most of the audience probably aren't even comicbook fans or would normally would watch it had this movie not get the buzz (for good or bad reasons) and the rave it got. ......... what? That's what tongue-in-cheek means. Everything Joker does, you can't take them at face value since they're always threatening and more importantly, ironic.
  21. I agree it's not confusing. Just very tongue-in-cheek, which probably won't fly with a lot of viewers understandably. But people bought the hype and are watching it. Whatever.
  22. I'm scared of the news that Yoda is completely broken since you can't throw him or hit him with horizontal strikes. So basically 90% of serious Soul Calibur players will probably stay with Yoda online.
  23. I think competition is good. Also, what's the point of critiquing a brand new search engines? They are almost never good when they first start. Google was horrible in its first year or so.
  24. I don't think that's quite true. Even with Burton's Batman, he doesn't make it a point to kill enemies. They're just the casualties that come with the job. Also, as much as Batman detests using guns, he surely loves using them in his vehicles, even in his current version of 'no kill' policy and also in the Bale version obviously. I don't think you can really put Burton's Batman in line directly with the comic versions because he's obviously a bit different. But Batman has always skirted the law and was framed for murder or creating chaos in comic books before. That was always a part of the darker image of Batman. I would not quite equate him with someone like Spider Man or something. Also, chief Gordon in the 89 Batman probably knows that it was basically a warzone that Gotham has been put through. I think that's the difference between Burton's Gotham and Nolan's Gotham. Burton's ones are always in near war-like frenzy while with Nolan, it's a more classical type of criminal mayhem, but more confined to the villains at hand. Batman has always been pretty reckless as far as the action took him and I think that's the justification for Burton's Batman. Still, I do think the fact that Batman takes it one step further (as in going as far as to kill or even getting into situations where he has no choice but to do so) and is clearly distraught over his past in Burton's version does make him a bit different. Again, Nolan's Batman has more of a hero complex instead of being the distraught one.
  25. Which is true. The Burton Batman is borderline nihilistic and maybe that version is more the 'disturbed' Batman portrayal since he has such a double sided face to him. On one hand, he does everything, even if it means killing to create justice. While with the Bale version, it's the more idealistic, the more hero-fied version of Batman with the no-kill code. If it was the Burton Batman, he would have ran down the Joker, and end the movie right there.
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