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Everything posted by I-n-j-i-n

  1. Denno Coil won several anime awards in Japan for best of the year (I wouldn't go that far, but I liked it a lot). Baccano was really well done in a pseudo-American-comic style, Code Geass was like Death Note with robots and melodrama, ef is one of the most inventive romance anime I've ever seen, Minami-ke is like Azumanga Daioh on steroids (add Sketchbook and Potemayo if we're in that Azumanga-style comedy category), Zetsubo Sensei is probably the most frantic comedy I've seen, Shigurui is a creepy showcase of debauchery and death, Kaiji is the best showcase of the 'underdog versus organized crime' type of shows I've seen, etc etc. There were too many great shows in 2007. Death Note, to me, is just another straight manga conversion that was still very well done (still one of the better shows of the year), but not exactly out of the left field or really inventive at all. That and the final story arc could've been done better starting from the manga itself.
  2. This reminds me: We need that Warcraft CG movie that was semi-rumored for a decade and a Starcraft CG movie.
  3. Death Note is very flashy and 'mature' themed so I guess that makes it go down well for western audiences. I can count at least a few dozen shows in 2007 I liked more than Death Note.
  4. I posted this in the Incredible Internet Videos thread, but I wonder if the maker is the same as the automated mario ones: http://youtube.com/watch?v=DFyKGKhfRIg
  5. To me, I sometimes like to replay old games as if they were new. I guess lists can be good for that, but browsing old titles is fun too.
  6. I once tried to, then I realized that nobody cares. Including me.
  7. Only 8 episodes, wasn't it? Why not give us two episodes then leave us in suspense?
  8. I love these games to death, but I haven't had the time to try them yet. But I agree that Super Demo World is a CLASSIC. Possibly better designed than most SMW levels. Actually, most of these mods are almost universally better than the old versions, except for the times when they mess up the physics (like demo world) a bit.
  9. Out of the box playability is completely different. Do you ever install console games? No. I'm not talking about the more complex console games either. Just as in 99.999% of console titles. That is a stupid argument. Because the analogy does not work. Why? Because if you pirate consoles, IT IS ALL FREE. Same for PC gaming. Why do you put the onus only on console games? I know people in my dorm who owns HUNDREDS of 360, PS3, PS2 and Xbox games by pirating them. Likewise with PCs, there is no onus on the videocard and memory and other hardware manufacturers if you fool around with your own system on your own accord. That, and if you know what you're doing with console modding, it basically is no risk. Same could be said of PC modding. It can be dangerous/problematic if you don't know what you're doing. Ditto for all the MILLIONS of computer complaints. Overall, you can still get by them even with a virus stuck in your computer (my old computer had 300 viruses hovering in it and it worked well enough, aside from the fatal error occasionally). Again, you're just going from one sided view on this. And the comparison simply does not work. I don't even need to specify the bevy of hardware and software problems PC gamers are subject to. You can deny all you want, but going 'LALALA' over the problem isn't an argument. Nothing. It broke by itself. I defrag every week and don't even press the power button to shut down, for Christ sakes. I never even use mail system or open any exe's or any mails anymore. And it still comes through. It's common knowledge. Coop posted a nifty post up there that basically explains everything about it. Don't you think you're backtracking a bit here? Because the crux of my entire argument was about the most basic FACT that it is more of a hassle with PC gaming. Not that it's worse for it. That's what you assume, but I never even implied that. Again, tell me how a PC is a pure gaming system. Because by its very function, it isn't. There is no battleground for gaming like some people would imagine it would. I don't get why *some* PC gamers (do I need to mention names now?) look down on console gamers as if they're another breed. They aren't. It's that simple. Adventure, sports, RPGs... If we're to dumb it down that way, there's always the action, platformers, puzzle (since when was the last time a puzzle game came out specifically for the PC that broke the bank? I can't remember), etc etc. I don't even think it's a matter of preference other than that if you're going by the actual number of genres, it is not worth comparing PC games to consoles. Go ahead and compare a lake to an ocean. Not a good comparison. And I'm saying that to DEFEND PC gaming there. Yeah, I think you make a good point with some games that are really exploding in the general masses. Then again, most 'game of the year' types of games that sold into the millions were typically action, FPS and RPGs. Traditionally the stuff most 'hardcore' gamers play. I really don't think it's a matter of PC gamers being more hardcore either. Just that it's more of a niche market.
  10. I think that's a silly thing to say when many FPS games nowadays are designed to play on a console just the same. Call of Duty games for example, made the conversion more than well. It plays identically the same as it does for the PC to me. Funniest three lines I've ever seen. What?
  11. No they don't. Auto updates that does everything for you with perfect function is not even close to the amount of updating we all had to do for PC games since the Doom days. Also, you don't need to log online for almost no console games except for something like Phantasy Star Universe. That isn't much of a point to make. So a few console games are like PC games. But with almost none of the similar hassles otherwise. I never said anything about modding. And since when was modding consoles ever a necessary experience? Never. Statistically, the console problems are way overblown. Even at the worst times for the 360, the statistics were approximately at the MOST, 2% of all the millions of consoles. And the vast majority of them were eligible for refund or replacement. Compare that to the constant problems most PCs face no matter how much you try to avoid them (my CD/DVD player exploding. Literally EXPLODING was pretty spectacular. I never came across anything like that with any consoles, ever). And that's not mentioning the neverending stream of viral attacks even when I'm running three virus/spam detectors at once. I don't see this as any sort of bashing for PC games. It's just reality. I still lean towards console games as THE gaming systems, but I'm in no way bashing PC games. But if you're in it only to play games, it is for a fact more of a hassle than just opening a box and plugging a system in. I mean, look at it the other way, and it's for a fact that console games aren't as easy to openly modify or manipulate using a controller compared to the keyboard (not a bash on controllers since I prefer them. It's just not as complex that's all). Both have their pros and cons that way. And by the numbers, the vast majority of gamers steer towards console gaming for a reason. I doubt they do that because 'games are simpulrrr hurrrr'.
  12. "perhaps not hardware upgrades". Wow. Thanks for proving ALL my points. And taking 5 seconds for auto-downloading/updating patch is nothing compared to manual patching you typically SHOULD do for optimal performance for most PC patches. Console updates are inconsequential. Period. Another deal with PC gaming, for me, is that you typically can't get reimbursed for software problems, troubleshoots and downloaded content. The customer support for those tends to be either horrendous or basically nonexistent. Compare that to getting a new PS3 or 360 if they have internal problems and getting it delivered back, I think that's one huge plus for console games. It's just a lot easier to insure as an actual gaming hardware.
  13. No it doesn't. I used to pay $50 for NES games, $70-$80 for new SNES games. Didn't bat an eye. Even if it used up all my monthly allowance at the time. Then there is the ironclad fact that you don't need to upgrade consoles.
  14. I'm sorry, I'm not an SA goon or whatever but found that video to be the best. I love actual human reaction in my videos for one. And you're making it sound like there weren't hundreds of trial and error in those videos.
  15. Wow. I never thought anyone would say Steam is awesome.
  16. I'm constantly switching from Xbox Live Arcade games, Halo 3 and CoD4 with online play. The roleplaying style level ups are like crack. And it's fun to kill people after you fall dead.
  17. 25fps is not solid. Sorry. Also, if we're talking about gaming PCs nowadays, it's mostly with doubling it up. Dual sticks of memory (4GB), dual graphic card link, dual processors, or even dual harddrives for faster access. I really don't buy the idea that PC gaming is cheap. Because it is not. Not if you want something respectable, then you have to expect to go into $3000 category, and that is just by going to newegg to find parts, not even to buy it from a large manufacturer.
  18. Borat was always funny and though I keep trying to hate his character, I can't. It's not the character's own fault that his jokes became overplayed by its viewers. It's the Napoleon Dynamite syndrome.
  19. Mario isn't the only one they torture-test though. It's just that he's one of the most popular examples. They did it many times for Smash Bros games and one of my favorites with Sonic: PS- I love full game abuse updates like with the OP video. That one has to be one of the better ones. Not to mention the 2chan layout.
  20. I really, really, really, really crave for a good present, but I never got a good one in almost a decade now. So I allowed myself an extra $100 personal allowance.
  21. If anything, I'm interested in how the intro will turn out to be. The Duke Nukem theme has evolved from being tinny 2D, computer-chip sounds to a full blown Megadeth theme.
  22. I'm actually REALLY glad they didn't churn out the first versions of DNF. I love Tomb Raider games, but a lot of the gameplay elements remind me of bad Tomb Raider clones. And they were about to jump into the 'vehicle that does absolutely nothing useful' bandwagon of the late 90's with FPS games.
  23. All you can blame are alcohol and the idiot kids themselves. Not the victim of course. I'm not going to say that games can't ever be a part of a violent ourburst, but it's not the only one. Not everyone goes berserk after a drink, not everyone goes and emulates things they watch and hear. But some will.
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