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Everything posted by I-n-j-i-n

  1. I agree too. People underestimated the grand scope of Sunshine's levels. And it probably had more ambitious level designs than Mario 64's, though there were only a few of them.
  2. I think the game actually looks really good, but it's way too many delays, too many development teams. It's a shame, because I miss the super-sexist/alien-ist lines so much. It's so ridiculous, it's hard not to laugh at them:
  3. This game is making me into a mental case. I keep sticking to a same stage that has a SMB3 music and it's almost instinctual.
  4. It doesn't make sense to put in such tactical items if it's not going to be used. That said, tourneys can be bullshit that way too.
  5. I think this item is pretty boring/totally-useless in single player and free for alls and outright essential for serious multiplayer contests. Hopefully this means we see more serious team battles in SSB unlike the typical 1 vs 1 in tournaments.
  6. I'm way more excited for the new Star Trek to be made by the Lost creator and features Syler from Heroes as Spock. That sounds like a line of a joke, but I'm sold already.
  7. I'm not sold on Heath Ledger. Never was, probably won't unless he does an impressive job throughout. Still strikes me as one of the worst Batman version outside the Adam West one. Ledger suits being a pretty boy the best. And why does Alfred and that car engineer spout witty banter like they're teenagers? Other than that, it's all nitpicking. It surely can't be as bad as the way they butchered Ra's in the first movie.
  8. Actually, vampires are not that ancient. Ghouls and human eating zombies are not vampires or even equivalent. People can say that they're precursors, but they are not the vampires we specifically know them as. The romanticized/reviled vampire of modern era came straight from the 18th century when digging up bodies to study them became common and we were starting to understand the process of the human body. Such as a corpse bleeding while in coffin, its belly being either full or more empty than usual made it seem like it was in a habit of drinking blood. I'm not so sure about the movie now that I heard a lot of bad opinions too. There's that whole cheese factors that come with Will Smith movies too, as entertaining as they may be. Actually, this book to movie conversion reminds me of I, Robot. Both got their share of praise and criticism, though I think I Am Legend is making for more divisive discussion. I'll still watch it when it comes to premium television or DVD.
  9. I don't think anything this year can top No Country for Old Men this year, but I'm looking forward to watching it. Sadly, all the theaters I know of were sold out of tickets. Will Smith has a crazy drawing power..
  10. I saw that fight too, but the submission wasn't all that threatening in itself. It doesn't matter if you get 'choked out' rather than just becoming limp and unable to fight. That is grounds for stoppage in martial arts and MMA rules these days. You simply can't have people get seriously hurt after getting incapacitated.
  11. I agree that multi-platform releases are a bit overrated. And it gets even more ridiculous when they transfer something like Call of Duty 4 for the DS... Besides, it seems only the biggest publishers have the money and willpower to do releases in that scale.
  12. Apparently the Zapper is a sort of a flop in some circles. The button placement was all wrong from conception anyway. And the funny part is that many reviews apparently say the normal wiimote is more accurate and wieldy than the gun. I didn't think they would struggle with a gun adapter. I'm worrying about how the steering wheel could turn out.
  13. If you want THE most comprehensive space anime, everyone should watch Planetes as quickly as possible. The characters are all memorable, and the situation in the near-future-space is very plausible, replete with your good buddy Islamic terrorist. It's easily the most well made space anime IMO. Even a few steps above Cowboy Bebop for me. Maybe not too surprisingly, it's directed by the director of Gun X Sword, Scryed and Code Geass, Taniguchi Goro.
  14. I thought the same, but sadly, it's still used insanely too much in online games with text chat (just about all FPS games ever and MMORPGs). And now the blog sites are all about using annoying l33t.
  15. You should've downloaded them when they were out on fansubs. I think they are in MIRC if you're persistent about finding them. Vandread was pretty good overall and it really was well made. The girls actually had a bit more going than just being fanservice. And the English voice acting was actually.... great. Gun X Sword isn't exactly a serious show except for the final episodes. Not sure how people tend to view Taniguchi Goro anime (Scryed, Code Geass). But I like them. A lot.
  16. That's it. Sakurai, stop making updates. Forever.
  17. I agree that the show can get better as it goes along but it does seem to be getting better at least. I didn't even expect the world premiers like that to that degree though, even if they were mostly teaser trailers. I think the internet virals that introduced every award and the great cameo of Red vs Blue are a few steps better than last year's. Even if the Video Games Live segment only lasted 5 minutes. 5 great minutes but still.
  18. So..... this update is basically about a rock..... that you toss..
  19. It's actually well made for a game awards show. You can't expect them to show a droll, boring, by the books type of award shows for videogames anyway. I thought the Foo Fighters performances were great though. It's strange since their musical guests and a few comedians' appearances are the most fun part about the award show. Also, Video Games Live was amazing from what little of what we saw. Tommy Tallarico was working it like a maniac. It got my interest piqued for VGL. VGL itself IS the orchestra. I think you have no idea what you're talking about. And it seemed like they had a pretty top billing as far as the actual event went. The show isn't exactly a total videogame event as it was a popular culture thing, but they put in a lot of effort to get a lot of celebrities into one building. It's the kind of needless, but fun theatrics that disappeared in E3. As for the actual awards themselves, I don't think I could have chosen much different. Call of Duty 4, Orange Box, Halo 3, Madden (meh, but sports fans are attached), Super Mario Galaxy and Bioshock. It's strange how Bioshock won, but maybe the voting public liked it a lot more than the most critical fans did.
  20. Actually, it's ludicrous to even HINT at censoring or restricting online play. The best way to do that is to take out the wireless router. I've did that before and it's failsafe. And what kind of retard takes anyone seriously from what is said over a game? I will never understand that logic. PS- I'm glad to see SSBB incorporating some sort of a randomized online play. Even if it's pretty weird by jumping straight into the choosing screens. It seems the Japanese developers have no idea what 'lobbies' are and how advantageous they can be. Like testing connectivity, pre-game chat and set up, etc. Just about every fighting game I've played online was like that.
  21. It looks like an American comic book style, which is what's weird about it. After seeing it in a distinct anime style since Alpha, it is a bit weird. Then again, the new HD Street Fighter for Xbox Live Arcade/ Playstation Market will use designs made by comic book artists.
  22. That is some great news. Four months. Enjoy your nearly-three-year wait.
  23. It's a tradition, a business and foremost, it's an art. The precursors literally practiced it to hurt or even kill people. The romantic ideal came way later. As in the modern eras. Even a lot of martial arts that pop up nowadays, it's a matter of nationalism/philosophy like Aikido (that art wasn't even created until five decades ago), Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (made entirely from a sporting aspect, not out of some 'do no harm' philosophy) or something like modern Vale Tudo which was basically created to make taking down enemies that much more efficient (precursor to modern MMA with the grappling + striking). The idea of a 'sensei' or a 'master' sitting and preaching some borderline religious line about 'not hurting others' has no real impact on the sport or the physicality of it. Also, that 'martial arts ideal' about not actively seeking a fight or abusing it is just common sense. That ideal doesn't lend itself specifically to martial arts. That's the kind of high and mighty attitude I dislike about some martial arts practices. If you have a tradition and like it, that's fine. But don't tell me that is essential to the actual science of it. I don't really give a shit if masters did this or that. Practitioners ultimately matter the most. I really don't buy any of the romanticism involved personally. No offense intended, but that is how I feel. Especially not nowadays when most 'masters' are just coaches and assistants to the actual martial artists out there. Even in Karate/TaeKwonDo nowadays, masters has taken a back seat to the role of being coaches. As in like gym coaches. Does the end result change drastically? Of course not.
  24. The thing is, I don't care what martial arts 'stands for'. People always say that the point isn't to fight, to avoid conflicts, etc etc. It's basically pretty rhetoric some choose to live by. By 'fights' I don't really mean it in terms of real life conflicts either. It could be for sport, for self empowerment, etc. But you still aim for the fight even if it may never come. I mean look at it from a purely objective and practical point of view: If you want to train so much to avoid fights, then what's stopping you from just joining some Tai Chi or Yoga class instead? To me, you join Martial Arts to prepare for fights. Even if you don't prepare to fight for real, you prepare your body and mind for a whole another mindset. To me, 'martial artists shouldn't fight' is just unnecessary philosophical addendum. If you like that philosophy, fine. But is it essential? I'd laugh if you say it is.
  25. That, and in a lot of UFC and Pride and stuff like it, stuffing/bother-them-with-clinches type of wrestling is apparently doing way better than Jiu Jitsu now. With a lot of wrestlers just harassing their enemies by clinching, shoving or even run head first into them until they create an opening. Wrestling is very technique oriented too, but that is definitely the rough and tumble type of sport where you concentrate more on muscle memory of positions and balance than thinking it out steps ahead, unlike with something with more steadfast technique like Judo or Tae Kwon Do or something. PS- It's not poo.
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