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Everything posted by I-n-j-i-n

  1. So it looks like they're killing off many of the former contacts found in Terminator 2 now. I thought the terminator putting himself together was hilarious.
  2. I haven't heard too many flattering things about FFTA2 since it's apparently not too different from the first game and the much superior FFT version already came out for the PSP. I wonder what's stopping them from releasing the same thing on the DS.
  3. Fox released a lot of high profile shows in January though. Prison Break, 24, American Idol, etc. It's just the way they do it.
  4. But that's my point. It doesn't really seem to matter if we know the outcome or not. That's not really the selling point of the series apparently, since they are pretty adamant about there being only one outcome to it all. Also, a Terminator sequel will shed light on how John Conner saves humanity in the future too. We know it's going to happen. We just don't know how. I don't see how this TV series is any different. Showing what happens inbetween seems plenty fresh to me. Though actually, I wouldn't mind alternate-endings and actual spinoffs where the future actually changes either. I really wonder what the rumored, three new Terminator movies will cover with this one timeline.
  5. I actually thought it was borderline 'very good'. All the early reviews in TV-websites rated it pretty highly and my reaction is on par. The action and the general feel isn't actually too far from the Terminator movies and it looks like the plot gels into place between the T2 and T3 movies. As far as first episodes go, I actually liked it a bit more than Heroes, so it's a good sign. I just hope they can keep at it, but the writer and director do have a good reputation behind them so it's not an impossibility. Except it wasn't random. In the movie, John says it clearly that Sarah died fighting the invasion all along. Though I don't think they explored that very deeply in the movie. Also, a lot of things in the Terminator canon aims toward inevitability anyway. It's just the journey itself that changes. Sarah still dies of terminal illness no matter what she does to influence it, John will still be the savior of mankind, Terminators will still wreak havoc, etc. The Terminator series has never been something like Back to the Future where the future changes at a whim.
  6. I admit it is very well made, though it is a bit on the slow and boring side sometimes. Very good watch, just not that excitable IMO (reminds me of Seirei no Moribito). That, and they left the story hanging because the manga is still going. Both Hikaru no Go and Ippo are best served from the manga where they are fleshed out a lot better. Not to mention that the Ippo manga has about 20 more epic/crazy fights on top of where the anime left off. Cantabile could've been way better because most of the time, it's the classical music playing with a still shot of characters. Very lazy animating compared to the studio's former effort Honey and Clover. Also, the live action drama is the optimal version of Nodame Cantabile IMO. I don't really see how the tone really changed. That was speculated but I don't think that ever became true other than the fanservice. Other than a few blatant fanservice shots and the infamous girl-humping-table moment, most of it was on par. Including the massacre and deaths that happened near the end. I think it's pretty silly to jump into anime with the popular stuff up. I think a non anime fan would be awestruck by something like Kemonozume, Mushishi and Kaiji. Then you might have an appetite for the frillier affair and still appreciate them for what they are. But with kids' shows leading the way, I think that puts a lot of negative connotations for shows that are nothing like the stereotype suggests. I think a lot of the genres that are shunned such as Yakitate and sports anime/manga are overlooked just because of the genre they are in (if you can call bread-making a genre). Too many great sports/competition anime to mention and they typically get ignored by people who are jaded by American sports movies. No it is not. Honey and Clover is FAR from a slice of life show where it's about the ho-hum of everyday life like Sketchbook or Aria are. Honey and Clover definitely is a romantic comedy. There's nothing slice of life about it since so much drama is prevailing.
  7. Did you say overrated? I thought I heard overrated, because most of Burton's works never seems to get the due respect until 5 or 10 years down the line as it did with the Batman movies (everybody, EVERYBODY missed Burton after the Schumacher disasters. Actually, I still miss the Burton touch after the ho hum Batman Begins). And everybody thought Pee Wee and Scissorhands were pop culture trash until they saw more to it. 10 years later. I do think Tim Burton puts himself in a spot with the constant gothic looks for almost all his movies, but I do think his skills as a storyteller goes unnoticed. And maybe not all his movies needs to have Johnny Depp, as fantastic as he typically is.
  8. And hopefully none of that is true since Famitsu and other Japanese magazines have already rated it close to the highest score. I won't mind buying a PSP once it breaches the $100 mark.
  9. I now realize that the biggest Nintendo console games I'm anticipating aren't for the Wii, but the DS. Advance Wars: DoR, Apollo Justice and this new Sonic RPG. I can't really name anything other than SSBB for Wii right now.
  10. You shouldn't be just confident. You should KNOW this project is in good hands if the core Bioware team is developing it. And Kudos to Bioware for liking Big the Cat. I thought I was the only person who liked him. Also, I think it's about time a good Sonic spinoff was made since there really wasn't one since the Genesis days. That and the Sonic DS games are more than adequate right now.
  11. I thought it was okay. Felt pretty anemic and shallow compared to most anime out there though. Which is okay for a shallow conversion. Zetsubo Sensei is a must too. The most ridiculous mix of Freudian humor since, ever. Then there's the lighter comedy like Potemayo, Sketchbook and the new Aria. Seto no Hanayome was really good for the random, wacky comedy but this year, it looks like They Are My Noble Masters will be the big comedy this year. I really liked the first episode of that. But yeah, Macross Frontier's first episode felt more like an anime movie than a TV episode. If they can keep that up for 50 episodes, it's going to be the best show ever. I would argue that Akira would still be amazing even if it's released today. That and the Akira movie is like a complement to the manga, which I can't see anyone bashing unless you dislike stupid-amounts of action and sex and debauchery.
  12. Nintendo hasn't really gotten out of the online gimmickry stages yet. Especially not Pokemon. I'd wait a few years until they figure out that a weather phenomenon isn't much of a service.
  13. Beck is great, but anyone adverse to emo of any type would probably dislike it. I tend to stay away from game to anime conversions. They almost never work good except for the freakish good showing by Idolmaster Xenoglossia, which was actually not even remotely similar to the game.. Persona looks okay, but it could go either way. Xenosaga was just trash. Wasn't even made very well. I'm glad to see that show get 20+ more new episodes instead of ending on 26 like it was supposed to. It's one of those rare cases where a show got so popular (as in, #1 amongst non-kiddie/long-time-serial anime in Japan), it warranted a full season right in the middle of production.
  14. ONLINE game magazines, yes. Or maybe watch game magazines nowadays: Screwattack, Game Trailers, 1UP, etc.
  15. I actually think pretty highly of Gamespot even if they are biased in their own way. 1up basically is the premiere gaming magazine site and it'd be like pulling politicians away from 60 Minutes. I don't understand why Ubisoft would be miffed though. A lot of EGM reviews have been decently positive about them even if they weren't 9.5's and led to game of the month honors all the time.
  16. That seems to be the status quo for UC fanboys though. Not to say that every opinion is fanboyish, but that just appears that way. I don't see why Seed is so looked down upon when it's actually made pretty well and adheres to the Gundam story, except for the lousy second half of Destiny. And I think Wing gets maligned for being too flamingly homosexual. I thought it definitely was one of the most unique and IMO, the 'must watch' of the Gundam lot. That includes Turn A Gundam which may be too philosophical and laid back for the typical Gundam fan it seems. Air, Kanon, Clannad, ef, etc etc have made for amazing dating sim conversions though. I daresay that dating sim games easily has the most engrossing and fleshed out storylines out of any single gaming genre out there, including RPGs. Which is why so many romance anime are not straight from girls' manga, but from those dating sim games.
  17. That final smash barely resembles anything that Snake specifically does though.. I was hoping for a Metal Gear of any kind.
  18. This may not be any consolation to the situation, but at least thank god it's the mother. There's some hope just from that info.
  19. For CG movies, the transfer to high definition will be amazing. I own high def versions of Ratatouille and the Robinsons (I said Incredibles, but the HD feed came from a movie channel) and it almost hurts the eyes because it's so sharp. Sony will release the Bluray version of Advent Children, and no doubt they will do with this one too. I'll hold out until the high def the way it's meant to be watched.
  20. Huh... just about everyone I know who ever played SSBM in person loved Brinstar. The chaos of it all. I guess some tourney-tards who aim for purity (as in something like 'four flat stages with no effects') would certainly dislike it. I think this game needs more chaotic stages to actually feel like a "Smash Brothers" game.
  21. I think that's harder to do nowadays since so many anime now blur the line between comedy, drama, action, etc. You watch Kanon, one second it plays out like standup comedy, the next, there's violence, death and the whole drama. Speaking of the soundtrack, though everybody makes a mockery of the Naruto shows, it has an amazing soundtrack. And it is done by the musician who did Mushishi's. Or hunt down the shows airing on the WOWOW channel (usually involves rape, extreme onscreen violence in WOWOW shows. Much, much darker material than usual) or NoitaminA (Animation backwards) that shows a lot of college-centric topics like Honey and Clover, Nodame Cantabile and Moyashimon. Was your SOUL ROCKED? Actually, the first episode was pretty enjoyable, although disturbing with the girl-beatings. I recommend it.
  22. The wikipedia page is so overbloated... sort of like this thread... Do you really need at least a hundred references linked to it?
  23. It sure did for me. Denno Coil made me question the nature of friendship even more than I already do, Shigurui taught me that all men are evil pigs, and stuff like Code Geass had a lot of conflicting nationalism and racism that is always fun to ponder about. Anime nowadays are so much better written than they ever really were. Most great anime now don't really rely on gimmicks as much as they used to in the 90's. PS- This made me think so much: MUST WATCH!: http://blog.seiha.org/?p=551
  24. Advent Children was good I thought... It just felt like a smaller episode than a real movie though. I don't think it's good to ever raise high expectations for videogame movie adaptations. Ever.
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