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Everything posted by I-n-j-i-n

  1. Basically the only 'mature' game that isn't 'kid-friendly' for the Wii. I can't say the same to any other Wii game I can remember. It took two years. Not surprisingly, it was Ubisoft.
  2. If it's for simple games like SSBB, that is appropriate. But I don't think that works for all the games, especially nowadays. Most of the characters in gaming now (Nintendo games included) have definite personalities and quirks. They are not 'make believe into anything you desire' characters of the 2D era. That's simply an antiquated outlook. I think it only makes sense for characters that simply don't or wouldn't really need to talk like Kirby or Donkey Kong. Others, there's no reason why they can't say ONE LINE of dialog in a game. Whatever it is Nintendo decided to do, it's really not a definitive thing as to why they don't. But I tend to believe it's because most Japanese developers, especially one as super-conservative as Nintendo sometimes tends to be, to not incorporate these things into games. Look at just about all the recent American game efforts and they are FULLY voiced to perfection. Just imagine the headache and lack of character if Ratchet and Clank were total mutes. It's hard to imagine that now. If you want to read a book then read a book. Like I said, for simple games like SSBB, it may make sense. But not for all their games. Some of their games could rely on voicing and look at recent Mario games. They have since moved from the text to full voicing for some of their games. It just flows a lot better. As for Zelda, I don't think the blank-slate-avatar thing works with that franchise anymore. Link is a defined character over the years and we're not in the NES age of Zelda games anymore. Also, even if Link himself stays relatively mute, that doesn't mean all the other characters should sit there and throw hundreds of lines of text when it could be more serviceable to be voiced. If you're somehow inferring that all voiced games are a nuisance in the same light just because Nintendo is on one side of the fence, I have to disagree. But like I said, it seems Nintendo seems to be more apt to using voices like with their recent Mario games and spinoffs. Now Zelda desperately needs some, even if they're still subtitled with Japanese voice if they need to, because reading text-blips is ridiculous for action games in 2008. PS- Looking at some of the Final Smashes again, doesn't Ice Climbers' one seem to be the most easily abusable? You'd have to be a total non-gamer if you can't smash someone with that one.
  3. It still is dying, though not with FPS games. Some genres are borderline dead (RPGs and shooters are on the verge of just disappearing. Hack and slash games are around though. Many Diablo clones are actually more fun than Diablo to me). I think they're getting the huge benefits from co-developing with console game and having the ease of transition from some 360 exclusives that are easily transferable to the PC platform.
  4. I agree, but like I said, they have a ton of high quality anime voice actors doing the little roles so it's not going to be a problem (unless they dub it English..) Even with English voice overs, it's getting better nowadays. Unless Nintendo magically can't do it at all. At least voicing is not a concern like it is for Zelda nowadays since that game can get a bit text heavy. It's about time some of their games have this magical thing called a 'voice'. I wouldn't have cared a bit for that in SSBB if Sakurai wasn't trying to explain out of that one.
  5. I've seriously seen hentai that was quite tame compared to Najica, Aika and the likes from its animation studio. Women in undergarments being more suggestive than full blown porn.
  6. Watching One Piece on American TV is a travesty. No opening and ending animation, none of the great Japanese voice work and the version is generally butchered. The manga is really good once you get past some of the slower earlier chapters though. I think it's the best way to catch up. As for Najica, I think it was pretty good for its type. I have the DVD version. I hear the Aika manga has panties packed in.. It's incredibly obsessive about the fan service.
  7. So the new Dojo update is about Sakurai making a big, huge excuse over why Nintendo never does voices in their games? Talk about copout. A written, explained copout. They have anime voice actors doing their games. It's not hard to ask for a little line or two.
  8. I think Bleach is still okay. It's not the best of its genre but not as painful as some of the slower Naruto episodes. One Piece is still heads over both anyway.
  9. I played the demo too and I thought DMC3 was great for the PS2. DMC4 seems to be more of the same but better in all ways. The high definition was amazing from the demo alone and GameTrailers sums it up best: Great combat derivative/ancient system from DMC1. I wouldn't expect much else from Capcom. Great sequels but always extremely derivative.
  10. I wish the character list reflected the track number..
  11. I don't even like Football but I know that was just an incredible game. Championship games are meant to be close to the end. LOL at the Shaq commercial. The GoDaddy commercial had to be the most openly veiled misogynistic commercial in there. Can't show that beaver.
  12. I don't think Peach's one is lame at all. It has a few great artworks, puts everyone to sleep, and gives Peach the chance to fully heal up. It's potentially the best Final "Smash" of the bunch strategy-wise. But I agree that Ness and Lucas Final Smash looks very weak. Even in group matches, I don't see it doing too big a damage other than just mix it up.
  13. Just about all his Brawl moves were taken from the Sonic Advance series and he was blisteringly fast in that one. Actually, Sonic has been insanely fast since Sonic CD.
  14. I wouldn't say that Sonic looks boring other than that his speed had to be drastically reduced for him to be viable. I think his constant charging attacks should be pretty fun and unconventional.
  15. I don't think the nitpicks will involve the character list. Even in SSB1, it was a dream match and you'd think most people would be thankful it was even made. I don't think anyone really thought SSB would even have a sequel after it came out because of its middling success. Even after SSBM, not many people, including Nintendo seriously staked out on a sequel. Which is why it took 7 years for the sequel. Samey-characters is a given, but SSBB doesn't seem to be playing that card with all the unique Final Smash attacks and other variables. The true nitpick will probably go to the character balance. I won't really care since I play the game for fun even in small dorm competitions anyway. Tourneytards, they'd wrack their heads over it.
  16. Silver is free but you can't play most games online with it but you can browse the games, download demos and buy Xbox Live Arcade games. Gold costs money, but you have full access to online play and features. Just go for it if your 360 is fully connected to the web and you want to play online.
  17. I find a trend that in 2D fighting games, you need to get the hang of specials/super moves to best the AI. Keep jumping, comboing then doing the big combo to finish. Or just spam the same move until the AI relents. While with human players, it's actually almost preferable to keep it entirely to parries, up/down guessing games and poke attacks. Pokes (+ a few gimme supers) apparently rule tournament play too. In every fighting game not named Guilty Gear or Marvel vs Capcom.
  18. That is in the ranks of the Street Fighter 3 tournament parry and killing everyone in Call of Duty with a pistol.
  19. ROY! OOh, it's Luigi! It's Pichu! But yeah, Melee returning = boring. It would've been more exciting if they scrapped everyone and put in all new characters even if that pisses off old fans.
  20. Now that I think of it, anyone remember plugging in game systems to the RF switch instead of using the typical video ports? Now that is a really old way of doing things. The HDMI is so much more advanced and easier than using a few screws to mount a system to some crazy antenna/RF-switch configuration. I hate oldschool TV. No nostalgia for me. Not to mention the countless shocks I've gotten from the RF switch.
  21. I see Marth in the new intro movie. yey
  22. It is/will be so epic, I'm going to openly hate on it for comedic effect whenever I see a group of people (which there will be a LOT of near where I live) and say what a piece of shit SSBB is. That sounds funny already.
  23. I'm actually annoyed that people think I'm still a kid more than anything. And that's about off-line activities. I do remember the off-air television in TV channels, and that is pretty ancient.
  24. Apparently some bloggers have gone gaga for the new season. I HATE the 8 episode cap. lol UGO
  25. I think it'd be both hilarious and extremely annoying if you meet someone who is a total evil clone of you and says he is your father and he's the same age as you.
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