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Everything posted by AMT

  1. This is really cool, it sounds almost like if the FFVII battle theme was off of the MGS2 soundtrack.
  2. I like the soundscape you have going here. The synth that comes in midway through has an awesome eerie feel to it, which is perfect. I'd say the song might be a little repetitive; try mixing up the background a little bit more, making variations here and there. Maybe some more original material, too. I really like how this sounds so far, very chill.
  3. You made it kind of unclear, are you thinking of a specific song that you can't remember, or are you looking for any song that meets that criteria?
  4. Nah, my filenames rarely have anything to do with the final name of the song. I was going for the general feel of a credits theme for the second part and that was the first thing that came to mind when I was saving the file. If they did, then the Megaman song I submitted would have been called GOOD_KRESCHUN_MUHMEGAMAN.mp3
  5. Alright then, any last critiques before I remove the links temporarily and submit to DoD?
  6. Sweet, thanks!

  7. EDIT: Removed links for now, they'll go back up after DoD is over. Thanks guys! Alrighty, I got the full version of Addictive Drums today so now I can finally use everything I wanted to Updated with more fitting drum samples and better sequencing. Thanks for the feedback guys! Oh hey, I forgot all about DoD! Maybe I will...
  8. Well, you don't really have anything original yet, it's just a recording of you playing the main riff. Sketch out a whole song, arrange it your way and interpret it differently from the original source and then post what you come up with. I can't really say if it would make a good OCR or not because all you've given us is 11 seconds straight from the original song.
  9. EDIT: Removed links for now, they'll go back up after DoD is over. Thanks guys! Alrighty, I updated a bunch of stuff, cleaned up the production, fixed mentioned issues and now it incorporates the Prime credits music too. Check it, yo! Rozovian: Yeah, the Ridley source doesn't actually come in until after the second repetition of the Prime menu. The whole first chunk is just the menu music.
  10. I worked on this most of the day today. It's a metal / electronic remix of the Metroid Prime data select menu music and Ridley's Theme in 6/8. Please give it a listen and let me know what you think! NEW 1/8/10: Updated a bunch of stuff, cleaner production and now it incorporates the Prime credits music too. Touched up the drums a bit, too. Check it, yo!
  11. Man, this is fantastic! Great job on this album overall. What drum samples are you using? For one of the songs at least I think they're the same ones I've had for a while, but I just found them on an old geocities site and I'd love to know what they actually are.
  12. Hot damn, that's one of the most impressive things I've seen in a long time
  13. Is there a link?
  14. You're also going to want to check if it needs phantom power. Any condenser mic will, as far as I know. What kind of mic is it?
  15. If no one has claimed it yet, I'd like to give Tallon Overworld 2 a shot (The one that plays later in the game, with the whistle-y synth in the background). EDIT: This one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BV0OKOa5WiA EDIT 2: DERP I READ GOOD. I might give Menu Select and Space Pirate battle a shot as one song, since they both are kind of short sources. If a more talented remixer wants to give it a try, go for it.
  16. The main issue I hear with this that hasn't been addressed yet is the rhythm guitars; the timing sounds fairly erratic in some of the sections, and they sound way too reverby. Give them some more bite and less verb. Other than that and the drums, this sounds nice! Looking forward to hearing an update.
  17. So I got Addictive Drums and decided to keep working on this one. Here it is with yet more updated production and now much better drum samples. Please listen and leave feedback!
  18. So I'm looking to buy a drum sampler around $200, and Addictive Drums is looking really nice. Does anybody here use them, and if so, do you have any examples of songs that they're in so I can hear how they sound in a mix? What are your opinions on them? Thanks!
  19. Alright, I've figured out the gist of what I want to do with the bass. My fingers are jello from rock climbing today, so I'll probably won't actually sit down and record this until sometime tomorrow. Is there a way I could get a midi of the drum track to play along with so everything is in time, or at least the BPM of the real track? Thanks!
  20. I'd love to play bass for this if you want more people, hahaha. This sounds like it'd be a ton of fun to groove to.
  21. I PM'd BGC and got some great advice, so I redid the mastering. It shouldn't be clipping / overcompressed anymore, here's the newest version: I think this is the one I'm going to submit. Any thoughts, anyone?
  22. Alright, I made the rhythm guitars mesh with the vocals at the end better. Also smoothed out the intro a little bit so it should be easier to listen to. Redid some of the mixing on the drums so they sound better.
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