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Everything posted by AMT

  1. http://myweb.cableone.net/rebelart/MarioRPGBoss.mp3 I've been working on this for the past few hours, and I want to get a bit of feedback on how it's coming so far. I'm not sure if I like the transition into the Smithy fight, how does that sound? Also, the mastering might sound off, because I don't have any other headphones to listen on right now. Please listen, and thanks for feedback!
  2. I'm liking the multiple controller thing because it'll be way easier to gather 4 controllers together and duke it out with friends than if you needed to buy 4 Wiimotes / Nunchucks. I think the Classic Controller might work really well, too. I like it more than the Gamecube controller. EDIT: I was watching through the Nintendo World trailer just a few minutes ago, and noticed something near the very end, when it has a clip of Wario, MetaKnight, Zero Suit Samus, and one other person (Snake I think) fighting. Wario recoveres with a second jump from the right, then proceeds to hit the ground and slide forward without stopping at all, which obviously looks like a wavedash. Here's the part of it in gif form, slowed down at the end: What do you guys think? That looks just like one to me.
  3. Just finished the recording! I'll upload the wav now and PM Cerrax the link when it's done. If B33J's is better than mine, use his, I'm not sure if this is good enough or not. Hopefully it is, but either way, this is gonna be an awesome song. It's finally almost done!
  4. Awesome, a Zelda mix! This sounds suprisingly good. Very nice.
  5. Nothing confirmed yet, but in the character polls for Brawl Sakurai said he really liked the idea of a Diddy and Dixie Kong pair, like in DKC2. If there was someone to replace Ice Climbers, that's who it'd be.
  6. Anyone think of the possibility of Link being able to transform? Not sure what move he'd loose in the process, but it'd be pretty cool to have Midna jump out of his shadow and be able to play in wolf form as well. His grab could be Midna holding them with that hand thing, kind of like wrangling a goat. I'm not sure if I'd want them to do this, but it's an idea.
  7. Brothers in Arms DS: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/20836.html This looks amazing. Zelda has been tempting me to buy a DS again, and this plus Pokemon plus Planet Puzzle League plus the recently announced Contra 4 might just push me to do it...
  8. http://myweb.cableone.net/rebelart/Intro1.mp3 This is just the intro so far, I just wanted to make sure I'm doing this correctly, as I've never really recorded for a mix before. This only went through the amp to make the signal loud enough for my computer to actually record, other than that it's a direct recording from my bass. Will this work?
  9. By processed, do you mean EQ as well, or just effects? I won't be using any software EQ, but I do have the EQ on my amp set up. Should I just record it flat instead?
  10. Am I the only one who's been really dissapointed with the music so far? The Yoshi's Story one is the only song so far that's actually pretty good. The menu music is just OK, and Ridley's theme sounds terrible. Normally it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but given the list of musicians we got, you'd think it'd be much much better.
  11. *Looks down at sig*
  12. IT'LL LEAVE SKIDMARKS ON YOUR SOUL! Ok, that Pole Position commercial is the single most amazing thing I have ever seen.
  13. I bought a SuperCard SD, and if you don't mind a bit of the card sticking out the bottom, it's great. You can pay a bit more for the Mini SD version if you want. I put some movies on it and they were perfectly watchable, and mp3s play fine too. SuperCard Store is the best place to get em, too.
  14. Malo Mart is by far the most awesome room in the entire game. MMO isn't exactly what I was thinking, but we could at least ditch the whole "Hyrule revolves around a central field" thing, and have a different general progression than collect 3 items, get Master Sword. It'd be cool to actually journey somewhere, a la FFX, instead of just going back and forth over a smaller area. I'd even be up for a reimagining of Link, like he could be a soldier in the Hylian army, or something like that. Maybe instead of wearing the green garb the entire game, and knowing you're the hero, maybe you could have something else, and not get the tunic until right before the final boss. I'm just rambling.
  15. Honestly, I'm glad that's the last traditional Zelda game. It was an amazing game, but I don't think the series could take another game following the same formula without getting stale. I'd be totally up for a reimagining of the series, that could lead to a really cool game.
  16. Resident Evil - Took an already good game and made it into a great one. Some people complain about the controls, but if you can get past them, there's nothing like solving exotic puzzles in a zombie infested mansion. Incredibly atmospheric, excellent visuals and scary as hell, this game is an overall experience that any gamer at least has to attempt to play. YES
  17. Sonic Adventure - Despite its flaws, Sonic Adventure is still a very enjoyable platformer, with a good amount of variety and 5 campaigns to play through. Barely, but still unfortunately gets a NO, as it isn't up to par with a lot of other games. Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - I walked into GameStop one day deciding I wanted to get a fighting game, and randomly picked this one. Little did I know I was holding one of the greatest 2D fighters ever made (At least in my opinion, I know that's a touchy subject for some). Very well balanced, insane characters, and over the top action make this one a YES in my book.
  18. Nevermind, I bought a Dazzle DVD Recorder USB device for 50 bucks, use VirtualDub to preview in fullscreen, and it works perfectly! There's a miniscule amount of lag, yes, but it's far from unplayable, and it's at full fps too.
  19. Thanks! I've got a 5 string, so that won't be a problem. Also, like I said, if you're the one recording, that's totally cool, I can just fill in if you can't.
  20. I'm getting my stuff set up for college, and I'd like to find a way to just use my laptop's screen for console gaming instead of having to buy a whole new TV. I've been looking at some USB Video Capture devices, but I can't find if they operate at 60fps and if they can display in realtime. Any suggestions on this? It has to be USB or PCMCIA. Thanks!
  21. As much as I would love for it to be true, I'm not getting my hopes up for Crono being a character. If he is though, his level could be ace; I'd love a Lavos time-warp style level where it went through the different time periods in one area. Also, is it normal to have 36 composers for one game? That sounds like a lot, and I'm wondering if he means that songs made by these people will be used, not them actually composing for it. Even if each person only did one song, that's 36 tracks already; take out a few for menus and such and we have at least 30ish levels. That seems excessive, or am I mistaken?
  22. I mentioned it earlier in the thread, but I could also record bass if you like. If B33J is going to do it that's great, I don't want to take the chance away from him or anything, but I'd love to contribute to this. If you want me to, hit me up on AIM at Pogo708 or just PM me. EDIT: Also, going by ear, the bass pretty much just follows the rhythm guitar, right? It sounds fine when I play it like that, but I just want to make sure that I'm playing it correctly. One last thing; can someone help me out with the part right around 0:54, where the bass drops lower during the quick part on the acoustic (Reverb'd piano in Sixto's)? I can't seem to figure that part out. Thanks!
  23. All it says is that there's a Brawl "info dump" today.
  24. Anyone know what time it'll be opened? Midnight in Japan?
  25. I'd love a Wii or DS Starcraft / Blizzard RTS. It'll probably be a Starcraft MMO though....
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