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Everything posted by AMT

  1. Well, since this is now a Castlevania thread... I picked up SotN on XBLA today, and I'm totally loving it so far. It's been far too long since I've played a 2D game this good. It also makes me very sad that a new 2D Metroid seems pretty unlikely. Anyone else pick this up? I'm sure this is old news by now, but still, trying to start some conversation here.
  2. First, most delayed response evar. Second, you would have a midi drumtrack playing at the sequencer's project BPM alongside the actual song as a sample. By adjusting the BPM, it change the tempo of the midi without affecting the recording of the spc, letting you tweak it until it's exact. If you don't have a sequencer of any sort, get REAPER.
  3. No, actually, you don't need an instrument at all, although it could help.
  4. Yeah, if the game has been published at all it's free game, and even some that haven't been, like the homebrew mentioned above (Or that Sonic Crackers mix). The only exception is when it comes to liscenced music, like EA Trax and the like. As long as the music is specifically from the game and wasn't already borrowed, you're good. Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, those are the rules game wise.
  5. This took about 5ish hours in FL Studio. It's only the demo, so I couldn't save it, but I wanted to post it here still to get an idea of where I'm at mixing / production skill wise. This is my first attempt at anything electronic, so, yeah. Please leave feedback! Thanks. http://www.blueisotope.com/Geno1.mp3
  6. That last video isn't bad at all! I have no idea what your actual code looks like, but I would assume you're sending your code alongside this. Make sure your code is looking its absolute best, as I would assume that's what they will look at the most. Kind of obvious, and I'm sure you already thought of this, but I thought I'd throw that out there just in case. In any case, best of luck with this!
  7. Do you have a link to the page you found information on? Thank could potentially help solve this.
  8. If you want a cheap and easy way to record guitar, I recommend looking into one of these: http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/JamLab-main.html I got mine for under $50, and it works perfectly. The latency is low enough that I can't tell the difference between this and my amp, and the quality is more than passable, too. As long as guitar is the only thing you're recording, this works fine.
  9. No problem at all, glad I could help someone! God bless.
  10. To do slides in the piano roll in FL, make a note where you want the slide to start at the pitch you want it to start at, and make it long enough to cover the entire slide. This is a normal note, not the slide one. Now, click the slide note thingie (The little triangle in the corner) and place it at the pitch you want it to slide to. Make sure the slide is before the previous note ends. The slide starts when it hits the slide note and how fast it slides there is determined by how long the actual slide note is. Sorry if my wording is a little confusing. Also, there's a forum specifically for FL Studio questions, so this probably should have gone there.
  11. What software are you using? If it's either FLStudio or REAPER, I could help, otherwise someone else here would have to tell you, as I only know those programs.
  12. Without getting too off topic, I know exactly where that is, I'm a student over here too.
  13. I'm looking for a cheap midi controller to start out with. Something small would be ideal, as I don't have much desk space. I was looking at this: http://www.zzounds.com/item--MIMOXYGEN8 But what would you suggest? Anything that's a bit cheaper, or better for the same general price? This is the first one I'm buying, so I really don't know what to look for in one of these. Thanks!
  14. Wait, wouldn't OCR know already if BotA was the soundtrack?
  15. So did I. D:
  16. The only bad thing about this is no one has made some of the EBA songs yet. This is awesome!
  17. Jet Grind Radio! Play it. It doesn't have the most polished gameplay in the world, but it's still a ton of fun, and also one of the best looking Dreamcast games out there. Awesome soundtrack, awesome style, just all around really worth playing.
  18. Rejected by tracker - unregistered torrent. D: D: D: I must play this... EDIT: http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/794/mirrors.php WOO!
  19. This picture captures the entire essence of this thread.
  20. I was surprised at how short it was, but even so, it was an awesome game. I'm looking forward to trying the challenge modes.
  21. This is coming along quite nicely so far! My only gripe is it doesn't sound like it's really going anywhere, but I'm sure that's because the vocals aren't in yet. Non-myspace quality + vocals will improve this mix a ton. Can't wait to hear it!
  22. As for the where the original MGS theme appeared, it was also prominently featured in at least one of the E3 trailers for the original game.
  23. http://www.cockos.com/reaper/ Check out REAPER, it's got an unexpiring demo, and the full version is only $40 bucks. It's a great program, I use it and I've learned a ton so far.
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