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Everything posted by AMT

  1. I bet you're right about them taking the influences from 3, but it definitely looks like a new game, not just a remake. Still, I can't wait to see what gets revealed at E3. Oh Nintendo, you tease.
  2. Did anyone watch Iwata's GDC keynote just now? Netflix in 3D is confirmed for the 3DS, along with a "Short Form Video" service where Nintendo will provide things like music videos, funny shorts, etc in 3D. Also, 3D classics are still a go according to Reggie. No new info on what games will get updated to 3D or when, but they will be available in the eShop alongside other digital downloads. Also, the Virtual Console will support Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Gear, and TurboGraphx-16 games. Best of all is the first snippet of info on Super Mario 3DS; They showed a few screenshots and a logo that has the silhouette of a raccoon tail on the edge. From the screens, it looks like Mario 64 with Mario 3 style powerups; The screens showed both big Mario and little Mario in 3D, and the logo hints at the ability to fly. He said we'll get more information at E3. EDIT: OH, and how could I forget, OCARINA OF TIME IN JUNE! ...Now I'm wondering if I misheard, but I'm pretty dang sure that Iwata said June. EDIT2: Ok, yeah, Joystiq heard the same thing: "9:52AM I believe Iwata said that Nintendo intended to release Ocarina of Time 3D in June. But it was a passing reference."
  3. Yeah, #2 is what I was thinking, but it still seems strange. I can't even find a full translation of the Famitsu reviews.
  4. So why haven't any launch game reviews been translated? Usually in the US we get reviews a few days before release, is it different in Japan? All I can find are single-sentence snippets of the Famitsu reviews.
  5. I figure the games are going to be easy to find in stores, but the 3DS itself has a decent chance of selling out at first, especially because I live in a small town without a game store. I preordered on Amazon and now I'm considering grabbing Pilotwings from the store once I get the actual 3DS, based on reviews / etc.
  6. I've watched this a few times now and I'm fairly certain I have grown more chest hair because of it.
  7. Sweet, thanks! Now I'm really curious about this: Can anyone translate this? I really want to know what game modes are available in SSFIV 3DS and I can't find a listing anywhere.
  8. Is anyone going to be getting a Japanese 3DS this weekend? I'm not, but I'd love to hear more about the other AR games / see how it is.
  9. Just when I thought 2011 couldn't get any better for gaming. So freaking stoked!
  10. Sure, why not! I don't know if it's exactly the right genre, but if any of my songs sound like they'd make good ones then go ahead.
  11. Preordered it with Super Street Fighter IV! I haven't been able to play SFIV on console, so I'm really looking forward to it in 3D. Anyone else getting it at launch? Maybe we can set up some OCR matches.
  12. This song is great- it has some of the best lyric writing I've heard on this site. Awesome job, I love it!
  13. Just buy a 3DS from both regions. Bam, problem solved!
  14. This is awesome I agree with the above remarks, it takes too long to get to the source, but once it does it's awesome. I think you could bring up the low-mids in the guitars a tad without it getting too muddy. Right now it sounds a little nasal. Aside from that, awesome work, I'd love to hear more!
  15. SUPER MEAT BOY! These mixes are timed perfectly, I just beat the Light World last night. Next up is the Dark World o_o This is a great mix. A fresh take on some of my favorite themes in the game. EDIT: Just FYI, the "Remix Detail Page" link at the top goes to the wrong mix. (Fixed. - LT)
  16. Grabbed Super Meat Boy and Mass Effect 2. Not even going to look at the sale for the rest of the time because I don't have the money.
  17. Right, everything I said was specifically in reference to Komplete Elements, not Kontact or Komplete.
  18. You need to enable monitoring. On each track, there's a little button that looks like a speaker. Click that and you should be able to hear what you play.
  19. Just thought I'd follow up here. I bought it and got Sax & Brass with the included $60 credit. The amount of content in this package is amazing; I have more than enough to get started with sample-based composition and it's going to take me a long time to sort through everything it came with. I can't even imagine how much it would have been if I got Komplete. My only gripe is that the included strings are a little more limiting than I was expecting, but still way better than any free options I've found. If I were to recommend the best set of starting software for music, I'd say get Elements and then use the included voucher towards the strings pack. I went with Sax & Brass because I have access to a viola / violin player, but if I didn't I would definitely go with the strings expansion. Quality stuff all around!
  20. I'm going to start composing for small game projects. Right now most of the music I make is guitar / synth driven and I'm content with the equipment and software I have for that. However, I'd like to branch out to other styles and have some versatility, so I'm looking at entry level sample libraries. How would Komplete Elements fare for this kind of thing? Is there enough variety to get used to working with other instrumentation / styles, or is it too limiting? Any recommendations for alternatives? Thanks!
  21. http://www.meldaproduction.com/freevstplugins/ I've found that Melda's compressor on this page can do an excellent job of giving some extra punch to your drums. Make the attack just long enough to let that initial SNAP through, and then have the compression kick in right after. This compressor is really useful because you can actually draw out the compression envelope yourself with the mouse.
  22. That was awesome. I love Parappa the Rapper and I'm glad we finally got a mix! I love the feel of this track. The amount of atmosphere you managed to squeeze out of the source is ridiculously impressive. Excellent mix, one of my new favorites for sure.
  23. Just finished listening to this (sans the last track). Excellent work, and for a great cause too!
  24. Sweet! Downloading now, can't wait to hear this
  25. I absolutely love this mix. Heard it on WIP a while ago and loved it then, great work! This perfectly captures the feel of the original while giving it some real energy too. Definitely staying in my playlist.
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