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Amayirot Akago

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Everything posted by Amayirot Akago

  1. Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, and Braindead 13. Fantastic animation, crap games. But frustrating as they are I just can't stop playing them once I get started. In that same vein, all games by American Laser Games (Mad Dog McCree, among others). Nothing like bad guys falling down in an extremely over exaggerated manner when you shoot em. Most FMV games just tend to have some quirky charm that makes them worthwhile for me.
  2. MOTHERFUCKING WIN.Or as Bobobo himself would put it: This is for you:
  3. Fantastic. I'd heard it before it got posted here (along with the whole Bound Together album) and I love it; the vocals, the piano, everything comes together so beautifully.
  4. Finally finished Twilight Princess a few minutes ago. A fantastic ending to a fantastic game. Bring on the next one, I say!
  5. If it's any consolation, I've actually played the demo once But yeah, that is a sweet track. Seconded.
  6. Fixed.effing10characterminimum
  7. That looks so awesome. *downloads*EDIT: Wow. This is like what Miyazaki would make if he were a game designer.
  8. Sigh. Been far too long since I last played ACWW. My town must be an utter mess right now.
  9. Not to mention hilarious. And hard.
  10. WW's already out in the Netherlands? Schweetnesh!
  11. Anyone know of any good superhero (themed) mods for HL(2) or UT2004?
  12. My brother is completely into Warhammer. I followed his example once, but quickly gave up cause of the (IMHO) complicated rules and hefty prices. Also used to play Pokemon for a while; had quite a collection at one point, but since A) I could never beat my bro and out of neglect and boredom that phase quickly passed as well. I tossed all my Pokemon cards out to be recycled. Lately tho, partially because of sometimes seeing ppl playing it at school, and partially cuz of my obsession with Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series I've expressed a slight interest in both YGO and MTG. Guess I should check out the Atomik (games/comics store) near where I live sometime. Except of course I don't have anyone to play with...
  13. That was the case when I made this thread, but along with the thread sorting it's been fixed since then. My apologies. Also, bump.
  14. Same here. The artstyle is great. If the game is anything like Trace Memory it's bound to rock.
  15. Best freeware game EVAR. Still need to get to the ending where you fight Ballos tho...
  17. Since my last thread was mysteriously deleted, here's my perpetual request for a BB remix again. As before, realize that BB began as a hentai game and the anime uses the same music, thus this request is perfectly legitimate. As for style/genre, something powerful and haunting like the original. Anything is good, just not repetitive techno/trance. Download links to the MIDI: http://media.putfile.com/Bible-Black-Main-Theme http://www.filefactory.com/file/1f20f5 I'll patiently await those willing to remix once again then.
  18. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Quite simply a book everyone should read at least once in their lives.
  19. Zelda TP keeps getting more and more amazing, not to mention how fucking long the game is. Everytime I think I'm nearing the end I get sent on another quest. Also, SPOILERGanondorf cutscene FTW.SPOILER
  20. Indeed. As a matter of fact a while ago the official English translation was released, but I haven't been able to find it yet.
  21. Aluminum rocks my socks. Whether it's Trigun, Doom, or even a game I've never played before, he always makes some great tunes. But I agree on the too short thing.
  22. Good music is good music, no matter the source (of course it helps that I'm an obsessive BB fanatic). Besides, didn't we have a PRC for True Love once?
  23. Katamari Damacy, Okami, Resident Evil 3, and maybe a few others I missed. Tho I'll prolly own RE3 sometime or another (after I finally finish RE1 & 2 again).
  24. Go to the message board and check your address book; it's on the front.
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