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Everything posted by shikigami

  1. i got 5 pretty quickly, however i had already known that (spoiler) bookkeeper had 3 double-letters in a row and was the only word in english to do so
  2. it was just a little difficult to equate (spoiler) k->carat->^->exponent but level 7 is just....vague edit: got it.
  3. ok the answer to the gold puzzle (puzzle -1) is something that seems completely unrelated. onto the real puzzle... i am completely baffled at level 7. i hear theres a warp from 6 to 9 but i cant think of another answer for 6.
  4. what is the name of po's poem? are you a game master? (if you know what im talking about, that shit has plagued me forever, please shed some light on it)
  5. i cant even finish the tutorial what the hell. i cant figure this gold thing out.
  6. snowman is the ultra finishing move
  7. HELL YES Startropics on the VC today.
  8. it seriously looks like gauntlet with zombies and in 3d.
  9. the first journeyman project required that you not interact or be seen by anyone, otherwise you screw up time. the second one did as well.
  10. i dont think it was ff6 so it was probably lufia 2. via googling: moving on: there already was a sequel, and its totally not worth it.
  11. metroid - side scroller that forced you to move in an unthinkable direction: left you have no idea how many times i had to read that guy saying "dip dr. j's letter in water" until i finally realized you had to use the ACTUAL letter. it was exciting.
  12. video has been delayed
  13. +onebillion
  14. living death + hermit druid = win
  15. what the hell i need to know morse code? and what candy wrapper is that? i cant see shit.
  16. whirring noises are usually a sign of a bad power supply.
  17. nothings going to change though, blizzard is going to do their thing, vivendi is doing theirs, and someone is taking both revenue streams, which is pretty much the only reason this merger happened.
  18. wow the first service ive seen that actually requires you to close ports. what utter crap. 23 and 8080 being "open virus ports?" arent they used for secure connections only (ssh and https respectively)?
  19. well despite it being awesome theres quite a bit of supply with not enough demand, so i highly doubt it will go for $200, as much as i would like it to
  20. did you try taking the batteries out and putting them back in?
  21. this is a bad idea. i dont see why not.
  22. thats the whole point. to create something cheap and subpar and advertise the hell out of it to get people to buy it. it works with tv shows, movies, music, video games, and pretty much everything else. welcome to america.
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