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Everything posted by shikigami

  1. http://blogs.ign.com/Matt-IGN/2007/09/18/66623/ first i thought it was some preppy 16 year old. then i realized it was IGN. figures.
  2. id watch mario on luigi porn.
  3. 2 people with japanese names say its japanese, now do you believe me?
  4. /r/ ocr ssb:b league
  5. yeah like final fantasy 3 (THE REAL 3 NOT 6, AND NOT THE ONE FOR GBA). i dont know, i felt kinda sad in blaster master. you saw the poor kids frog run away, and you immediately knew you were gonna have to kill it. so sad.
  6. babelfish.altavista.com the translations will probably be hilarious, but its close enough. thats all japanese by the way. comment 1: This comment can peruse only the ブログ [blog] curator. comment 2: Trance version of パイレーツ of カリビアン [pirates of carribean], it liked very. Promptly, being to try probably to buy CD, it does, but it did not sell. When how it does, the combining which can be bought? Jacket name and the like, by all means, please teach. sounds like someone is trying to buy a cd?
  7. just turn off your AA
  8. uh, no character in ff7 was inspired. i had hardly played for 10 minutes before i realized the game is utter shit, so i never got to see aeris die. although id probably be more pissed that they killed one of my usable characters than sad. if only they concentrated on actually making a video game rather than a movie. well yeah shes a fucking esper!
  9. ...interesting
  10. maybe one that plugs into the wiimote
  11. its good practice so you can go to arcades and pwn n00bs.
  12. wow thats fucking freaky
  13. the lower the apr the better. do not EVER get a card thats not a fixed rate, although if this is your first card i doubt anyone will give you one.
  14. does anyone even take this guy seriously anymore? have they ever?
  15. spawn more overlords was taken literally i guess.
  16. i think SNK stopped existing like 5 years ago. EDIT: oh nevermind they are now SNK Playmore :: and fuck neo-geo give me Crystalis you whores.
  17. they are probably still thinking of a way to control the katamari with the wiimote.
  18. INTELLECTUAL. look dont get mad because i merely pointed out the fact that youre favorite game is just a shameless ripoff of something nintendo did. when did i say that? all i am saying is the games are extremely similar in gameplay and format. noone decides to have a legitimate discussion on how i am wrong, they just call me a retard and are done with it. the basis for sonic the hedgehog? lets change it around a bit by saying mario must traverse 8 worlds, each comprised of 3 stages, until he confronts bowser for the last time. sonic is not doing anything mario hasnt already done. the only thing it had going for it was the fact that sonic could move really fucking fast without a framerate slowdown. but thats a "whopde doo big shit". the level design was a bit more intricate in sonic as well.
  19. BUT IS NOT THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THE GAME. similar in terms of structure. world 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, boss, 2-1 and so on. and you debate this?
  20. blast processing is a pretty old concept, im sure if the wii doesnt do it in hardware the software does it quick enough. ill be surprised if the wii can emulate superfx and castlevania 3.
  21. yeah sonic was different because you can move faster and go around in loops. otherwise your running around collecting coins/rings that you dont really need to collect, and each area had several stages which had a boss at the end of it.
  22. yeah i never liked sonic. seemed like a mario game with a gimmick (running really fast).
  23. four oh four
  24. shigeru miyamoto feat. hiroshi yamauchi, ken kutaragi, and bill gates.
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