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Slime Master

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Everything posted by Slime Master

  1. You've got great taste and I agree wholeheartedly with your statement. Considering that no one else has remixed any song from the Dragon Warrior IV soundtrack then yes the possiblities are indeed limitless. What I'd like to see is someone do a Heavy Metal rendition of the Battle against Esturk and Necrosaro. And of course a remix of Taloon/Torneko's theme would also be nice.
  2. I like the ambiant feel of this mix. For some reason it reminds me of looking out my window and watching it snow outside.
  3. I have listend to both remixes of this song and it is clear which version is the superior and that would go to Protricity's version of this song. To me this song kinda sounds like an upbeat MIDI version to the Bramble Theme.
  4. With the exception of the part around 1:40 or so this mix is actually better than the original version. Maybe, they will use this mix of the song if they ever decide to make a Street Fighter 2 remake. (after all they are remaking the DKC games )
  5. Same Here, It's like Disco Dan has a magical touch when it comes to music...
  6. All I can say about this Remix is it does the original veriosn justice. It is just the epitome of perfection. 'Nuff Said
  7. Anyone notice towards the end Protricity put a remix to the Music from the Rambi Rumble stage (The song that plays when that Giant Zingger chases you) within this song? Mad Propz go out to this person thoguh for making such an awsome song.
  8. This is a perfect example of what Strong Bad was talking about in his E-Mail about Techno Music. I found the Vocals to be worth a couple of chuckles myself.
  9. I really dig the ambiance of this mix as it helps me when I am working on various prjects. The Thunder Storm in the background is a nice touch too. This mix gets two thumbs up from me.
  10. Maybe it's just me but that vocal sample that says "You haven't lost your touch" sounds like Spike from Cowboy Bebop but other than that and the fact that it was a bit long this mix sticks pretty close to the original.
  11. If I may quote from the actual game itself, "Perfect!!"
  12. You know it's refreshing to see a remix of a classic RPG like Dragon Warrior IV. It sounds alot like the original in that it is dpressing, if anyone here played DWIV then you would see why it is in this macabre-esq tune.
  13. What an awsome mix to an already catchy tune. Something to listen to when you want to chill out or feeling bummed. That's all I'll say.
  14. Wow!! If I ever throw a dance party/rave I'll have another track I can add to my playlist of music. My compliments to Zeratul for making such an awsome dance track.
  15. An intersting begining to a pretty good mix. Really, Interesting is the only word I can use to describe this mix.
  16. Agreed, This is a nice techno version but Injury's is much better when comparing the two mixes. The last part of this song seems to trail off into what is a repeat of the intro. Though it's not a bad song to listen too for a few minutes.
  17. It's about time someone remixed a song from Megaman X2!! The Japanese Vocals are interesting as is the intergrations of the Zero Themes from Megaman X and Megaman X3. The Beat is nice which makes this a pretty good song to play at your School Dance or a party or something.
  18. And here I thought they only used the fight theme. I had been listening to this awesome remix for awhile now and had only thought that GO only used the the theme playing during the fight. And also after reading this quote and playing the song, all of the different tunes used while playing punch out are starting to come back to me.
  19. As the subject of this message states, is exactly how I feel for this song. One of the things that make this remix more unique besides being the first Top Man remix that I know about and there being lyrics in the song, around 3:30 they seem to work in the boss theme and stage selection from Megaman 2. Incedently I had also heard GO's "Little Mac's Confession. In my eyes both songs have very similar quiality.
  20. A jazz rendition of one of my all time favorite Megaman games. I like!! The efforts really show in this mix. Around 1.30 it really picks with a song that sounds somewhat like something out of Cowboy Bebop. Nice job to the one responsible for making this mix.
  21. I have to agree with the post above mine. This song is extremely repetitive and since it's stage select song three minutes is waaaaaayy to long it it was about a minute and twenty seconds it would be a much needed improovement. Nice try but I'm not impressed with this one.
  22. Personally I prefer the original tune to this song myself. For a song that's about four minutes long you'd think there would be a little more variety in it. But anyways this song has some good points about it it doesn't get tiresome for me anyways.
  23. I can't believe I havn't commented on this song yet. I know I had to have lstened to it at least a couple of dozen times. The wind and eagle's cry at the start of the song makes for a great intro and the way the song ends makes this remix unique from others out there. I'd love to see these guys make remixes for Spark Mandrill's stage, Flame Mammoth's stage, and Armored Armodillo's stage. Heck considering there's no Megaman X2 tracks out there it'd be nice to see a Flame Stag remix as well.
  24. It's nice to see a different Megaman game getting songs remixed. Seeing as how Megaman 2 has the most remixes. This song reminded me alot of those old alternative rock bands like Bush and Nirvana and the like. Definately a song worth getting though the start of it is deceving it picks up the traditional tune shortly after. The ending of the song is an excellent touch on an old classic.
  25. When it comes to remixing megaman songs Disco Dan is the man of choice. He sticks to the original tune while throwing in a variety of different instruments. I'd love to see him make a remix of the classic Wily Fortress song.
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