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Everything posted by DragnBreth

  1. Hey, appologies for the late response. To change to mod review, you need to edit your first post. It'll give you a drop down menu with the options Finished / WIP / Mod Review.

  2. GVTTYRWYRM!!! (Eventually I'll get around to editing that smiley)
  3. Lol, loved the metal. There were parts where the vocals almost sounded as if they fit into the metal... and then they'd slap you in the face with their pop-ness. Lol. So I guess that would make this Nu Metal? 'Tis amusing.
  4. Gvttyrwyrm. I will never remember how to spell it, but I'd listen nonetheless. It would make for an interesting conversation: "Hey, you should check out this new band I found!" "Oh yeah? Whats the name?" "Gv... Gvtt... uh, you got a pen and paper?" "Um... no." "Good, 'cause I can't remember how to spell it."
  5. Sweet! I forgot this was coming out this year. Awesome stuff.
  6. I too enjoy Triumph and Agony... and Wuthering Heights has a new album? edit: Wadda ya know, they do. Good stuff.
  7. Lol, thanks for the vote of confidence .
  8. Was not impressed with 3 Inches of Blood's last two albums. Advance and Vanquish was epic, but after that they kinda went... I wouldn't say down hill, but just more in a direction musically that I'm not fond of. Also found Nightwish's Dark Passion Play dissapointing. I mean, I like Symphonic Gothic Metal just fine, but not when there's a pop-singer-wannabe on vocals.
  9. Lol, understandable. I kinda figured that'd be the case.
  10. Thanks, Brandon. I may just take you up on that offer, but I'll wait and see if there are any more suggestions regarding composition, etc, etc, that I need to address first. But, yeah, I'ma just sub it when its done. As LuketheXjesse pointed out, You're Not Alone is already claimed, lol. Edit: Just saw the above post... Hmmm... It could be worth a shot. Buuuuuut it could present a bit of a delema for Fishy. I mean, if (big if) he accepts mine despite the track already being claimed, then he'd probably have to accept other doubles...
  11. Bump... again... Version 4. Not sure that there's much else I can to with it. Honestly I'm liking this version the least as compared to the last 3. I do like the new outro better, though. But the intro is not nearly as epic (imo) as the first one and the cello just sounds like crap. So here's a question for ya's: should I look at collabing with someone who posseses a better cello sound, or maybe even a decent brass sample? 'Cause I seriously doubt I'm gonna get much better outta this VST than what I have already.
  12. Thanks to both above. Appreciate the feedback.
  13. Thanks, ViRiX. I have looked into EWQLSO in the past, and I've heard people's music who have used it, and I love the sound. Sadly $200 is too much for me at this point. Everything I currently use has either been free or given as a gift. So for the moment, I'll have to use what I have and hope it doesn't kill me in the judging process.
  14. Awesome! And once again, the lack of a headbanging smiley saddens me. Close enough, I guess.
  15. Okay, after a lot of time of being lazy (what can I say; I'm good at it ) I finally have an update! I kinda went into a bit of a "watch Stargate or write" mode... mostly watched Stargate, though. Aaaaaanyway... I hope it shows some improvement over the last update. I'm personally not entirely happy with the cello, but am not quite sure what to do about it. I'm still considering a possible collab to add a choir to the last runthrough of the chorus. Dunno if that'd help or hurt the piece, though. Anywho, enjoy!
  16. I'm half expecting an epic vocal trio of Roy Kahn, Russel Allen, and James Labrie to kick in. Yeah, at different points I was reminded of Kamelot, Symphony X, and Dream Theater... So basically, it was awesome.
  17. So... when are we gonna hear some Brandon-vox?
  18. Okay. Thanks Sly. I'll take that under consideration (although truthfully all I've done there is follow the chord progression [in power chords, of course] of the original tune... its seriously just Am G Am G all the way through... except the beginning... then its Am Em... *shrug*). I like the way it sounds though, so what I think I may do is have the strings or the harpsicord playing something over top of it before the main melody kicks in. And vary up the rhythm a bit... or try at least... Aaaaand... I'ma have to consult my music theory books before I can even take your advice about enharmonic chord tones and such... so... yeah.... Again, thanks.
  19. Are you refering to the part starting at around 1:59? I was actually thinking about that yesterday at work. And yeah, I'll probably go in sometime and vary it up. I can sort of understand the reasons behind it. Black and Death both tend to be more rhythm oriented with little reliance on melody (although this is not strictly the case, and I do not listen to much of either, so you would probably know more than me). Now if one were to attempt a Melodic Death Metal or Symphonic Black Metal styling... maybe, just maybe. "The Shining Blue Armour Decends" got through, so... yeah.
  20. Epica's cover of the Imperial March from Star Wars. XD
  21. ... I think it sounds good... I do listen to a lot of power metal, and this type of thing is done all the time. However, I do see your point, and if I ever get around to collabing with someone on this and eventually subing, I will incorporate the suggestion. *nods* Okay. So... basically, moral of the story here; what works for power metal may not work for OCR, lol. Your advice is appreciated, SLyGeN. Thanks.
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