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Everything posted by DragnBreth

  1. Awesome. Simply awesome. Looking forward to seeing this on the front page! And on my iPod !
  2. Alrighty! So I submitted the track yesterday. Wish me luck. AND A big 'thank you' to everyone who helped (on and off the forums)! Much appreciated!
  3. W00t! More metal! I'm liking the new drums, man. Much more realistic and metalish than the beatcraft drums. I listened to the first one and the new one, and I have to agree with SLyGeN's comment about the kick drum... it still seems kind of lacking. I can hear it just fine, don't get me wrong... but from the sound of the rest of the track, I'm almost expecting something with a little more umph in the higher frequencies... i think... erm... Lemme see... think 'Into Eternity' style kick. I dunno, just a suggestion, lol. Still sounds awesome!
  4. Heh, yeah, I saw the post on the other thread. Actually I think Hylian Lemon did post it where he meant to, since the original poster had mentioned Link to the Past. But I guess it could be relevant here. I did check it out... it was... okay. *shrug* I dunno. I guess my idea's a little too restrictive for an OCR album, eh? It would certainly require a lot of collaboration and coordination, maybe moreso than a regular album would. Still think it'd be a neat idea. Aw well.
  5. A thought I'd had a while back (and who knows, maybe someone else has had the same idea) is a remix album based around Legend of Zelda music (not really game specific), with lyrics, and maybe a completely new Legend of Zelda story being told throughout the album. If anyone has listened to Ayreon's albums you'll kind of have an idea of what I'm talking about. I dunno... It sounds like a great idea to me, and I'd attempt to do it myself... but unfortunately I'm a bit of a n00b at guitar and music writing. And the story idea that I'd had concerning the 'album' is a bit on the cheesy side, but since I was also picturing a bit of power metal it kinda fits, lol. Anyway, I don't know if anyone would want to have a go at this, but I figured it couldn't hurt to post and see. Thanks!
  6. Agreed. -- Alrighty, so, got an updated version up with what I think are the finishing touches for this mix. I -think- I'm ready to submit this. I will put that off, however, for a day or two, just in case someone catches something I might've missed. I did take the suggestion about the concert drum, but only applied it to the near-end of the mix. I also tonned it down from the given example. I found the drum-beat to be a bit much (for the sound I was going for, anyway). So, barring any unforseen problems, I hope this is the final version! Enjoy!
  7. O.o [selfdoubt] I know the LoZ theme is overdone, but I didn't think my mix sucked this much. [/selfdoubt] Alright, back to being serious. I'm still continuing to work on this. I -think- I've managed to fix the horrible dissonace issue around 1:45-2:00 and played around a little with the panning of the oboe and flute near the end so they're not completely treading on each other's toes. However, I'm not sure so few changes would constitute the posting of an update. At this point my major concern is the submitability of the mix. Is it too conservative? Certainly isn't too liberal, lol. But (assuming it gets through to the judges) are the judges going to hear it and go 'Too close to the source material. No' ? Is the main melody's accompaniment too bland? What I was trying to go for a calm in the storm kind of feel. From the fast paced intro to a more calm, mellow melody, then back to being fast paced. I guess what I was kind of picture was Link on his horse, galloping along, then stopping and kind of viewing the landscape. The calm and tranquillity of Hyrule Field, and whatnot. Then he'd ride off again, off to some adventure. *shrug* Suggestions? Comments? Critisism? ... Please?
  8. Awesome! The screams kinda remind me of some of the Metalcore I used to listen to... okay, I still listen to them, but not as often. I tend to be more of a melodic-centered metal person these days, however I still enjoy a good metalcore band every once in a while. I have to agree with a previous comment that the guitars tended to lack body. Other than that, no complaints whatsoever. Looking forward to your next mix!
  9. Weird.... Right after downloading it wouldn't let me edit in the file's property window or in WMP, BUT I dropped it into iTunes on this computer (not mine; parent's. my computer isn't connected to the internet) and edited the data there and it worked fine. And then going back to the file property window I was able to edit it just fine. Sometimes technology is annoying. Okay, so all fixed. We're good. PS: Do you have a specific track order, though? Track #5 (Dead) is the only one that isn't a 0. lol. EDIT: *palmface* Really, I should have tried editing in iTunes before posting, lol. Maybe I need to pay more attention in my troubleshooting courses, lol.
  10. Update. Changes have been listed in the first post and the link has been changed to the new version. A big 'thank you' to everyone who has made comments and suggestions thus far. Your help has been greatly appreciated!
  11. Thanks, Archangel. I'm liking the delayed piano too. Sounds pretty neat, and mixes well with the strings and bell. Ha, yeah, I'll probably alter the beginning. I think the organ (plus the fact that its in a minor key) kinda makes it almost like a funeral bit, or something, which kinda contradicts the piano/strings part of it. Suggestions noted and appreciated. Already working on changing up the melody a bit so its not so repetative. Yeah, using 'tgsf21x' for the organ and piano, the default font for the higher strings, Squidfont Orchestral for the c-bass, and some tublar bell font. They were all free, so... yeah, lol. Unfortunately... I'm stuck . I like the first part of the tune just fine, but I'm having trouble working in the second part.
  12. Some of the guitar in 'Savior' kind of reminds me of old Rebellion songs. So, yeah, this is definately going on my iPod. There is one thing that seems to be a bit of a problem. The track data in some of the MP3s is corrupt or something, cause its all squares and I cannot edit it . Is there any way this can be remedied? I'm kinda OCD when it comes to organizing my music, lol. Glorious Burden, Remembrance, Supernatural Revelations, The Judge, Uprising, and Voices Broken are the affected tracks.
  13. Sorry. I had listened to this, but I think I mighta' gotten a little distracted before posting. I like it thus far. I'm no Judge, but I would say it is different enough from the original that it might pass, with some work. I think jabond23 covered everything really. I'd listen to him. He's been a big help with my own remix. Doubling some of the instruments, bringing out the cymbals a bit, and applying some reverb help a lot. I also gotta say, I love how the intro almost sounds like 'Lindblum Castle' from Final Fantasy IX. Very nice touch. Overall, I like this mix a lot. Keep working at it and keep posting here! I wanna hear more!
  14. Cool! Downloading now! I see 'Savior' is on there. I know for certain I like that one . ... Hmmm... I might have to wait until tomorow to download all the tracks... Downloading is a bit slow at the moment. Kinda wishing you had a torrent for this, but c'est la vie. Good music is worth waitin' for!
  15. w00t!! I'll definitely work on that. I really noticed the change when I doubled up on the cymbals, so I'm pretty excited to see how doubling up on the violin and horn will sound. Yes, that is a harp (or at least the best free harp sounfont I could find, lol). I'll continue to tweek the EQ on it, see if that helps. Although an interesting idea, I'm not so great at writing harmonies, even for something as simple as the harp sections. Ahhh. Yeah. The roll is actually a built in function of the Timpani soundfont I'm using. Not sure how the single hits would sound as triplets, but I'll give it a try. Even if it doesn't work it'll at least be a learning experience. Not at all! As you pointed out, I am willing to learn and improve. Heck, eager might be a better term. Your advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
  16. Two remixes on the go at one time... a good thing? I dunno. I started this partly just to play around with some of the instruments in the soundfonts I use, partly to test the Delay FX which had been suggested for use in my "Ride of the Hero" remix, and now sort of a break from the aforementioned remix so I don't go crazy focusing on a single thing. Anyway, it is by no means complete, so any suggestions or comments on that front would be most helpful. Enjoy.
  17. I've worked on it, and hopefully I've made some progress. I've listed the alterations and additions to my first post, as well as a link to the latest version. I decided to use gameremixes.com since it provides slightly more organization to the wip process. As always comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism are wecome.
  18. Dude, if your next ReMix is even half as good as this one, it won't matter what game its from! I'll listen to it anyway! Very awesome. Thouroughly enjoyed that. My only qualm is that my attempt to download it froze my browser . Perhaps putting it up on mediafire or somesuch media hosting site? I look forward to hearing more music from you!
  19. w00t! Some AoE love! Sounding good so far! Interested to see where you go with this.
  20. Thanks One of the main issues with my last attempt at remixing was that I stuck a bit too close to the source material. Hopefully I'm improving a little on that. Mmm... Again, this was an attempt to improve on my last remixing project. Lack of dynamics was the issue. I thought slowing down into the main melody would add to that. I'll work on the strings, but I'm not sure I want to change the tempo... not yet, anyway. That is unfortunately the result of my n00bish music knowledge. I haven't actually been able to figure out what key the theme is written in... my initial thought is A# minor, but some of the chords in the progression just don't match. Now I know this is done in music, and is normal, but it makes it difficult to incorporate new ideas and make it sound good. Again, it's probably just my lack of knowledge that is the culprit here. I'll work on it.
  21. Looking forward to this album! One of my favorite games and one of my favorite game soundtracks. I only wish I wasn't a remix-n00b and could participate. oh well. The release will not come soon enough!
  22. Thanks, jabond23. Yeah, 'kinda remember' is better than 'you've posted before?' lol. Yeah, I too find it very dry, but have not really had any idea as to how to fix that. I'll play around with reverb/chorus/delay and see if I can work on that aspect. Yes, clipping has been an issue, and according to FL Studio (which is what I've been using) I'm pretty darn close to clipping problems even as-is. But I'll continue playing with the EQ and maybe it'll help. Heh, yeah, a lot of trial and error. Thats what the last month or so of working on this mix has been, lol. But I will definately continue working on it. I like this idea too much to let it die, lol. @All: I guess I should mention that I don't think its quite finished. I mean, I've got the opening intro, the slowdown into the main theme, speed up again, but I have a feeling more should come after that... just not sure what exactly. Suggestions?
  23. Well, thats what counts. You (RH, that is) like it, and everyone else likes it! w00t awesome VGM!!
  24. EDIT: "Take 2" aka OCR says, "Nice Try, but No." Okay, so, here I am again, with the same source music, but different remix. I've been working on my remixing abilities since my last WIP, and I think I've improved, at least slightly, since then. I decided to go for more of an orchestral type of remix rather than... er, well, whatever the heck my last one was. Piano/Orchestral? I don't know. Anyway, the idea for this actually came to me while I was listening to Richard Wagner's "The Ride of the Valkyries." I pondered, "Wagner meets Legend of Zelda?" for a bit and then started on this... I am no Wagner. But it got me started on remixing again when I had not done so in a while, so... Anyway, constructive criticism and suggestions are appreciated. Take 2: Version 2.1 Updates ---------------------------- - Attempt to fix unwanted dissonace - Brief (and I stress brief) Sun Song cameo - Attempt to add more dynamics to mix by + adding some legato strings + minor variations in tempo Version 1.4 Updates ---------------------------- - Fixed unwanted dissonance - Added concert drum backing during latter half of song - Tweaked ending harmony with flute Version 1.3 Updates ---------------------------- - Doubled up on some of the instruments - Changed up the timpani a bit so it is not so repetative - Slight EQ changes to the harp. Hopefully it sounds better - The very last go through of the outro melody... well, you'll see. If it sucks just let me know and I'll discard it. It was kinda just a test... - And finally, added what I think is a suitable ending to this mix Version 1.2 Updates ---------------------------- - Took jabond's double-cymbal suggestion - Tweeked the EQ in a number of areas - Changed the violins during main melody - Fixed (I hope) the issue with 1:45-2:00ish - Slight alteration to the end
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