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Everything posted by DragnBreth

  1. Well... it sounds cool. I'm having difficulty picking out the source in there though. I hear it a bit, but not a lot. (But then again I could hardly tell tefnek's mix was One Winged Angel, but I still enjoy it, so...). Also, I gotta say, the guitars sound a lot like the Slayer vst in FL Studio right now. I've never used Shreddage so I can't really offer any advice on that. I would suggest, though, that you might add a second guitar playing lower chords or some kind of chugging riff to add to the dark tone you're going for. Sorry I can't be much more help than that. Looking forward to more!
  2. Well, that's the case with any chord progression. Use it too much in a song and it will become repetitious and boring. EDIT: And it likely comes down to a matter of taste too... really need to finish my thoughts before posting.
  3. Just not my style. *Shrug* Truth be told, I hardly listen to anything that isn't video game related anymore, lol. On my "Top 25 Played" list theres only 5 songs that aren't VG, and 3/5 are Dream Theater. I was playing with the I V vi IV chord progression on my guitar, though, and I can see why its so widely used; it just sounds good, whether you're playing full chords or just power chords. A friend of mine showed it to me a while back... now I can't help but hear Canon on the rare occasion that I listen to Basketcase, lol. Okay, okay, so I'm not completely averse to popular music... gotta start somewhere, ne?
  4. Niiiiice... glad I don't listen to pop music... although my luck the next metal song I listen to will have those same chords, lol. On a related note: Along the same lines as Axis of Awesome.
  5. I think all you have to do is go in and edit the first post. It'll show the drop-down box for WIP/Finished/Mod Review.
  6. Oh... lol. Love CT's music, but I don't really know the song titles. "To Peaceful Times" ? First thing that entered my mind.
  7. ^ This It lives up to its title. Very peaceful, very soothing. At first I had to wonder what song it was, but it soon became very clear. I like the slight changes you've made to the melody as well as the way you've built up to the point that you're at. My only qualm is that its not finished, lol. Doesn't sound all that cheesy to me. Looking forward to your next update! Awesome work!
  8. Okay, right off the bat I want to say that I'm not looking for mixing/mastering/sample quality feedback for this. Why? Cause its a MIDI. Now before you all stone me, let me explain. I can't play guitar worth beans. I cannot purchase Shreddage for I am paying for college via my income working as a courtesy clerk. I can, however work on my composition skills. And what better way to do that then through MIDI, ne? Specifically via TuxGuitar. See, eventually I'd like to be able to turn one of my metal MIDIs into an actual song, whether through a collaboration (which is probably the best option, atm) or through my own l33t guitar skillz... . So, I would really appreciate some feedback as to composition before I go and request a collab. On to the remix! Robotnik's Metal Ambush MIDI Robotnik's Metal Ambush Tab PS The Tab file is in *.tg format. TuxGuitar doesn't save as anything other tab format. Version 2 --------------- - Extended to 3:14 (from the original 2:00) - Within the extension: \ Varied up the rhythm guitar section | A bit of a breakdown with original symphonic elements | Another run-through of the original melody / Changed the ending
  9. Strings sound fine to me. Its just the choir, for me, anyway. I don't think its the choir's sound, but rather the notes that are being played. But I guess it would not hurt to attempt a different VST. I get that problem here. The heat plays havok with the wires that run through the attic (the idiot who thought of running them up there needs to be slapped). We use DSL, so you get these phone lines running through a literal hot zone and attenuation runs rampant. ; I hate living in Arizona. Anywho... Lookin' forward to the next update!
  10. Currently listening to my parents watching Star Trek VI: The Undescovered Country... near the end where the Enterprise is nearing Kitomer and the Klingon prototype that can fire while cloaked is hunting them. Good movie, but I wanted to watch Stargate SG-1 Okay, for some real music... WIP - Legend of Zelda Dungeon Theme - jabond23
  11. Okay, now the choir right at the beginning is sounding off to me. Like there are notes that are out of key or something. Better . Repeating 8 times before the melody kicked in was a bit much. It works much better now, me thinks. And once the melody kicks in it adds the variation necessary to keep the riff from becoming too repetative. I would, however, suggest ending it with something other than a sudden stop. It may just be me, but I'm not a big fan of songs just suddenly ending (although I'm sure there are any number that I listen to that do just that). Something that tells the listener "hey, I'm ending now!"... and making sure you end on the root chord. Because the song is meant to loop in the game, it likely does not end on the root chord. It just brings a sense of finality to the song, instead of leaving you hanging.
  12. Dude, you totally need to collab with someone for vocals! That would be awesome. ... but not me. I can't sing. Or scream. Or growl. Lol. Anyway, definitely picking up on the metalcore / melodeath influence (I think you've mentioned before that some of your influences are in those styles). Pretty awesome. The drums fit a lot better into this style than the old drums. Me likes. Still. lol. Now this time, no saving over the project file, 'kay? Keep it comin', dude!
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. Your hopes are not in vain! Still awesome. Okay, so, on first listen, I gotta say, as soon as the riffing kicks in the choir sounds off until it cuts out. When it comes back in later it sounds fine, but its just after that pause that is sounds kinda off. The pause, by the way, works nicely, imo. I'm still gonna have to go with my original comment about the guitar riff that comes in at 0:45. Still sounds a bit repetative. Its an awesome riff, but its short and repeated a lot. Varying the riff a little after a bit might be advisable. (However, since I'm the only one who has brought this up, it may just be me lol ) Keep up the awesome work!
  15. Ahh, yeah. That happens. Well, sometimes it helps to step away from a project for a bit and then go back to it a while later. Kinda gives you a fresh view of your work. Mind you, I've only experienced this with my stories. Haven't been into music writing long enough, lol.

  16. Me likes! Okay so, I'ma gonna have to agree with Dj Mokram about the transition into the guitar. You definately need a fade out or something in there and then BAM! Metal! (We need a headbanging emoticon on here...) Also, I gotta say the riffing that comes in at :44, although awesome, gets kinda repetitive after a while. Might wanna throw some variation in there... like, not right away, but maybe after the melody comes back in again. Keep workin' on it, man! Looking forward to the finished product!
  17. Hey, no problem. As soon as its done it'll be goin' on my iPod. :) It'll have a nice comfy spot next to BogusRed, kLuTz, and McVaffe piano mixes.

  18. Am in agreement about Firefly and Serenity. Awesome, awesome show and movie. (Can't say much about Astonishing X-Men, though... stopped reading X-Men comics after about Uncanny X-Men #300) Should be interesting.
  19. Wants to listen... ...but I'm in class Must wait.
  20. Will get an OCR shirt eventually... as soon as the Medium black t-shirts are back in stock.
  21. Oh good! Less effort on my part when adding new mixes to my iTunes. I've been doing that for a while - filling in the Grouping field as the game name. It does come in handy, esspecially if you have mixes with less organized title naming schemes.
  22. Did I just inadvertantly start my own project here? O.o lol I seriously doubt I could pull this off though. I was kinda hoping that, by posting this, someone more prominent in the remixing scene would take the idea and run with it. Lead the project and whatnot. I'd like to see this idea come to fruition, but I don't have the means or the experience to do so myself... y'know? But I guess a lot of the metal-heads here are tied up in the FFIX project, eh? lol.
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