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Everything posted by DragnBreth

  1. Very cool. I'm kinda reminded of early Paradise Lost (although, this is substantially more upbeat, lol). I'm interested to see what you come up with for lyrics and vocals.
  2. No matter how many metal covers I hear of this song, it never gets old. Great job. (btw, anyone else get the feeling that the main melody would sound great as a vocal melody?)
  3. Sweet. 10char
  4. Haven't really sat down and read a comic book in a long time, but my favorites have always been the classics: Uncanny X-Men, The Amazing Spiderman, Fantastic Four, Wolverine, Thor, The Avengers, The Incredible Hulk... etc.
  5. Ooooo! Very cool. I think the galloping riff at the beginning could use a bit o' tightening up (I mean its not bad, and I'd listen to the song regardless, but it does sound a slight bit off). Other than that, very nice.
  6. I'd probably place this under Alternative Metal or Nu Metal. The vocals tend to point in that direction, as well as the lack of a solo and variety of musical styles within the song. Although not really a big fan of either genres (I do still listen to a few Alt/Nu Metal bands on occasion), I am enjoying this song. As has already been pointed out, there are some good licks, the lyrics are pretty cool and are definitely more to my liking than the majority of songs of this style, and the variety of vocal styles (now that I think about it) kind of reminds me of "The Crossroads". All that being said, this is infinitely better than anything I can do, so... yeah. Keep up the awesome work.
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Wasn't diggin' it at first, but continuing to listen to it I'm warming up to it a bit more. Also, heard some of BG's new album and Kamelot. BG I think did a better job on the new one than they did with Twist in the Myth (although I do enjoy it). Kamelot... They're good, but I prefer their Epica era stuff. But thats just me. Don't forget and . Sorry. Haven't really gotten into them.
  9. To echo whats already been said; awesome! Pretty much melodic death metal. Sans the growling.
  10. Not actually volunteering for anything, lol. Just posting to say I am definitely looking forward to this. Also, is this going to be kinda along the lines of Aryeon or Star One? If so, I approve!
  11. Somehow I missed the original post. Sounding good so far, man. Two thumbs up!
  12. Cool. I like it. The vocals at times almost sound like the lead singer from Serenity (obscure band, I know, lol). Lookin' forward to the finished product!
  13. Very nice. Esspecially liking 'Winds of Change'. Kinda reminds me of Threat Signal and Soulscar. Good stuff.
  14. Worth a listen... and a repeat... and a repeat... and a repeat... you get the point, right? Wow. I think I have a new favorite String Quartet cover song. Another amazing example: (Honestly, I think I prefer this version over the original.) But yeah, basically any of the String Quartet albums are worth checking out. And they have a lot of them, covering a range of different rock/metal groups (and possibly non-rock; I've never really checked).
  15. The Damned is just trying to give us all heart attacks. Edit: BTW, looking forward to this album by a lot.
  16. Been working on my remixing skillz for about a year now, and been attempting to teach myself how to play the guitar for about two. Before then I never really had the means to work with music except dabling a bit in MIDI editors. Actually the only reason I got a guitar was my friends decided to pool their resources and bought me a guitar for my 19th birthday. Best. Friends. Ever. Kinda wish I had started earlier, but at least I started eventually, right? Right. Edit: To clarify, I am one of those guys craning his neck to see the bar, but I'ma workin on it.
  17. Sounds like an awesome idea. Lookin' forward to hearin' this when its done!
  18. Yeah, thats somethin' I'm workin on, although I hadn't thought to do it in the last part, lol. Thanks
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