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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Uh oh. 404 not found The link looks odd... http://williammichael.net/aocc/l It should read... http://williammichael.net/aocc/index.html
  2. Shame this happened. Having one sibling kill another sibling must have been a nightmare for the mother. I can't imagine getting that kind of news, and knowing your family just... self destructed. Not sure why killing a child is only getting the teenagers possibly 48 years though. Seems like their actions should be bringing the likely possibility of life sentences. I mean, they beat a little kid to death, while drunk, and they're being charged as adults. See no reason for them not to be put away for good.
  3. Don't take this as my jumping down your throat Dafydd, as it's not intended that way... Let me ask you a question... do you believe that every gaming magazine and website since the gaming press came to be, has been doing something on the same illegality level as offering game ROMs? The gaming industry doesn't charge us for screenshots, they charge us for full (or at times, partial) games. They generally seem to give out screenshots for free, so why would it be illegal for us to do the same in some form? My taking screen grabs from Ghostbusters and putting them on my website, is not the same thing as my hosting a VOB file of the entire movie. If it was, then every movie (and gaming) site/magazine out there would be shut down or sued out of business. If the movie and gaming industry don't view these two things in the same light, I really don't know why you do. One simply isn't the other. And as I've come to understand it, the game music you can find on sites like project2612.org (great site for Genesis tunes) isn't ROM data, but rather, it's a format made by a user to specifically record a given system's music. It's not the original ROM data from the cartridge you're playing, but a virtual cassette tape if you will... much like what we used to do as kids when we recorded the game music off of our TVs. Yes you need to have the illegal ROM to make those recordings in various emulators, but the recordings themselves haven't been questioned after all these years to the best of my knowledge. I haven't heard of anyone who's gotten a C&D order because they had VGM or SPC soundtrack files hosted on their site. I imagine they fall into the same area as remixes... as long as there's no profit being made, and no gaming ROMs are being offered, the game companies don't pay it much mind
  4. Why not just make a general statement on the introduction page of the wiki? Tell the readers the different types of sources that were used to gather the information for the bios, and how carefully each bio was combed over to make sure the facts were as accurate as possible, and then simply remove any links/references to those sites/manuals/gamebooks from the end section of the individual bio pages. Just a thought.
  5. To the best of my knowledge, those aren't seen as being part of any ROMs, but rather, simply part of a screenshot. And as we all know, screenshots are everywhere on the web, and in magazines. You can host all the screenshots you want on your website, as there's nothing actually playable being given away. It's just an picture of a moment from the game, which game companies have yet to be against. So having those bits of screenshots (or wallpapers) here doesn't seen to violate anything. Chiptunes are a bit fuzzier, but again, no ROMs are being given away, and no commercial CDs have been ripped from. It's just the music as it originally was. I don't believe any companies have had issue with sites hosting the musical data in its various formats (VGM, SPC, GSF, etc) for free, only mp3 rips of commercially sold game music CDs (be they the original sounding music recorded as mp3s, or remixed music). I could be very wrong on this, and if I am, hopefully someone will correct me.
  6. That guy's quite good. Shame he uploaded poor sounding sub-60KB/s mp3s on that theme, and others.
  7. Don't we all? That place has been a remarkable help in the used game world.
  8. It makes sense. It's hard to have fun with unsuspecting people when so many know the character you're trying to fool them with. He got some mileage out of Borat and the other one, so it's a good idea to come up with a new character or two now.
  9. Well, since linking to ROMs, free mp3s of music that's being actively sold, and stuff like that is forbidden on OCR, I'm not sure why you thought linking to copyrighted text and images from a printed book would be fine, Linearity. It may be a different medium, but it is a visual scanning of material that belongs to a company. To the best of my knowledge, those sites didn't get permission to scan those manuals, so I can understand why linking to it's a no-no. To be honest, I'm not even sure why we had to link to them when writing the bios. I was under the assumption that all they were there for was just backing up bio info so we could prove we weren't simply pulling it out of our ass
  10. Since it's been brought up, I wish to only have my screen name listed. Thanks.
  11. I don't wanna. Ah yoo oh kay? Busta Woof! Eh! Comuh comuh!
  12. Perhaps it was two guys with guns, shouting, "WII WOULD LIKE TO PLAY MUTHA FUCKA!"
  13. And Disruptor did it a year before that
  14. Remix done, and subbed. Check up on that PM Box of yours, Dyne.
  15. There is no end. Enduro plays like its title suggests... you go until you lose. You have to pass a certain number of cars during the game's "24 hour" period (which is about 5 minutes or so), or you're done. The game cycles on a steady timer, so regardless of how fast or slow you go, you have the same amount of time to pass the needed number of cars.
  16. Don't know when this 4/3 thing started (which seems a bit unbalanced to me), but a couple years ago, virtually everything that had straight NOs had four of them unless there was a NO override.
  17. Guess I better start repenting. This has to be one of the signs.
  18. Nope. Enduro (1983) by Activision for the Atari 2600 was a racing game that featured this 14 years before Harvest Moon
  19. Well, I know for certain that FF7 wasn't the first game to swear. Exile for the Genesis beat it by quite a few years in 1991. It has words like "Damn" and "Ass" in it. Might not be the F-bomb or whatever, but for console gaming in the early 90s, that's quite a step up. I'm sure there were games before Exile that used at least "Damn", or "Hell".
  20. No, and I don't know where my children are. Of course, I don't have any, but that's beside the point. Anyway, it's getting there. Still adding stuff to it and trying to make it a little more varied. I'll probably be attempting to equalize it and whatnot on Wednesday. That reminds me... is there a set KB/s to be used? 192? 160? 320 (which seems like overkill)?
  21. I may be wrong, but... - Sonic and Knuckles was the first (only?) lock-on cartridge of its type. - Herzog Zwei was the first RTS game.
  22. Did some tests. Most of the characters work fine with a dark BG, expect for the Chinese girl, the vampire chick, and the robot. The Vampire chick and the robot have mostly mid-range to darker colors, so they really start disappearing on a dark BG. The Chinese chick has an intensely blue dress, with dark gray hair. Finding a color for her that doesn't make her dress or her hair vanish is tough, but here's some that I came up with... Thoughts? LT: The darker shades for the first set of images definitely work better. I'm gonna sound anal, but with the 32x32 limit, I'm definitely not feeling body shot images with BGM where something reaches the edge; it just makes it look bootleg how the background color doesn't envelop the image. Maybe try to resize the images for those so they're 30 pixels tall maximum, if the resize looked good. It might be too hard to get some of these looking good on any sort of solid background color, but maybe you'll hit paydirt with other colors. Designating them 1-10 with 1-5 being the top row and 6-10 being the bottom: I'd take 3, 7, 8 & 9 as is, definitely. They look awesome. 1 and 5, I'd take with a different background color than that brown shade. 2, 4, 5 & 10 are the clearly the toughest to really hit a solid BG color for, as you've already found out. Sorry for taking so long in my reply, Coop. Thanks for the effort on these so far!
  23. No problem. I tried out several colors (and variations of them) for the backgrounds... Do any of them strike your fancy LT? Also, would you prefer them all on the same colored background, or should I use a few colors, and give each character whichever one works best for it (like give Bob an orange bg, Bub a pale blue bg, etc)? LT: The light colors generally aren't giving enough contrast for the images to stand out. I'd experiment with several darker shades.
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