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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. And if you're not, you get a complimentary set of emo glasses and hair to use so you can mope about thinking no one likes you in proper style
  2. Batman (Action Platformer) Batman: Return of the Joker (Action) Blaster Master (Action) Burai Fighter (Shmup) Casltevania (Action Platformer) Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (Action Platformer/RPG) Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (Action Platformer) Contra (Run 'N Gun) Dragon Warrior (RPG) Dragon Warrior II (RPG) Dragon Warrior III (RPG) Dragon Warrior IV (RPG) Dr. Mario (Puzzle) Galaga (shmup) Gargoyle's Quest II (Action RPG) Guardian Legend (Shmup) Gun Nac (Shmup) Heavy Barrel (Run 'N Gun) LifeForce (Shmup) Metal Gear (Action Stealth) Metal Storm (Action) Metroid (Action Platformer) MegaMan 1-6 (Platformer) Ninja Gaiden (Action Platformer) Ninja Gaiden II (Action Platformer) Ninja Gaiden III (Action Platformer) Silk Worm (Shmup) Super C (Run 'N Gun) Tetris (Tengen version) (Puzzle) TMNT II: The Arcade Game (Action) TMNT III: The Manhattan Project (Action) Zanac (Shmup)
  3. Perhaps I'm being naive, but if these wiki pages work anything like the ones on Wikipedia, why not have "What_Is_Darkstalkers" as the page name at the URL's end, instead of a given bio's number/name? Is there some specific formula that has to be used in this wiki URL setup, or was that your plan to begin with?
  4. Actually, it would be Fishy who was behind that miscommunication when I joined. avaris sent me a PM first seeing if I wanted to join, then he/she forwarded my response to Fishy. I was then told by the Fish-man, that anyone with remixes on OCR was accepted without question, and not to worry about it ("it" being what I told avaris/Fishy about my setup in that response PM). As for project, I'm not fond of the idea of handing over my mixes to someone so they can apply their samples and whatnot. That quickly turns into a game of PM tag every time I adjust something, and can easily lead to having to wait weeks to see how it sounds. So I just avoid that area altogether these days, as it's proven to be more of a pain in the ass than it's worth. I tried out Reaper, and have kind of started to understand how it works. However, I've not found a single good free VST or VSTi that I liked the sound of just for the piano alone. I also can't get the soundfont samples (Squidfont, TGSF21x, and a few others) to sound like they're not heavily muffled (as in, "turn off the treble, and throw a thick blanket over the speaker"-type muffled). Selecting different sounds in a soundfont set doesn't seem to work either, and nothing I've read explains what I did wrong (if anything), or what's not working right (if anything). In short, it's pissing me off
  5. I've made several threads about ghost stories around Halloween over the years. I would have made on last year too, but someone beat me to it. Of course, it died off just as fast as the previous ones made by me, so the symmetry is still there
  6. Sounds like "You Keep Me Hangin' On" by The Supremes. It's been covered by a number of artists since its debut in 1966.
  7. Well, here are my thoughts (yes, I do get them from time to time... hurts though)... Each image links to the short bio, right. In each of those short bios, I figure a few things can be done. 1) Make it so each time the word "Darkstalkers" comes up, it's automatically made a link to the "What is" page, 2) put the "What is" info somewhere on each of the short bio pages, or 3) make each image link to the "What is" page, have links to each of the seven bios on that page, and then have a link to each ones extended version on their pages, so that the linkage system would work like this... Anyway, just some possibilities.
  8. God... you people and your sidebars. You just have to have them on everything, don't you? DON'T YOU?! But serioously, seeing as how OCR already has a sidebar, having one in FireFox would be quite redundant. And if you have a skin that's currently omitting the sidebar (like the ones Rama made a while back), then why not simply remove that skin and use the sidebar that's already there? As for browsing the newest remixes, wouldn't it be simpler to just put that option under the "browse" tab that's along the top of every OCR page?
  9. I'm not familiar with how the wiki coding works, but couldn't you just put a URL link at the end of a short bio that goes to its long one, and then a similar link at the end of that long one that goes back to its short one? The short bios are the main pages if my understanding is correct, so it seems logical that the only way to reach the 7 extended bios is to link to them only from their short ones. ... Is that paragraph as confusing to read as it was to write?
  10. You'll eventually hear it. It's just not looking like it'll be as a part of PoAP.
  11. I believe "Merry-Go-Round" is open again, as I simply don't have the equipment to meet the standards of the project.
  12. That place has been dead since I posted on the 23rd in my WIP thread. IT'S ALL MY FAULT
  13. Bump, and still trying to find that archived thread.
  14. I've been following this argument for a while, and figured I'd hop in to post a few problems that console users (up until recently) really didn't have to contend with... - Graphics/audio/bios/etc. driver updates that require each file being installed to not be corrupted or put in the wrong place. Otherwise, your PC refuses to work right in some fashion. - Malware, viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, and of course, the occasional hack attack that affect how well you're system functions. - OSs that decide to stop working, and require a reinstall... or perhaps a destructive restore. - The need to make sure your OS/graphics card/audio card is supported by the software you just bought. - The need to wait for a company's video drivers to properly support the game and/or graphics card you just bought. - Having a system that meets all the requirements, but it still can't run a given game made for that system. - Having your older games become unplayable when a new OS comes out. - Adjusting in game settings, or graphics card/audio settings, to get a game to run. - Having to wait for a patch to fix some aspect of the game so it does what it's supposed to. As I said, a lot of that stuff wasn't an issue for console gamers until the 360/PS3 came along. If you had an XBox, and you bought an XBox game, it was going to run as long as your system worked. There have always been missed bugs in games, but PC games have suffered a lot more from those missed bugs than console games. Granted, now console games are doing their best to catch up since they too can be patched, but I believe those are some of the problems I-n-j-i-n was referring to. Some folks see them as regularly occurring problems, others have never had those issues. It's all going to stem from personal experience. As for me, I personally don't assign genres to a given system. I'll happily play any RPG, FPS, RTS, flight game, or whatever that I'm interested in, on whatever system it's on. I just go for the version that turned out the best overall if it got a multi-system release
  15. ... What kind of specs were on that thing, and what kind of horrific overcharging were you hit with? When Doom 3 was released in 2004, I had my current PC (XP HE, P4 3.0GHz), with 512MB of cheapy RAM, and an AGP Radeon 9800 Pro... and I got somewhere between 25-45fps usually with the settings on High, and a reso of 1024x768.
  16. I'm honestly sometimes surprised at how well my 2003/2004 AGP computer is keeping up. Up until I've read some of the specs on the insanely demanding games this year, I've been able to run stuff like Oblivion, the Bioshock demo, the C&C 3 demo, and a decent number of their brethren either decently all maxed out (15-20fps), or pretty well all maxed out (20-30+ fps)... and that's with a 7800GS, 1GB of PC3200 RAM, and a P4 at 3.00E GHz (I think it might be a Prescott, but I've never been able to find out for certain). Sure, stuff like Gears of War and them will probably choke my PC now, but still...
  17. Finally got a chance to sit down and listen to this thing all the way through. Nice work everyone
  18. C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! Whoops. Wrong game.
  19. At sixteen and seventeen, they know right from wrong unless they're heavily retarded. They knew drinking at that age was wrong, they knew beating the shit out of a 7 year old was very wrong, and frankly, they can spend the rest of their lives in an 8'x10' cell thinking about how wrong it was as far as I'm concerned. Even a horrid parent can't stop teenagers at that age from knowing what they did was way past something to blame on childhood ignorance. As such, the blame lies solely in the laps of Lamar Roberts, and Heather Trujillo... not the game, not the alcohol maker, and unless the parent knew her daughter drank and knew what abusive pricks she and her friend were when they got drunk, not even with the parent. It's just that simple.
  20. A bump from the grave with a ported classic... Another World More commonly known as Out of this World in the US, this is a GBA port of that classic DOS/Amiga game. It's very faithful, plays well, and despite being in a lower resolution due to the GBA's screen, it still looks a lot like the original. Even the sounds are still there with the cinemas. And, if you have one of those GBA flash carts, you can even load the game into your GBA for play on the go. And before anyone panics, this version of the game is indeed freeware. Not only that, but the person who made this port worked with Erich Chahi (the original game's creator) to make this port happen. So grab Visual Boy Advance (or load up your flash carts), and play a PC classic from 1991.
  21. Yeah yeah, I'm about to make another pesky suggestion I don't know exactly how many total writers there were for this project, but why not just send them a PM and ask them how they want to be credited? Let them know they have a choice, with either real name (screen name), or just screen name. If they respond, then go with what they chose. If they don't respond within a set time period (a couple days to maybe a week?), then only use their screen name just to be safe. You guys know I only want my screen name on there, so that takes care of one writer already
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