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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Have you tried giving the metal tabs on the cartridges a good cleaning (front and back)? If you don't have any safe liquids that can be used, an old, dry t-shirt will do for wiping them down. Also, try checking the power plug to make sure it's in securely. If it's not quite all the way in, it could cause graphical issues from the power fluctuation if it wiggles.
  2. A few from Puzzle Bobble 2... In order, there's... Willy Whistle, Unknown, Mighta, Unknown, Unknown Unknown, Monsta, Bob, Bub, Unknown I'm still trying to find names for the unknown ones, but thus far, no luck. Oh, and here they are without a background... I also found out that s name is Benzo. LT: With the backgrounds is good, but I'm not feeling a black background. If you can switch it to something more stylish, I'd take 'em. Thanks for the info on Benzo.
  3. OH LOOK! A WIP... TC_AlgorythmicCarol.mp3 Still got some things to try and tinker with (like instrument definition, getting rid of the crackling towards the end of the WIP, figuring out what to add for a third and final playing of the main chorus, etc.).
  4. Not yet. I just started working on it last night.
  5. I'm still here with this, but I completely scrapped my first idea. It just wasn't working out that well, so I started over from scratch. I'm not expecting it to be very long, probably between 1:30 and 2:30 (absolute tops), but thus far, I like it better.
  6. Nope. You can choose only from the preset ones that are in your User Control Panel, under "Edit Avatar".
  7. Not really... from me anyway. If it's not dirt and gunk making your system show glitchy graphics, then it's more than likely either the metal connector pins inside the cartridge slot showing their age, or the metal tabs on the cartridge wearing out. About the only thing I can suggest, is putting the cartridge all the way in, and then pulling it ever so slightly up. It sounds odd, but it's worked for me with games that just refused to run (makes the SNES' connector pins touch an area of the cartridge tabs that's not usually used). Not sure about this, but you could try looking up info on whether or not the connector pins in the SNES' cartridge slot are replaceable. I know the NES' ones can be replaced pretty easily, but I've not heard anything about the SNES.
  8. As I said, it's the poor man's cleaning cart. Credit cards themselves are thinner than the circuit board of an SNES cart. So if you use a thinner materialed t-shirt (or perhaps an under shirt), a good handkerchief, or something like that, then the card and cloth won't add up to being any thicker than a normal cartridge circuit board. It does work, as I've done it plenty of times back before I had any kind of cleaning carts. The key is just making sure you use a shirt/cloth that's not really thick. Don't use anything that already has chemicals on it, and don't put any chemicals on the cloth/shirt you're using. Just a plain, dry cloth will do fine. Gunk builds up in that cartridge slot over the years, as the protective flap systems like the Genesis and SNES have simply don't keep all the dust and moisture out. A dry cloth takes care of both in one slide in/out (or two if it's really bad).
  9. I guess it shows how little interest I had, since I didn't even know they were on tonight. I watched the debut of that awards show on Spike a couple years ago, and that was enough to keep me from coming back
  10. Got a credit card or state ID handy? If you do, find a small piece of thin cloth (an old Summer t-shirt would work). Take the card, put it in the cloth, and fold the cloth over one of the shorter sides of the card so it's wrapped in the cloth. Hold that cloth tightly in place so it doesn't move around, and slowly slide the cloth-side of the card into the cartridge slot. Pull it straight back out (no wiggling or swiping), and you'll probably see a bunch of dark, greasy gunk on the cloth. You don't wanna put that back in there, so wrap an unused section of the cloth on that end of the card again, and just keep doing this until you go from one end of the cartridge slot to the other. Be sure you don't use tissue or paper towel, as they'll rip and leave debris behind. It's a poor man's version of the cleaning carts that used to be sold in places like Funcoland, but as long as the cloth and card aren't thicker than an actual cartridge's circuit board, and you hold that cloth tight, the pins won't get stretched or bent.
  11. You're not retarded, Mustin. There is no PM button. If you want to send a PM to someone, you have to click on their name, scroll down a bit, and click the "Send a private message to _____" line in the "Contact Info" box. Not particularly streamlined, huh?
  12. If she's in this game, and you follow the scale from II, to III:TS, each of her thighs should be about three feet across.
  13. It does if you believe in reincarnation
  14. XZero + sephfire- That was a joke. That's why I put ";-)" there You speak as if it's a fact. But right now, it's not. The only facts that can be said to be true of this situation are 1) Jeff was fired from Gamespot. That's it. All the drama surrounding why and how that departure came about is complete speculation at the moment, based off of coincidences and the unknown people who want to be quoted, and not identified. But all the coincidences in the world don't make something true, and I'm not one to take the words of mystery posters as truths, and it's been surprising to me just how many people have done exactly that. I'm currently not on either side in this War of the Webs. I won't defend or bash Gamespot, nor will I defend or bash Jeff... beyond questioning the quality of a number of his reviews. There's no prise for being right the fastest in this, so why rush to a conclusion with so little info?
  15. Actually, it was Sega that caused 9-11 with Propeller Arena. Why do you think it was "canceled", hmmm? They didn't want the US government to get a hold of the evidence.
  16. Writing things that aren't or can't (currently) be proven as if they're facts is worse though, and it's that very thing that's running rampant.
  17. You sure about that? How else would you explain That's So Raven, and That's So Raven 2 on the GBA? Hmmmmmmmmm?
  18. Think he's laughing most at all the posters on Gamespot's forums that are striking for 24 hours on his behalf?
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